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Almost Married

Page 47

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“Your music and your wife are five years ago. Stop living in the past.”

“Shut up!” he barked. “You don’t know anything about me and Steph!”

“Wake up!” she snapped and slapped him across the face.

He put his hand on his cheek in shock. It stung too. He was still gaping when she grabbed her beer and left.

Crazy lady. No one treated him like that. Especially not women. Women loved him. Christina had a screw loose.

~ ~ ~

Steph stretched like a contented cat on Saturday morning, Dave’s hand possessively spread wide across her stomach. What a week. She smiled to herself. Griff hadn’t bothered her. Dave couldn’t get enough of her. She loved this fierce side to him. Slowly, ever so slowly, she slid out from under his hand and rolled out of bed. She headed for the bathroom, intent on surprising him. She quickly washed up and got to work.

It took a while, and it wasn’t easy. But she thought it would be worth it. The door whipped open just as she put on the finishing touch.

His eyes took in her naked state and went dark with desire behind his glasses. His hair was adorably messy, sticking out every which way. “What are you doing out of bed?” he growled.

He liked to keep her in bed as much as possible. Except when she wanted to eat or watch TV or needed to grade papers. Even then, he liked to keep them connected, so to speak. She wasn’t complaining.

She sauntered past him, stopped, and threw over her shoulder. “What do you think?”

She waited, her back to him so he could take in the rear view, and heard his sharp intake of breath.

“Steph, what did you do?”

She looked over her shoulder at his shocked expression and smiled to herself.

“Tell me that’s not real,” he said even as he was reaching out to her. He ran a finger along one butt cheek, tracing the D. She had a tattoo across both cheeks that said, Dave’s.

“It’s not real. And it wasn’t easy to do reverse in the mirror.” She huffed. “I hope you appreciate it.”

He went down on his knees and kissed the D. She looked over her shoulder as he kissed every letter reverently. Heat pooled through her at his touch.

“I’m yours, Dave. All yours.”

He stood with a groan, his hand still cupping her ass. “I’ve been a beast to you, and you never complained. You don’t have to keep telling me you’re mine.”

She spread her legs and tipped forward, opening herself to him. “I loved every minute, you fucking beast.”

He muttered a curse, grabbed her hips, and thrust fully inside her. It was fierce, urgent, and hot as all hell. His hands cupped her breasts, tugging on her nipples, as he thrust hard and steady.

“Mine,” he said fiercely. She didn’t know which part of her he was talking about, but it didn’t matter, she was all his.

“Yours,” she gasped out.

His fingers stroked her center, and she felt the familiar tightening as the pressure built. She closed her eyes, lost in sensation. His finger flicked across her hard nub, and she cried out.

“Mine,” he said, flicking quickly over her again as he thrust steadily. Her entire body quivered.

“Yours,” she cried out as the intensity skyrocketed with each flick of his finger. Her legs gave out, but he had her, one arm clamped around her waist. His touch gentled, stroking her center again, but his thrusts didn’t let up, and she flew, as her body exploded with a climax that rushed through her, radiating out from her center all the way to her toes. His hands clamped on her hips, and she took in his last shuddering thrusts until he groaned, holding her tightly, as he let go deep inside her.

A moment later, he turned her in his arms and showered her with kisses—her eyelids, her cheeks, her lips, her chin. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He shook his head. “I still can’t believe you chose me over him.”

“You’re the better man.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight for a few moments. He pulled back to look in her eyes. “How come you didn’t have kids, you and Griffin?”

She looked down. “He didn’t want them.” She met his kind eyes. “I did. I’ve always wanted kids.”

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