Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed) - Page 27

“I’ve thought about it.” He pushed hair back that had fallen over her forehead. “But I love what I do. It would take an extraordinary woman to make me want to give up this life.”

She nodded, more confused than ever, knowing she needed to get up and leave and wanting more than ever to lie down in those amazing strong arms and escape into bliss.

What about Kevin?

“So what now, Addie Sewell?” He touched her chin, let his hand fall to the mattress. “Would you like to spend the night with me?”

Yes. She wasn’t going to answer that way, but her soul did, loud and clear. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Derek.”


“You’re leaving for the other side of the world on Sunday. I don’t have to commit to every guy I sleep with, but I generally hope for more than three days.”

“And with Kevin you have that option.”

“Yes.” The answer came out automatically. After what had just happened in this bed, she couldn’t picture spending the next three days with Kevin. But she wasn’t going to tell Derek that. She needed about a week to sort out her feelings. Why hadn’t she stayed home with Great-Aunt Grace’s boxes?

“Okay, Addie.”

Three beats later, she realized that was her cue. Bye, Addie, don’t let the door hit you... She slid off the bed and crossed to where Sarah’s sweater was covering the glow stick, which burned unpleasantly bright when she slipped the black garment over her shoulders like a cape, wistfully reliving her hope and excitement when she’d let it drop.

Behind her she heard Derek’s body swishing over the sheets, then silence. He must have lain down again, and was trying to sleep. Or was he watching her leave? Would he lie awake thinking about her and what might have been? Would she?

At the door, she reached for the handle then heard his footsteps behind her. His arms came up on either side of her head to keep the door from opening, trapping her inside. The sweater fell. She could feel the heat of his body behind her. “Addie.”

“Yes.” Her voice was a breathless whisper.

“If you change your mind...” His lips landed on her shoulder, stubble a delicious rasp on her skin, making her shiver with desire.

“I will.” She froze in horror at what she’d implied. “I mean I will let you know.”

That gorgeous chuckle again. Then silence so tense she screwed her eyes shut, desperate to leave, but unable to until he chose to let her, desperate to lean back into him and absorb the feel of his skin against hers, to give in, let him take her back to bed and to places she had a feeling she’d never been before.

His arms came down. She was free to go. “Good night, Addie.”

“Night.” Not bothering to finish covering herself, she grabbed the sweater, pulled the door open and launched herself out into the hall.

Where she collided, butt naked, with the wiry-haired bare chest of Kevin Ames.


“KEVIN.” Addie clutched Sarah’s black sweater around herself, covering her breasts, which had obviously been waving around in full view seconds before because Kevin’s eyes were still popping out of his head.

“Addie, what...” He gestured past her with his flashlight. “Wait, that’s your room? I thought you were sleeping downstairs with Sarah.”

“Oh. Uh.” God, could this be any worse? “Actually—”

“I thought that was Derek’s room.”

“It...is.” Her stomach gave a sickening lurch. What would have happened if she’d taken the right turn...or rather the left turn? She certainly wouldn’t have to be explaining her way out of this mess.

Kevin looked hurt, then angry. “What the hell, Addie? I thought you and I were on to something. Now you’re with him?”

“Kevin, we need to talk.” Addie pulled him away from the door on the other side of which Derek was undoubtedly laughing his very fine ass off. “Somewhere private.”

“Here.” He escorted her across the hall and waited expectantly, arms folded, flashlight pointing downward so his face glowed with eerie shadows as well as monster-green from the glow stick.

Addie looked at him questioningly. What was so much more private about this side of the landing? “What about your room?”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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