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Chained to You (Dark Billionaires 5)

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"Are you nervous about going to Disneyland?" Aria asked with concern, veering my thoughts.

I gave her a lighthearted chuckle to ease her worries. "No, sweetheart. I'm not nervous at all. I'm excited; that's all." I lied through my teeth.

I noted Sophie made a face as if she were disgusted with my answer. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought I was acting too juvenile for my age. But of course, what she thought of me didn't concern me one bit, whether I was acting too juvenile for my age or not.

Dismissing Sophie and her distasteful expression from my mind, I turned around to face the road again. As I did so, I didn't miss the fact that James wore a dark scowl on his face that made my stomach flip in dread.

Oh God! I felt it in my guts that he knew I was lying. I also had a feeling he wasn't going to let it go, and he was going to probe my worries out of me sooner or later, which I didn't want.

The rest of the journey was completed in silence except for the occasional word or two from Aria from the back seat now and again. I was surprised she was so quiet since she was always so chatty and hyperactive whenever she and I were alone. But we weren't alone this time round, were we? Sophie was sitting right beside her, watching over her like a mother hen. It was then that I wondered if Sophie were somehow, in her nanny way, oppressing Aria. Surely a child should have room to breathe and be herself?

I glanced over at James and wondered if I should voice my opinion about this particular subject when we were alone. I personally understood what it felt like to be oppressed in the presence of controlling, domineering adults. It wasn't beneficial for growth; that was for sure. It damaged and scarred you deep, which could never be fixed again, and I certainly didn't want that for Aria. I loved her too much to allow such a thing to happen to her, despite the fact we'd only known each other for a short time and I wasn't a member of the Maxwell family and, therefore, had no right to intervene.

To be sure, my worries for Aria's growth--emotionally and mentally--superseded my own apprehension that I was intruding in other people's family affairs. It was then I was determined to bring up the subject when James and I were alone in the near future.

Chapter 6


An hour later, we finally arrived at Disneyland. The moment we stepped through the bustling entryway, the excitement Aria exuded was certainly contagious, and I found I couldn't hold back my own enthusiasm as we strolled along with the thick crowd. There were mostly kids, ranging from toddlers to young adult, along with their parents and sometimes their grandparents, which was cute.

As a pro Disneyland guest, Aria was animatedly acting as my tour guide, pointing out all the different types of adventure rides, if she had ridden on any of them before or not and, if she had, whether she enjoyed them or not.

Throughout the next six hours, I found myself by Aria's and James's sides, taking ride after ride. First we went on the Radiator Spring Racer, followed by Toy Story Midway Mania, which Aria really loved. After that, it was Hyperspace Mountain and Star Tours, which I found I personally enjoyed. Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Railroad followed that, which was fun. Then the highly recommended Indiana Jones Adventure, which Aria couldn't join due to the height restriction. That one was exhilarating despite the long queue and the extensive time we spent waiting. Not that I minded because I got to spend time with James alone while Aria and Sophie had gone off to Fantasyland.

It had been at this time when I wanted to bring up the subject about Aria and Sophie but found I couldn't because of the loud noises of random chatter from people surrounding us. When finally our ride was upon us, I had forgotten all about the subject and spent the next half hour laughing and screaming.

Once we were out of the ride, I found I'd had enough and simply wanted to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and some food. James, however, suggested something else, the most thrilling of all, which was California Screamin'. The name alone made me want to scream and run in the opposite direction.

When I shook my head and adamantly refused to take such a roller coaster ride, he taunted that I was a wuss.

I glared at him and held my head high as I told him firmly that I was certainly not a wuss and arrogantly agreed to take the ride.

Once we were at the site of California Screamin', I stared up at that gigantic, state-of-the-art steel superstructure of a coaster and wanted to faint. My knees started shaking because I knew I wasn't going to be able to handle it. However, because in my mind it was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime sort of experience, I refused to back out and tarnish my good name.

Soon, I found myself standing in line with James, who was grinning from ear to ear. He even pulled me into his arms and kissed me lightly on the cheek in front of everyone to show me how pleased he was with me.

I loved it, him openly embracing me in front of such a big crowd of people as if I were his girlfriend, as if I really belonged to him. I couldn't help myself and returned the show of affection by tightening my arms around him.

On tiptoes, I gave him a peck on the lips, reminding him of our passionate kiss this morning, which still burned hot in my mind. And I surely hoped in his as well.

When I pulled back, he said, "Aren't you very forward today? Kissing me in the open. Are you sure Aria isn't around?"

That had me blushing, and I hastily looked over my shoulder, scanning the thick crowd of strangers to see if Aria and Sophie were close by. Gosh, I definitely didn't want Aria to see me kissing her dad; that was for sure.

James was amused by my reaction and chuckled heartily. I did not find it humorous at all and made a move out of his tight embrace. He wouldn't let me go and tightened his arms around me so I was literally glued to him like a second skin.

"Don't be mean," he said as if he were wounded. "It's fucking hard not being able to touch you. Reward me," he demanded like a schoolboy.

Really? A ruthless billionaire who ruled underground businesses and dealt with gangs and cartels thought I was mean simply because I didn't want to be in his arms in front of the crowd? Gosh! How was it possible for such a powerful, influential man to say such an ingenuous thing to me like that? Like a youth deeply in love? And to me of all people?

I sighed and smiled at him. I just couldn't believe it. Was this really the James who I'd first met barely a month ago? The man who frightened me and made me want to run in the opposite direction the first time I laid eyes on him because of his powerful, sexy looks and his cold, arrogant, domineering demeanor he so easily exuded?

Obviously, there was a different side to James the deeper I got to know him. The side he didn't show to outsiders, the caring side I found hard not to love.

I relented in the end and let him have his way. Eventually our turn was upon us, and I became nervous all over again. But I didn't have the chance to change my mind and flee as James made me sit next to him in the coaster car and right in the front too.

Once the countdown began and the coaster car started heading out, I didn't remember much after that, just that there were a lot of ups and downs and I was screaming a lot. I remembered holding on to James as if he were my lifeline and if I were to let him go, I would surely die. I felt sick and wanted to throw up by the time the ride had ended.

Once I was safely back on the ground again and standing there in the open, taking in deep breaths, I vowed I would never, ever ride on the California Screamin' again if I ever had the chance to return to Disneyland.

James chuckled and offered to carry me in his arms since he knew it was hard for me to walk straight.

Even though my head was still spinning, my heart was still racing, and my knees still felt like jelly, I glared at him and firmly told him I was fine and didn't need to be carried around like an invalid. This only made him laugh even more.

When we finally met up with Aria and Sophie at the Blue Bayou, I gladly took a seat beside Aria and eagerly ordered a cup of hot coffee and salmon for lunch. James ordered coffee as well and a slow-roasted beef strip. Sophie had already finished with her

meal even before we arrived, while Aria was still munching away on her spaghetti Bolognese.

Once I'd had a couple of sips of my coffee, I felt better and turned my attention to Aria, who was very quiet eating her meal. It didn't surprise me at all, because she was with the beautiful dragon Sophie.

"Did you have fun at Fantasyland, Aria?" I asked with interest.

Aria nodded in confirmation, smiling. After swallowing her food, she asked me in turn, "Did you have fun riding the Indiana Jones Adventure?"

I chuckled and nodded as well.

Aria cocked her head to one side as she looked at me closely under the twilight setting of the restaurant. "Then why are you so pale? Are you sick?"

At this query, James laughed, which drew not only Aria's attention but that of the curious, envious Sophie as well.

"We went on the California Screamin' after," he said. "Mia couldn't handle it."

I glared at him. "Excuse me, but I certainly did. I survived, didn't I?"

James smiled at me, his beautiful Prussian-blue eyes twinkling in amusement. "You certainly did. Good girl." He praised me.

I felt like I was a teenage girl once again and blushed profusely, which I assumed might have brought some color back into my face and made me look like a normal human being again.

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