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Illicit Night with the Greek

Page 40

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“What I was trying to tell you is that I can take a paternity test but it’s not necessary,” she said as she pushed his hand away. “I haven’t been with a man for a very long time.”

Satisfaction rolled through Stergios and he knew she spoke the truth. There had been something in the way she’d touched him during that night. As if she had denied herself for so long and had finally broken free. He rested his forehead against hers as he looked deeply into Jodie’s blue eyes. “I was determined to keep you away from Dimos but it wasn’t necessary. You were only interested in me. It’s always been that way.”

She flushed as she scowled at him. “It won’t be if you keep gloating about it.”

He smiled as he saw the fighting spirit flicker in her eyes. “Come along, pethi mou.” He offered his hand. “Coffee is about to be served in the salon.”

She ignored his gesture and walked ahead of him. “I’m familiar with the schedule in this house.”

Stergios grabbed her wrist and forced her to a halt. “We’re going into that room as a united front.”

Jodie gave him a sidelong look. “Describe united.”

“It means that you aren’t going to fight me, you aren’t going to contradict me and you aren’t going to stir up trouble.” He didn’t want his opposition to notice the cracks in his relationship with Jodie. They would use it and he would lose the ground he had already conquered.

“Don’t do anything that requires me to fight back.” Jodie paused and was clearly considering her next words. “And don’t give them any details about us.”

Stergios tilted his head to one side as he released his hold on her. “I’m not one to confide in others.”

“No one needs to know that you—” her hands churned as she struggled for the right word “—detained me at the island. And they certainly don’t need to know what happened four years ago.”

“I have no intentions of advertising my lack of judgment. I thought you would at the first opportunity.”

Her blue eyes went dull. “Then you don’t know me at all.”

“Enough of this.” He grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers before he led her to the salon. Jodie tried to get out of his grasp.

“United front, Jodie,” he reminded her softly.

“That doesn’t mean we have to be arm in arm,” she said in a hiss.

He gave her hand a squeeze. “You like touching me,” he said with a teasing smile. “You definitely like it when I touch you.”

“All the more reason not to touch me.”

He noticed she didn’t deny it, but he also knew she was correct. Stergios couldn’t afford any distractions. He reluctantly let go of her hand as they approached the salon but he couldn’t break all contact. She needed to know that he was at her side. Placing his hand at the small of her back, he escorted her into the salon.

Stergios immediately saw his mother and Gregory sitting by the fireplace. Tension pulsed in the small, ornate room. He glanced at Jodie as she stood in front of him. He realized she was poised to defend them both. Did she think he wouldn’t look after her? Stergios tamped down his displeasure. Jodie needed to trust him.

“Jodie,” Gregory said as he rose from his seat and clasped his hands behind his back. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, thank you.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Stergios noticed that Gregory did not approach his daughter. Jodie immediately took a seat as if she’d known her father’s question was out of politeness instead of concern. Stergios had always been aware the two were not demonstrative but it bothered him that Jodie couldn’t expect any moral support from her parent.

“The doctor recommended a lot of rest,” Stergios said, standing behind Jodie’s chair. “More food and liquids.”

“And when will it be safe to travel?” Mairi asked.

Stergios recognized the hint of steel underneath his mother’s concerned tone. She was already planning Jodie’s return flight. “Jodie is staying in Athens for the duration of her pregnancy.”

“Why?” Gregory asked. “Her presence will create a scandal.”

“I’m aware of that.” Stergios gave his stepfather a disapproving look. He should have known Gregory had no sense of anticipation over his grandchild.

“You need to think about this, Stergios.” His mother agitatedly twisted her pearl necklace between her fingers. “The Diamantopoulos family are great friends but they have certain expectations for a future son-in-law. They won’t tolerate the fact that you have a love child. We need to keep this secret and get Jodie out of here as soon as possible.”

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