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A Secret Kiss (Falling for Sakura 1)

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With hands that shook, Lauren held tight to the tray, praying she wouldn’t send it crashing to the floor—or on anyone, for that matter.

“See? You’re doing fine,” Sakura said. “Now go and offer the drinks to the Princeton brothers.”

“Okay,” Lauren said, nervousness echoing in her voice. Then just as she was about to turn, she nearly fainted when she saw Nicolas, Sebastian, and Darcy behind Sakura, standing there looking very handsome and taking her breath away. Sebastian gave her a smile, and she froze, her heart pounding hard within her chest.

“Are those for us?” Conrad asked from behind her, his warm breath fanning against the skin of her neck.

Lauren jumped, sending the tray flying in midair and the champagne splashing on Sakura, her dress soaking wet. The tray landed on the marble floor, spinning a couple of times before it finally laid to rest. The glasses at the same time smashed into tiny pieces.

Sakura sighed, and Lauren froze in shock.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, Sakura,” she said. “So sorry.”

Sakura managed to smile, though inside she was rather pissed. She didn’t blame Lauren for that, though. It was Conrad’s fault for surprising the girl, which had caused her to jump and send the tray crashing.

“It’s all right, Lauren,” she said.

“No, it’s not. You’re totally wet. Your dress is ruined,” Lauren muttered. “I’m really sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’ll go home and change.”

“Sorry.” Conrad butted in. “That was my fault.” He turned to Lauren and gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m really sorry, Lauren. I didn’t mean to surprise you like that.”

Lauren blushed as she gazed up at him, speechless.

“Damn right, it’s your fault,” Logan said. “You’ve ruined her dress.”

Conrad cocked his head to one side and moved over to Sakura. “Sorry about that, Sakura,” he said. “And since I’m responsible, why don’t I take you home to change?”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Tristan said. “It’s my responsibility to take her home.”

“Your responsibility?” Conrad asked, outraged. “What have you done? I’m responsible!” He turned to Sakura. “Come, Sakura.” He wrapped his hand around her arm and was ready to lead her out when Logan pulled Sakura to his side.

“Mind what you’re touching, young pup,” he said coolly.

Sakura couldn’t believe what the brothers were doing. What was going on here? Why were they all of a sudden treating her like this? She was totally confused.

“Why are you guys making such a big fuss about this?” Sebastian asked his brothers.

“Because she’s wet,” Logan said.

“Because she looks uncomfortable,” Conrad put in.

“And smells of champagne,” Tristan added, moving his nose closer to Sakura and inhaling. “Hmm, delicious.” He grinned cheekily.

Sakura scowled at him and moved back. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I have a car, and I can drive perfectly well.”

No one was listening to her, however, as they continued their debate.

“Sebastian, give us the key,” Logan said. “I’ll take her home.”

Tristan was having none of it. He caught Sakura by the wrist and led her to the door. “Come on, darling sis. Let’s get that wet thing off you.”

Darcy said abruptly, “Just stop the fuss already. She can just change here.”

Tristan stopped just as he was about to step his foot out the door. Sakura pulled back and said, “I said I can look after myself.”

Logan nodded his head at Darcy’s perfect suggestion. “That’s not a bad idea.”

“I’m sure Lauren has something she can borrow.” Nicolas added with a smile.

Sakura was getting very annoyed. She freed her hand from Tristan’s grasp and moved so she could get away—from all of them. The brothers, however, were blocking her exits—from all directions. They were surrounding her now—a giant, tall wall of masculine bodies in jeans and formal shirts that made Sakura catch her breath and made her head spin. She was thinking of escaping through the door, but when she glanced behind her and saw Tristan nodding his head and giving her that flirty smile of his, she kicked that thought out the door first. The front, on the other hand, was blocked by Sebastian and Nicolas. To her right stood Logan and Conrad, and her left, Darcy and Hayden. Oh God! What is going on here? All she wanted to do was to get away and change, for Christ’s sake.

“Um,” Lauren said from somewhere behind Conrad, “I do have lots of dresses.”

The brothers turned to look at her, which caused Lauren to blush considerably for gaining their undivided attention.

“Why doesn’t Sakura change here? Surely at least one of my dresses will fit her.”

Sakura wasn’t pleased they weren’t consulting her regarding what she wanted to do with her wet dress. This pissed her off even more when Sebastian said, “It’s sorted, then.”

She wanted to box his ear when he turned to her and ordered her to, “Go change.”

Instead of doing as she was told, which she was very bad at, she glared at him, telling him to go and order someone else around.

Sebastian understood she was standing her ground. He sighed and said, “You’re wet and—”

Sakura frowned. When she realized he was gazing at her breasts, she glanced down. Instantly, she went bright red. The thin material of her dress was soaking wet, clinging to her skin and clearly showing the shape of her breasts and nipples.

She covered herself by crossing her arms across her chest, her frown even darker as she glanced at the brothers. Tristan and Logan were hiding their smiles. Darcy’s face was expressionless. Nicolas shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Conrad blushed. And Hayden tried to keep his face as straight as he could.

“Come on, Lauren,” she said tightly, heading toward the grand stairs, her head held high.

“Err, okay,” Lauren replied, hiding a smile as well. “We’ll be back in a minute,” she said to the brothers.

The brothers’ eyes followed them as they climbed the stairs.

Logan whistled. “Nice package.”

“Nice legs,” Tristan said.

These remarks were of course rewarded with a dark scowl from Sebastian and a hard shove from Conrad to Tristan.

Nicolas said sternly, “She’s your adopted sister.”

This quieted Logan and Tristan. Conrad sighed.

Sakura, on the other side, wanted to die from humiliation as she headed up the stairs, unaware that her seven adopted brothers were admiring her slender legs. She just couldn’t believe they’d seen her breasts—well, the shape of them anyway.

Once they were on the first floor and in Lauren’s very pink and very large bedroom, Sakura sank on the cozy king-size bed and groaned.

“Which one do you want?” Lauren asked.

Sakura sat up and watched Lauren, who was standing in front of her gigantic walk-in wardrobe filled with designer-brand clothes, holding up a few of her dresses. And yes, they were party dresses all right. Frills. Lots and lots of frills and lots and lots of pink. And yes, lots and lots of dresses with no straps.

“Holy smokes!” Sakura said, her e

yes almost blinded by the color pink.

“I know.” Lauren chuckled. “I love clothes.”

“I can totally see,” Sakura uttered in amazement, blinking a couple of times.

“Let’s find one that fits you,” Lauren suggested.

Twenty minutes later, Sakura stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring at herself for the second time that day. She couldn’t believe she was wearing this. It was a cute dress—for a sixteen-year-old girl—and she was no sixteen-year-old girl.

“Sorry,” Lauren said. “It’s the only one that fits you.”

Well, it wasn’t so bad. It was a satin strapless dress, baby blue, not pink, thank God. There was some very pretty draping to the side of her waist, and it had a tutu-like skirt. The only thing Sakura really opposed was that the dress was designed in such a way as to push one’s breasts up and—voilà!

“You look amazing, Sakura,” Lauren said in awe. “I wish I looked like you. You look so pretty.”

Yeah. Sakura had heard that many times before. Sometimes she liked it. Then other times she really hated it because of the way she got treated.

“Your boobs!” Lauren made a face that showed she was awed as well as envious. “And your shoes are a perfect match with the dress. Jimmy Choo, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Thanks,” Sakura said. “I’ll return the dress tomorrow.”

“Oh no, that’s okay. If it’s all right, I’ll come up to the house and get it myself,” she said eagerly.

That was when it dawned on Sakura. She realized Lauren wanted to see her adopted brothers again. Or is it just one in particular?

She chuckled. “All right. Then maybe you could stay for dinner or something,” she suggested.

“That’ll be great,” Lauren said eagerly.

“Come on. I think it’s time to blow out those eighteen candles of yours,” Sakura said, heading out the door, and Lauren happily followed.

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