Beneath This Man (This Man 2) - Page 64

He laughs, and I frown. What’s so funny?

‘I promised you I will never have another drink. I meant it,’ he says surely. He sits up and rests his hands on my hips. I jerk, and he smiles. ‘Bath, I want your wet slippery skin all over mine.’

‘Your confidence is commendable.’ I mumble sarcastically as I ease myself up and put my hand out to him.

He looks at me with narrowed eyes and reaches up to take my hand, yanking me forward and spinning me onto my back. He rests his big body all over me and drops his lips to mine in a long, lingering kiss. ‘It is all very easy because I have you. Unravel your knickers, lady.’

Ha! Easy for him to say. I’m dealing with a neurotic madcap. ‘So, tomorrow I’ll be undisturbed all day?’ I ask. He will never be able to leave me alone all day, I know it.

He pulls his head back to look at me, the cogs starting to spin wildly as he chews his lip again. ‘Lunch?’

I knew it. He can’t do it. ‘I’m meeting Kate for lunch.’ I dismiss his request.

He pouts. ‘Can’t I come?’

No, he can’t come because I need time with Kate to talk about him and his challenging ways. ‘No.’ I state firmly.

‘I think you’re being unreasonable.’ he complains.

I throw my head back on a laugh. He really is thick skinned, but then I jerk and buck as his grabs my hipbone and squeezes. ‘Stop!’ I screech.


‘Please!’ Tears jump into my eyes as I try to fight him off. I can’t bear it.

‘Lunch?’ he says calmly, as he continues tickling me.

‘Absolutely not!’ I cry through my uncontrollable laughter. This isn’t fair. I’m not submitting. No way!

‘Maybe a sense f**k will do it.’ He releases my hip and I relax, trying to get my erratic breathing under control.

‘Jesse, I can’t be with you every second of the day.’ I try to reason.

‘If you give up work you could be.’ He’s deadly serious.

My eyes widen in disgust. Never! I love my job. ‘Now who is being unreason… Ohhhhh!’ I lose my trail as he plunges deep into me. Oh God, here comes the sense f**k, but what is he trying to get me to submit to? Lunch or retiring? At twenty six? How ridiculous!

He wastes no time breaking me in. He powers into me like a madman. My legs fall open and he pins my wrists on either side of my head. ‘Lunch?’ he asks as he thrusts hard.

My brain has just turned to mush, but it still registers that this is a lunch sense f**k. I’m relieved. Lunch will be easier to relent to, rather than retiring, but I still don’t plan on going down easily. Mr Challenging has a challenge on his hands.

‘No!’ I shout defiantly.

He growls and surges forward, his firmness stroking me hard and fast as he drives in and out like a wild animal. ‘You are so receptive to me.’

I am! He lays one finger on me and I’m all over the place. ‘Jesse, please.’

He hits me hard with his hips and grinds firmly. ‘Baby, let me have lunch with you.’

I shake my head, holding my breath.

‘Do I feel good?’

‘Yes!’ I shout on a rushed exhale. The crest of a booming orgasm descends on me and his grip tightens around my wrists.

‘Say yes.’ he insists harshly, and I know he’s on his way to explosion too.

What if I don’t say yes? What if I hold out on him? ‘No!’ I’m not giving in. He can’t f**k sense into me every time I don’t agree to something.

He hammers on, my thighs tensing, my mind knotted. ‘Ava, give me what I want.’


‘You’re going to come.’

‘Yes!’ I cry. All of the pent up stress of the day is going to come rushing out at any moment.

‘Oh, f**k, baby, you do serious things to me.’ He hits me with another powerful, thundering of his hips.

My mind goes blank, and I’m about to detonate when he stops dead in his tracks, subsequently stopping my imminent orgasm dead in its tracks. ‘What are you doing?’ I scream, completely stunned. I tilt my hips to try and get the friction I need to tip me over the edge, but he pulls his own hips back until he is only just inside me. ‘You bastard!’ I spit.

‘Watch your f**king mouth! Say yes, Ava.’ he pants, but his words are controlled. How is he doing this? I know he’s ready to come.

‘No.’ I affirm.

He shakes his head and then locks eyes with me as he plunges, oh so slowly, and swivels his hips.

‘Ohhh.’ I groan. ‘Faster.’

‘Say the word, Ava.’ He repeats the teasing move. ‘Say it, and you’ll get what you want.’

‘You don’t play fair.’ I complain.

‘You want me to stop?’

‘No!’ I shout in frustration. This is torture at its worst.

He flexes his hold on my wrists. ‘I’ll ask you one more time, baby. Lunch?’ He flicks his hips forward as he asks, and I lose any determination I had to defy him.

‘Fuck me.’ I cry as he looks down at me, amusement plaguing his expression.

‘Watch your mouth.’ He’s grinning. ‘Was that a yes?’

‘YES!’ I scream.

‘Good girl.’ he praises, and then powers forward, hammering into me and tossing me straight back into a fast build-up to release. I stiffen from head to toe as sizzling hotness travels through my blood stream and my skin heats from the friction of being pushed across the carpet by his manic momentum.

‘Jesse!’ I’m gripped from every direction by stabbing shots of pleasure flying through my nervous system, exploding at my core.

Tags: Jodi Ellen Malpas This Man Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024