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Almost Married

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She dropped her head in her hands. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t hold back because of what might happen. She’d handle it. Her marriage wasn’t real. It was time to end it. She made a quick call to Amber to fill her in and to calm herself. A short time later, she heard the buzzer, and her heart raced. Dave was here.

~ ~ ~

Dave drove like a maniac from Eastman where he'd just finished up his extra-help session for some students after school. He couldn't believe the hold this guy Griffin held over Steph. Like he had any right after a five-year separation. He'd spent most of the night going over Steph’s shocking news, reminding himself this was nothing like Sherri, this was a real separation, but still feeling uneasy about it. And really not happy about the dishonesty. Were there other things she’d kept from him? A relationship couldn’t work without honesty.

But, dammit, when she called and he heard the pleading in her voice, the near desperation, he knew he had to show up at her place. He could tell she didn’t want to be alone with Griffin. He would go because she needed him.

Hell, who was he kidding? He loved her. He missed her after just one day of being apart. Him showing up at Steph’s place would help her. Griffin would sign the divorce papers, and Steph would be free to live her life. With him.

He pulled up to her place, parking on the street behind a stretch limo. A prickling of unease went through him. Was Steph's husband a multimillionaire? He got out of his Ford Fusion and walked briskly up the steps. So what if her husband was rich? Money wasn't everything. Steph wouldn't care about that. They were both teachers. She understood the intangible rewards of teaching, like that moment when a student's face lit up as they grasped a new concept. Those moments were gold.

He hit the intercom. “It's Dave.”

“Come on up,” Steph said, buzzing him in the front door.

He took the stairs two at a time, smoothed his hair, and knocked.

The door swung open. “You got here fast,” Steph said.

“I might have broken the speed limit a few times,” he admitted. He was usually careful never to break any traffic laws. He’d never even gotten a ticket before.

She kissed him on the cheek. “I missed you,” she whispered.

His chest ached. “I missed you too.”

A voice drawled from the sofa. “Aww…isn't that sweet?”

Dave strode in to meet the man who stood between him and his woman. The other man stood, nearly as tall as Dave, but with more bulk. There was something familiar about the guy—the leather, the tattoos, the long hair. Shit.

“You're Griffin Huntley,” Dave said. He only knew this disturbing fact because his sister, Christina, was a Twisted Star fanatic. Chris went to all of their concerts on the East Coast. She even had a poster of Griffin in her bedroom like a teenaged girl.

Griffin flashed a smile that held little warmth. “In the flesh.”

Dave turned to Steph in horror. “Your husband is a freaking rock star?”

Steph put a hand on his arm. “It's no big deal.”

“And what do you do?” Griffin asked.

Dave stood tall and proud. “I’m a math teacher.”

Griffin raised a brow. “Sexy.”

Dave saw red. What he did wasn't glamorous or sexy, but it was important work. And Steph, also a teacher, was the woman he loved. How dare Griffin put down both of them in their chosen professions? This guy probably wouldn’t know a square root from a binomial.

He got in Griffin's face. “You got a problem with teachers? Because in case you hadn't noticed, Steph and I are both teachers.”

“I don't got a problem with teachers,” Griffin shot back. He put his hands on Dave's chest and gave him a shove. “I got a problem with a guy horning in on my woman.”

Dave shoved back, but Griffin didn't budge. Dammit. He vowed to begin lifting weights this weekend. “Then there's no problem because she's not your woman.”

“Maybe we should take this outside,” Griffin said, challenge in his eyes.

Steph stepped between them. “Enough! Griff, you've met Dave, so now you can sign the papers. I won't ask for a cent from you.”

Griffin eyed Dave. “I’m not losing my wife to a geek like you.”

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