A Secret Kiss (Falling for Sakura 1) - Page 31

Chapter 17

Coffee, Coffee, & More Coffee

“Aren’t you going to get that?” Logan asked Darcy, getting rather annoyed at the insistent ringing of the cell phone.

Darcy shrugged his shoulders and said, “Not that important. Whoever it is will leave a message. I’m on holiday, after all.”

“Good point,” Logan said. “Let’s just hope it’s not from the company.”

“If it is,” Darcy said, “they’d contact Hayden. He’s the boss.”

“The boss is on holiday, bro.” Hayden chuckled. “They won’t dare bother me. After all, I’ve already placed Tim in charge. He should take care of things just fine.”

The ringing stopped, and Darcy sighed in relief. Oh, he knew very well it was Kate Anderson, his ex-girlfriend, who had called him insistently. That was why he wouldn’t pick up. She’d been texting him too, since the first night he’d arrived on the island, apologizing to him that she shouldn’t have been so rash to him back there and that she wanted to get back with him. She was full of bullshit, of course, and Darcy was frankly sick and tired of her insistent text messaging and ringing.

He relaxed, resting his weight on his elbow as he stared off into the distance across the beach, enjoying the view.

“We should go surfing,” Sebastian suggested.

“It’ll have to be on the other side of the island, though,” Nicolas said. “St. Helena Beach, better waves there.”

“Yeah, we could stay at the cabin in the woods,” Logan added. “For a couple of days.”

“Good idea,” Darcy said. “I’m ready for a bit of solitude.”

Yes, he thought. That was what he needed—solitude. More importantly, he needed to get away from Sakura. He needed to keep some distance between them, both for his peace of mind and for his heart.

It was an hour later when Mary called out to them. “Hey!” she shouted from the top of the beach. “You guys hungry or not?”

Conrad jumped up immediately. “Definitely!” He brushed the sand off his jeans and ran up to them. “Been waiting for ages.”

The brothers got up as well and made their way to where the two girls were waiting for them.

Sebastian noticed Sakura standing there with her long hair dancing in the wind and her floral skirt fluttering about her slender legs. She looked like a beautiful heroine standing by the cliff’s edge, waiting for the return of her lover who’d gone off to war. His heart skipped a beat. He gritted his teeth at that. She’s your adopted sister, he told himself. You can’t feel this way toward her. You simply can’t.

They reached her, and Conrad quickly got to her side like a loyal pup. Sebastian couldn’t help himself either and walked behind her. He could smell her beautiful scent again, which he simply loved. Not to mention her long hair kept flirting with his face, which he also loved.

They came to a small café a couple of blocks farther. It was facing the beach and had a very good view of the ocean. It was also jam-packed with costumers.

“Jesus! I wonder if we’ll get a table,” Mary said. Then she thought to add, “Or two.” She glanced behind her at the seven brothers.

Sebastian was impressed with the café. It was medium-sized with very nice, warm décor of earthy colors which made one feel immediately cozy. In fact, he was surprised there were so many tourists there right now. He wasn’t impressed, however, when a boy of about eight years old rushed up to Sakura and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her such a long and tight hug.

“You’re back!” he said with a big grin on his face.

Sakura tousled his dark hair and chuckled. “I haven’t been away that long at all. I didn’t know you’d miss me that much.”

“I really missed you,” the boy said with the biggest, fattest grin on his face.

“All right,” Sakura said. “Shall we find a table to sit?”

“Yes,” the boy said, finally letting go. “Just you and me.”

“And what about me?” Mary interrupted. “So you didn’t miss me?”

The boy chuckled. “I missed you, Mary. Just not that much, though.”

Mary laughed. “Well, if you must know, Michael, I didn’t miss you that much either.”

The brothers, by this point, wanted to know who the boy was.

“And us?” Nicolas asked the boy.

The boy sucked in his breath and froze in his place as he stared up at Nicolas.

“James?” he shrieked. “What have you done? You look so young.”

The brothers took the opportunity to laugh at Nicolas. The eldest brother wasn’t pleased with their behavior and gave them a good scowl.

“I’m Nicolas,” he said to the boy. “I’m James’s son, the oldest one.”

Michael stared wide-eyed at the seven brothers. “All seven of you are here!” he said in awe. “Mom is going to be so pleased. Come on, I’ll find a table for us.”

With that the boy led them by taking Sakura’s hand to the long table by the window that had a great view of the ocean beyond. The brothers took their seats around the table while Michael made sure Sakura sat next to him.

Tristan said loudly, “You have competition, Conrad. Better work harder.”

At this the brothers laughed again, and Conrad muttered something under his breath. Just then a pretty brown-haired and green-eyed young woman came to their table. Sakura got up and gave her a hug, which caused the brothers to wonder who this woman was.

Tags: Alexia Praks Falling for Sakura Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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