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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

Page 29

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“Aw, I’m just a normal guy, Addie.”

Exactly. And that’s what she needed and wanted. Her two previous long-term relationships had been solid and comfortable—not dull, but not a passionate thrill a minute, either. She wasn’t cut out for that much excitement. It would exhaust her.

“Good night, Addie.” Kevin brushed a kiss across her mouth. No wild sparks, just lovely comfort. Which was exactly what she needed just then. He was remarkable.

“Good night, Kevin. Thanks for saving me from myself.”

“No problem.” He grinned and stayed in front of his door, watching her descend the steps. At the bottom of the staircase, out of his sight, she heard him open the door to his room—on the left—then an odd high whimper, a squeak and a thud. Addie gasped and whirled to stare up into the blackness of the second floor. Had Kevin hurt himself?

A few seconds later, normal footsteps. Addie relaxed and continued into the living room. If he’d been injured, he’d have called her for help. She was not walking into any other guy’s room again on this vacation unless she was sure she was invited.

In fact, all she wanted to do was sneak into her room, and drop into a dead sleep.

She passed the glowing embers of the fire, used the bathroom and came back into the living room to stare out the window at the water. It was peaceful and contented tonight, reflecting the brightest stars in two glittering lines across its gentle waves.

So beautiful. So uncomplicated. She could learn a lot from an ocean.

At her room’s door, she stopped, put firm, careful pressure on the latch and eased the door open.

Dark. Quiet. Soft steady breathing from Sarah. Addie wilted in relief. The last thing she wanted was to have to explain any of the bizarre comedy of tonight’s errors to her friend.

She crept into the room, laid the glow stick on the small table next to her twin bed and fumbled under her pillow for her pajamas. Sleeping naked was sexy with a man, but alone it felt all wrong and cold.

Sarah’s sweater dropped off her easily; her pajamas bottoms went on easily. But when she swung her arms after pulling on the tops, she bumped the table and knocked the glow stick to the floor. Not only did it hit the boards with a bang, but it rolled noisily before she could grab it.



“Hi, Sara-a-ah,” she whispered soothingly. “Don’t wake up...I’m just going to bed.”

“Don’t wake up?” Sarah was already up on her elbows, eyes wide, turning on the electric lamp next to her bed. “How can I possibly sleep? What happened? Why are you back so early? Tell me everything.”

Good Lord, zero to sixty in two seconds. “In the morning, Sarah, I’m exhaus—”

“What do you mean morning? Are you kidding me? I’ll go out of my mind.” She tossed aside half the covers and patted the mattress next to her. “C’mon. Spill.”

Addie sighed. If she wanted any sleep tonight, she’d have to tell everything. Otherwise Sarah would be at her until the end of time. She crossed reluctantly and sat next to her friend; let Sarah fuss putting the covers back over their legs.

“Now, tell.”

“Okay.” Addie blew out a breath. “First off all, Sarah, Kevin’s room is on the left at the top of the stairs.”

“No, it’s not. It’s on the—” Her eyes shot wide. She slapped a hand over her mouth. “Omigod. Omigod.”


“But if you turned right...wait, did you turn right?”

“Oh, yes.”

“So you went into—” She gasped. “Derek’s room!”


“You walked in and took off your clothes in Derek’s room?”


“No!” She gave a strangled yell that could have been laughter but probably wasn’t. “Tell me you didn’t climb into bed with him.”

“I did.”

“Oh, God! At least tell me he threw you out right away or you bolted. At least tell me he didn’t touch you.”

Addie turned to look at her incredulously. “Uh, Sarah?”

“He did.” The wail was anguished and unexpected. “I knew it.”

“For heaven’s sake.” Apparently any contact between her and Derek was highly offensive to everyone tonight. “I apologized, we talked for a couple of minutes and I left the room.”

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