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A Secret Proposal (Falling for Sakura 2)

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Jane quickly got out of the taxi, followed by Sakura, whose eyes widened in anticipation. She'd never been to a fashion show before, and this first encounter really impressed her. She was amazed and greatly enjoyed herself observing her surroundings. Jane grabbed her arm and quickly dragged her to the front entrance.

Sakura was even more impressed once they were inside the main lobby. It literally took her breath away. Though outside the building was quite modern, inside was designed and decorated in a French-Georgian classical style with massive Greek-like columns. The walls and ceilings were designed and embossed with colorful gods, goddesses, and fairies. The floor was made of marble--cleaned, shiny, and very colorful. The main reception area was exquisite. The desk where eight receptionists stood was long and masculine and made of green and red marble. It also had the words Princeton Hotel embossed on it in big, bold lettering along with the company logo PG, which stood for Princeton Group, intertwining with each other.

It was even more crowded and busy in here than outside, with guests, staff, and other assorted people going about their business. Sakura was momentarily taken by surprise, and Jane had to nudge her to get her attention.

"Jane! Sakura!" they heard Luke shout from the distance.

The girls spotted him by the lounge, frantically waving at them.

"Luke," Sakura said the moment they reached him. "What are you doing here?"

Luke's eyes were bright as he gazed at Sakura. She was especially beautiful today, with her long hair down, her face flawless, and her clothing immaculate. He chuckled at the question, wondering if he should tell her his boss was actually Sebastian Princeton, one of the owners of this high-end hotel chain.

"Helping out as usual," Jane remarked sourly. "Part of his job description."

"Oh?" Sakura cocked her head to one side, wondering what type of job that was.

Jane grabbed Sakura's arm again and dragged her off. "Sorry, Luke, we're in a hurry."

"See you later," Sakura said, giving him a smile as they walked away.

Luke cherished that smile. He watched as the girls disappeared around the corner and out of his sight. He was about to follow them and suggest they have dinner tonight after work when he saw the Princeton brothers arriving through the front door.


The moment the six Princeton brothers stepped into the main lobby, the world stopped. Well, at least every person in the lobby had stopped what he was doing and simply stared in awe at the brothers. They were a sight to behold all right. The atmosphere was like that of a famous celebrity unexpectedly walking into a room, and indeed, the Princeton brothers were the celebrities in the business world.

Nicolas and Sebastian walked ahead, followed by Conrad, Hayden, Tristan, and Logan. They all were dressed immaculately in Armani suits. As they strode confidently across the length of the floor, every female in the lobby couldn't help but gawk at the six handsome young men, praying they'd be the one to catch the men's eyes, if only for a brief moment.

Logan chose that moment to wink at a few of the rich, pretty female guests, while Tristan, being the flirty one, blew a few kisses to a few of the females waving at them and giggling away excitedly.

Luke rushed up to them and politely greeted them.

"Luke," Sebastian said the moment he spotted his PA. "Sorry to drag you into this, man, but we are very shorthanded. Your job is to look after the Suzuki family, Lady Haruka, and her nephew, Sosuke. Make sure they're comfortable and get anything they want."

"Of course," Luke said, nodding. He understood his job perfectly. He was to be the Suzukis' escort. After all, the Suzuki family was a very well-known noble and rich family from Japan, who owned the famous Jade Jewelry Corporation. They were renowned for their unique jewelry designs, and those were going to be in the show tonight, along with the famous designer Mr. Tachibana's spring-summer collection.

"They should be arriving very soon," Sebastian said, looking toward the door.

Nicolas checked his watch and said, "I'm having a quick meeting with Mr. Lloyd in my office in five minutes. Tell Sosuke I'm in my office when he arrives."

Sebastian nodded, and Nicolas left them, walking briskly to the lift. Once Nicolas disappeared, Haruka, Sosuke, and Akira came through the front door. Sebastian paced over to them, along with his brothers and Luke.

"Sebastian-san," Haruka greeted. "Ohayo."

Sebastian bowed and his brothers followed suit.

"Ohayo," Sebastian greeted.

"Sebastian-san, perhaps you should introduce your dear brother to us," Akira suggested, smiling, sneaking a peek at Sosuke to see his reaction. She chuckled when she saw him frowning at her.

"Glad to," Sebastian said and turned to his brothers. "This is Tristan, Logan, Hayden, and Conrad."

Akira nodded and bowed her head to greet each one in turn.

"And this is Lady Haruka, her nephew Sosuke, who you've already met, and of course, Akira, Lady Haruka's niece."

Tristan took a step forward instantly and took Akira's hand. "So glad to meet you, Akira," he said.

Akira laughed, pleased. Sosuke scowled. Logan hid a smile. Sebastian shook his head. And Conrad looked heavenward, as if to say, There he goes again.

"This is Luke Hamilton," Sebastian said. "He'll be looking after you, Lady Haruka, Sosuke."

"Thank you, Luke-san," Haruka said, bowing her head politely at Luke.

Luke chuckled and bowed awkwardly.

"By the way, where's Nicolas?" Sosuke asked.

"He's up in his office," Conrad supplied. "Said you should go and meet him there."

"Thanks, Conrad-san," Sosuke said. "Now if you all will excuse me." He bowed and then headed toward the lift.

"Nicolas?" Akira said. "Is that your eldest brother, Sebastian-san?"

"Yes," Sebastian replied.

"But he's not as interesting as us," Tristan put in, drawing Akira's attention.

"He's a bore," Logan added, giving her a handsome smile.

Akira chuckled. "I'm not interested in boring men who are only interested in work."

"Good for you, my dear," Tristan said, winking at her.

During this time, on the other side of the lobby, Sosuke was just about to get into the lift when he bumped into somebody very hard as she was rushing out.

"I'm so sorry."

Sosuke gained his composure and looked up. He sucked in his breath once he laid eyes on the exotic beauty with two different colored eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't as his brain was momentarily frozen.

The beauty politely smiled at him, thinking he might not have understood her considering the fact he looked rather foreign.

"What country are you from?" she asked.

Sosuke blinked. Did he really look that out of place here for her to have guessed he was a foreigner? He cleared his throat and said, "Japan."

She seemed almost glad for him to have said that particular country. She bowed her head and said, "Moushiwake arimasen."

Sosuke was impressed. She knew how to speak Japanese, and very well, too.

"Daijobuda yo," he said, chuckling. "I can speak English just fine."

The beauty lifted her head and blushed a becoming pink. Sosuke nearly choked on his breath, gazing at her. He'd always thought women with blond hair weren't to his taste, but apparently that now had changed. And the fact that this woman wore two different contact lenses--one a sky blue and one an odd gray color, almost a pale lavender--only fascinated him even more.

"Then I'm sorry for bumping into you," she said again, bowing her head. "I was in such a rush. I'm helping my friend out for the show, you see. She works backstage, and they're shorthanded. It's my first time, so I actually have no idea what I'm doing." Then she laughed.

It was a beautiful laugh, and Sosuke found himself smiling at her with delight.

"Er," he began, wanting to know what her name was.

"Here I am mumbling on about nonsense to you. Sorry about before, but I have to run," she sai

d and rushed off in the opposite direction.

Sosuke watched her pacing off, her heels clicking on the marble floor, her long hair swaying about her back as she rushed.

Back on the other side of the huge lobby, Akira said as she watched Sosuke walking into the lift, "Look at him, flirting with some blond while he tells me to stay put." She turned to Tristan. "Do you think that's fair?"

Tristan chuckled. "Nope. Not at all."

"That blond looked familiar though," Conrad said, cocking his head to one side. Even though she had her back to them and was a good distance away, he had the nagging feeling he'd seen her somewhere before. But for the life of him, he couldn't figure out when and where.

"Well, I suppose I shan't need looking after," Akira said. "And I might have to hurry before Tachibana-sama gets upset with me being late for his show." She turned to her aunty and gave her a tight hug. "I will see you after the show, Oba-chan."

"Do your best, Akira-chan," Haruka said softly.

"Yes," Akira replied. Then she turned to the brothers. "Nice to meet you all." She bowed at them, to which the brothers nodded back. Then she elegantly sailed away.

"That's a model walk," Tristan said to himself. He turned to Haruka. "Is she modeling for Mr. Tachibana?"

"Yes," Haruka replied.



Sebastian Princeton, Knight of Hearts

"Mr. Princeton, sir?"

Sebastian jolted back to reality with a start. He turned to look at the blond-haired, green-eyed woman with thick glasses addressing him.

"What is it?"

Jane Hamilton bit her lip and told herself to stop shaking so hard in front of the handsome billionaire who was scowling at her. She glanced up at him again, her eyes large. Oh shit! She shouldn't have done that. He really did scare her, and she totally didn't understand why every female in the world wanted to date him. Yes, he was very hot. Yes, he was very rich. And no, she didn't find herself attracted to him in the very least, like every other female.

She took a deep breath and said, "Sir, I was told you wanted to inspect the stage."

Sebastian sighed. He'd been in such deep thought moments ago that he'd forgotten about his request. Nicolas had asked him to inspect the stage, to make sure everything was fine. He wasn't sure why he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings since they'd entered the hotel.

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