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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

Page 25

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She knew the instant he woke up, when his body tensed beside hers.

“It’s Addie.”

“Addie,” he whispered.

Addie smiled. She would have thought after all he had to drink and how soundly he’d been passed out downstairs, that she might have trouble waking him.

She drew her fingers down his powerful arm—bigger than she expected. “Do you mind that I’m here?”

He chuckled, deep and low. Addie stilled. She’d never heard Kevin laugh like that.

Before she could think further, his body heaved over and she was underneath him, his broad masculine body trapping her against the sheets. And before she could say anything, gasp or even breathe, he kissed her, a long, slow sweet kiss that made her feel like she was melting into the mattress.

When he came up for air, she knew she’d have to do something. Say something.

But then he was kissing her again. And this time her body caught fire without her permission. She made a funny helpless noise she’d never heard herself make before, and her mouth opened to his kisses and it was all she could do not to open her legs as well and let him inside her right then and there.

Because it was so, so good.

Beyond good.

Unbelievably good.

It just wasn’t Kevin.


NOW WHAT? ADDIE WAS lying half underneath Derek instead of Kevin, and Derek was kissing her, sweet perfect kisses that reached all the way around her body and pulled her closer to him in every respect. She wasn’t exactly objecting.

Which left her with a terribly painful choice to make. Either she could pretend she’d meant to come into Derek’s bedroom all along and go through with the seduction, or—

Addie gasped. Derek had started tasting the curve where her shoulder left off and her neck began, sending shivers...everywhere.

This was a time for rational superpowers.

Like this: either continue the seduction, or she could—and should—be honest, tell Derek she was sorry, truly sorry, but she’d made a terrible mistake. And then he’d stop sending her into orbit.

As he’d sent dozens and dozens of other women, all around the world.

That did it.

“Derek.” She put up a hand to ward off his next kiss, which he was aiming for her mouth.

“Yes, Addie.” He sounded amused. What was so funny?

“Um. The thing is.”

“Ye-e-s?” He kissed her bare shoulder, a slow gentle kiss that made her pause, because her shoulder had never been made to feel quite that way and she wanted to enjoy it.

“I made a mistake.”

“Really.” He lowered his head to her breast; his mouth took her nipple. Wet heat. Pressure. A shock of pleasure through her.

She closed her eyes and forced out her new mantra: other women. Many other women. Probably all other women.

“I thought you were Kevin.”

He lifted off her very, very disappointed breast. “Yeah?”

Completely unconcerned. Addie blinked up at what she could see of his face. “But—”

Another gasp. His mouth had decided it couldn’t neglect her other nipple.

“But...” She struggled to remain coherent. Her hips really wanted to strain toward his, and she needed to get them under control. “I didn’t come in here to have sex with you.”

“So it seems.”

He moved the rest of the way over her. Addie nearly shrieked in protest, until she realized he was wearing underwear. Soft, distended underwear, which was currently transferring amazing amounts of heat to a certain spot between her legs she was very, very fond of.

“But, so that means you need to let me go.” No, no, he needed to let her come.

“Does it?” Derek moved his chest back and forth over her breasts, the hair—stopping well short of gorilla—a stimulating male texture across her skin.

Then he started kissing her again in earnest. Powerful teasing kisses that turned her on as if he was...doing other things. Which she desperately wanted him to be doing.

All of them.

But she’d come in to rekindle something with Kevin, an old friend she could trust with her body and her heart, and it was sort of awful of her to be playing with Derek like he was the shinier, newer toy.

With resolve borne of strength she wished she didn’t have, Addie wrenched her lips away from his. “I can’t think when you’re doing that to me.”

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