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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

Page 37

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She marched down the beach, which was relatively steep so the tide hadn’t gone out that far, and gingerly stepped in.

Brrrr. Cold. Especially on heated skin.

She stuck her other foot in.

Really cold.

This would take considerable courage, but if Addie did a superfast wash-off of sand and sweat, her body would feel great when she was back in the warm sun again.

She hoped.

Another step, and another, until she was up to her knees, then thighs, then...oh that was cold. Men would not want to do this. Not if they wanted to have children someday.

A few more steps and the coarsening sand under her feet turned to pebbles, then rocks. She had to pick her way carefully, testing with her feet to be sure stones were stable before trusting them with her weight.

It would be much easier to swim.

In past her waist, she paused, swirling her hands in the greenish depths, following shafts of sunlight picking up tiny particles, not unlike sunbeams shining through dust or mist.

So. This swimming thing. She needed to dive in and get it over with.


One. Two. Three. No!


One more step, then she’d dive for sure. Addie stepped bravely forward onto a stone that toppled and threw her. She shrieked and fell, tried to regain her footing, floundered, then lost the bottom entirely and went under. She flailed to the surface, treading water, gasping, already turning so she could get back to shore as fast as possible. One long stroke in, she got the bottom back under her feet. Whew. Another step and she stumbled and fell again into what she had now decided was fresh iceberg melt. Feet scrambling, she fell twice more, sputtering and shrieking, before she finally reached sand and stability in waist-high water, so she could stagger safely back to—


Oh, my God.

Derek was standing on the beach, feet spread, hands on his hips, grinning.

Her eyes shot open about as wide as they could go; her hands sprang to cover her breasts. Thank God water was still covering...the rest.

What the hell was he doing here? Sarah said no one knew about the cove. How did he find her? What was she going to do? Why was he standing there staring at her?

Her teeth started to chatter.

She was naked and the water was freezing.

“Uh. Hi, Derek.”

“Hi, there.”

She wanted to growl at his cheerfulness. “Um, could you turn around so I can go get my towel?”

“Nope.” He was enjoying himself, the rat.

“Nope? What do you mean nope?”

“What do you think?” He walked forward a few steps and guess what, did some more grinning and staring.

Damn it, Derek, this was not fair.

Time for her rational superpowers. Like this: she could run for her towel, giving him only a speeding peek, which might not be all that terrible considering he’d had his hands all over her last night.

Or she could just say to hell with it and walk to her towel at a normal pace, letting him know she was not ashamed or embarrassed about her body. Yes, okay, her hands were currently cemented over her breasts, both of which were joining the rest of her body in being covered with oh-so-not-sexy goose pimples, but she’d chalk that up to panic and forgive herself.

Once covered, she’d be in a good position to discuss whatever he was here to discuss. Or whatever she wanted to discuss. Like maybe that she and Sarah had talked about—

Addie gasped.

Derek was walking deliberately toward her. Prowling was a better word, because his intentions were quite clear in his expression and in the animal way his body was moving. Everything about him was broadcasting what she’d felt from him last night in bed.

I want you.

Oh, help. Addie had to run for the towel now, while she could still feel her legs.

The water covered Derek’s feet. He didn’t even flinch.

His ankles were gone now.

His shins.

Go! Now!

She wasn’t moving.

Why wasn’t she moving?


There! Good! Now she was moving!

But wait, what was wrong with her, she was not walking toward her towel, she was walking toward him!

Stop, before it’s too late!

Four feet away from him her hands dropped from her breasts to her sides.

It was already way too late.


ADDIE KEPT WALKING. She walked straight into Derek’s arms, naked, dripping wet and salty, and she kissed him. Hard.

What was she doing?

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