A Secret Proposal (Falling for Sakura 2) - Page 53

When he heard the word yes from Sakura, he felt his gut churning with sickness. Suddenly, he felt weak and defeated, as if he'd just lost a battle that was very important to him.

With drooping shoulders and a burning pain deep within his heart, he turned on his heel.

"I love you, Sebastian." The words echoed across to him as he blindly opened the door.

"Then be my girlfriend. Come and live with us."

Darcy didn't need to hear the answer. He knew in his gut what it was. Now, however, he needed space. He needed to be alone. He headed out of the penthouse, got into his car, and drove away.

Back in the courtyard, Sakura said, "I'll think about moving in with you and your brothers."

"And what about being my girlfriend?" He couldn't help asking.

Sakura knew she needed to phrase this properly so she wouldn't hurt him. "I love you, Sebastian, but you do know I love Darcy as well."

Sebastian nodded. "I respect that wholeheartedly."

"I need time. I cannot blindly go into a relationship knowing I'd hurt one of you. I'm sorry, Sebastian. I really am."

Instead of sounding like he'd just gotten dumped, Sebastian laughed. This surprised Sakura, and she gazed up at him, amazed.

Sebastian lowered his head and kissed her on her forehead. When he moved back, he said, "Then I'll do my best to win you over."

Sakura tightened her arms around his big frame as well and whispered, "Thank you for understanding."


Alone in the parking lot, facing the harbor and New York City, Darcy stood gazing across the vastness, taking in the cool air and the bright night lights.

"Snow." He whispered Sakura's nickname between his lips, thinking about what he'd witnessed only moments past.

He raised his head and closed his eyes, feeling the dull ache crushing his chest. Hadn't he told himself before that if Sakura chose Sebastian, he'd be happy for her? Hadn't he decided already that he'd be happy for them both? After all, Sebastian loved Sakura dearly and he'd be a great boyfriend and, eventually, husband for her.

But why oh why couldn't he settle tonight? Why was his heart aching so much he felt like screaming?

No! He wasn't going to scream. He would have to crush the pain and hurt and bury them deep within his heart. He'd lock them away and never allow them to see the light of day ever again. He would be happy for Sakura and Sebastian. He would respect Sakura's choice and be happy for her.

From now on, what he needed to do was keep his distance. Give the couple some space. And eventually, Darcy knew he'd forget Sakura. Forget he ever loved her. Forget he'd ever given her the name Snow. Forget they'd ever kissed under the cherry blossom tree on St. Joseph Island.

"Sakura," he said, smiling sadly. "Help me stop loving you. Please."



Unforgettable Love

"Edward Fabre!" the voice on the other end of the line shouted in Ned's ear. "Do you realize how much trouble you've caused?"

Ned looked heavenward and sighed. He knew when his sister Beth started calling him by his proper name, she was really pissed with him. He had no doubt it was about Sakura and the Princeton brothers. He, however, had no choice in the matter. He had to abandon his promise of making Sakura come around. His new gallery was about to open in a few months, and he was late on setting up the business. There was still a lot to be done yet, and he was getting more than a little stressed about the whole thing.

He said, "Look here, Beth, I can't just leave when everything here is in such chaos."

He heard Beth sigh. "Well, that's all you ever think about. Your arts and business. If you must know, Edward Fabre, the Princeton brothers have already found Sakura. They didn't need your help after all."

Ned laughed. "Well, that's great. Then I don't need to go back to New York until this end is done and dusted."

"Believe it or not, I'm alone at the moment. The brothers are at their parents' penthouse."

"I thought you enjoyed your me time," he teased.

"Yes, but this time I feel left out," she muttered. "Those brothers!"

"Look, Beth, I have to go," Ned said.

"So you won't be back for a couple more months, then?" Beth asked.

"Afraid not. I'll email Sakura and let her know. I'm happy everything worked out for her and the brothers."

"Yes," Beth agreed. "Oh, and has Sakura told you about her going to Hawaii for a photo shoot?"

Ned frowned over this. "No, she hasn't."

"Well, they'll be away for weeks, since I heard the brothers say they'll be doing a bit of vacationing as well. I'm going to see if I can tag along."

Ned laughed. "You're getting too attached, Beth."

"I have a right to be, Edward," she said clearly, indicating she was still upset with him. "I've been with them since they were kids."

"Look, I really have to go," Ned said. "Call me again, okay?"

"Maybe, Edward," Beth said and cut the line with a definite sharpness.

Ned shook his head as he stared at his cell phone. That was Beth all right. She'd never change, and he loved her just the way she was.

He walked out of the office and came to inspect his new gallery. Tradesmen were going about their business, painting the walls and fitting in the lights and switches. Once he was sure everything was in order, he headed into the storeroom and carefully went through the paintings that had just been delivered a few hours ago.

He unwrapped his favorite and stood back, staring at beautiful lines of the curves of a woman lying in bed with only a thin bed sheet covering her. Slowly and lovingly, he traced his fingers across the delicate face and felt a tug deep within his heart.

"Haruka." The name softly slipped between his lips. "Will I ever see you again?"

As he said that, he knew he'd never see her again. She'd left him cold turkey that winter day and never returned. All she'd left was a note that said she didn't love him and didn't want to be with him anymore. That she had to return to Japan and it was best they didn't keep contact.

A sigh escaped his lips as Ned withdrew his hand from the painting. He picked up the cover and threw it back over the canvas and then left the room, his heart still aching--even after twenty-five years.


Tags: Alexia Praks Falling for Sakura Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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