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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

Page 77

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“You were smart. We don’t really know how we’re going to do.” He kissed her again, tasting the exquisite corner of her lips, the sweet roundness of her chin, as sure that they were right together as he’d been of anything in his life. That he belonged on the sea. That he was meant to own Joie de Vivre. “Though I’m giving us good odds.”

“That’s my job.” She stretched against him, nearly making him hard again. He had a feeling he’d have to change his schedule for the first week or so, in order to include as much lovemaking as possible. “Speaking of which, is Mary’s job still open or will I be your kept woman?”

“Her leave starts after this trip. So she’ll have time to show you the ropes.”

“Well, Mr. Captain. I’ve been reading about boat stuff. We sailors call them ‘lines,’ not ‘ropes.’”

“Is that right?” He drew his finger down her full soft lips. “I can see you have a lot to teach me.”

“I should think so.”

He grinned, so overwhelmed by emotion he could hardly speak. “I’m so glad you’re here, Addie.”

“So you can get laid regularly?” Her eyes told him she was teasing, but he wondered if she knew.

“So I can tell you in person that I love you.”

Surprise widened those eyes then emotion filled them with tears. “Oh, Derek.”

“Too soon?”

“Would I be here if I thought you were a passing fling?”

He grinned. He would have liked to hear I love you, too, but her eyes were telling him loud and clear. His cautious woman could take all the time she needed. “Listen, I better call my crew and let them know I’m being unavoidably detained.”

“They couldn’t have been nicer to me. Paul called Renard and vouched for me, so they let me sneak on.”

“Totally against ship’s protocol.”

“I should have asked you?”

He kissed her, getting hard again, thinking he’d give them about three months of sea-time bliss before he started shopping for an engagement ring. “Only the captain can give you permission to come aboard, Miss Sewell.”

She turned to lie facing him, draped her leg over his hip and pressed herself intimately against his growing erection. “I’d like very much to come on board, Captain Bates. Then I’d like to come again. And again after that.”

“Permission granted.” He cupped her face in his hands, realizing that this boat he’d loved for so long had changed with Addie a part of her.

Now she very much felt like home.

* * * * *

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