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The Billionaire's Kiss (Kiwi Bride 2)

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In the distance, she heard horse hooves behind her. Were they coming back already? she wondered, glancing behind her. She saw a man and beast galloping toward her, very fast. Ruby's heart missed a beat before it began pumping rapidly as she recognized Alec and his stallion.

It looked as though he would run her over at the speed they were coming. Ruby felt paralyzed. She was scared, but at the same time, fascinated. Just as Alec was about to pass her, Ruby closed her eyes.

Alec lowered his upper body on his left side, holding his arm out as the stallion neared her. He caught her around her middle and lifted her up as the stallion passed her.

Ruby opened her eyes and saw that she was now on the horse's back. She tightened her arms around Alec's neck as the stallion galloped faster, heading toward the other side of the woods.

When they came to a secluded spot near a waterfall, Alec reined the horse to a halt. Ruby loosened her arms about him, quite aware that her backside was rather sore.

Alec stroked her hair back from her forehead as he gazed at her. Ruby couldn't help staring at his firm lips.

"You still owe me two kisses," he whispered, his hot breath fanning her face.

Ruby replied with her eyes still on his lips, "Are you going to kiss me now?"

"Aye, I am," he said before kissing her sweetly on her forehead. Then he moved his lips slowly down to the tip of her nose where he kissed her again.

Ruby said, "That's two kisses already."

Alec thought she sounded rather disappointed. He wanted to laugh. He said, "Those are not kisses, sweetheart. Those are just pecks."

"They are kisses to me."

"Nay, they're not. This, Ruby, is kiss number one." Alec's eyes twinkled as he watched her looking at him in anticipation. He moved his head and kissed her softly on her lips. As he was kissing her, his hands guided her arms up and wrapped them around his neck.

Ruby felt encouraged and tightened her arms about his neck as she moved her body closer to him. She was lost and not even aware that they were still on the saddle. The spirited stallion, however, did not move an inch under Alec's expert command.

Alec deepened his kiss as Ruby opened her mouth for him. They played innocently, their tongues stroking and caressing each other.

When Alec drew his head back and looked at her, Ruby was once again dazed. He smiled arrogantly as he guided her in such a way to turn her around in the saddle, placing her properly in front of him.

He buried his face against her neck and inhaled her beautiful scent. Giving her little kisses, he caused every fiber inside her to rush with pleasure.

"Kiss number two is for later," he promised.

Ruby bit her lip and her insides trembled with pleasure and excitement at the prospect of that.

Alec urged the stallion to start trotting. They rode on for half an hour, with Alec showing her the lovely scenery around the estate. Now and again, he gave her little pecks on her cheeks, her forehead, and the nape of her neck.

Ruby enjoyed his intimate company very much. She wanted it to go on forever. But she knew it could not be so. In five more days, she'd be going home, never to see him again. At the back of her mind, she anxiously awaited for kiss number two, while also realizing she was falling deeply in love with her captor.



Ruby watched Alec come out of the bathroom, dressed in his rarely used pyjamas of loose pants and a T-shirt. With his recently washed hair all tousled, and his chin cleanly shaved, he looked very handsome, making her heart beat faster.

He reclined beside her on the bed and said, "Now then. Does my lady allow this poor beggar to sleep in her bed, or has she relegated him to sleeping on the uncomfortable sofa?"

Ruby smirked. "I am truly sorry, Sir Beggar, but you must sleep on the uncomfortable sofa. Her ladyship deems it so."

"Aw, such a meanie." He groaned and reluctantly ambled toward the sofa. He was halfway there when he turned, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Ruby glimpsed his expression and knew he was up to something. "What is it?"

"It means the number of kisses you owe me just went up."

Ruby frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Every night I sleep on the sofa, and you sleep in my bed, you owe me a kiss."

Ruby laughed. "Sir Beggar, 'tis no time for jokes," she said as she grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

Alec caught it and pretended it hit his stomach. He fell to his knees and clutched the pillow to his stomach as though it was a very sharp sword. He groaned as though he were in pain, "My lady, you... you've mortally wounded me. You've stabbed me right in the heart."

Ruby laughed again, clutching her stomach, as it was aching from laughter. Alec peeked at her, smirking.

Once she managed to stifle her amusement, she said, "Sir Beggar, I did not stab you in the heart. I stabbed you in the stomach."

Alec crawled toward the bed. "Have mercy, my lady. This beggar is dying. At least, let him die in your bed."

Then he climbed up onto the bed and pretended to die painfully there.

Ruby leaned over and looked at him. She touched his arm. "Alec?" she whispered. "Are you really dead?"

No response. He was as still as a corpse. Ruby tugged his arm to get his attention. When he still didn't respond, she moved on top of him and looked at his face, their noses nearly touching.

Alec flashed his eyes open and grabbed her arms. Ruby jerked back.

"Does that mean I can sleep in her ladyship's bed?" he asked cheekily. Then he pulled her down and rolled on top of her.

Ruby could feel every sinew of his strong body. Her own body started to spark with pleasure. She licked her lips and said, "I didn't say that you could."

"Ah, but your voice and eyes tell a different story," he chuckled, gazing down at her. "What a beautiful prisoner you are, my lady. Would you like to remain my captive for the rest of your life?"

"No!" she snapped. "I do not want to."

"Come now, this is my one and only offer. It's a great offer," he added, his fingers stroking her hair.

"Tell me what's so great about it?" she demanded, liking the feel of his fingers so gently touching her skin.

"Hum." He cocked his head to one side. "First off, you won't have to work to survive."

Ruby snorted. "Sir Beggar, I can survive by myself, if you must know. I do like supporting myself, thank you very much."

"Okay. Then how about not having to worry about money? I will give all the things you want. Designer clothing, designer jewelry, cars, houses, travelling expenses. As long as I'm with you."

Ruby laughed. She touched her finger to the side of his face and said, "I can get all those things myself, Sir Beggar. To be honest, I don't really want designer clothing or jewelry. Cars, I have my own; houses, I also have my own."

"What about travelling?" he asked her with his eyebrows raised.

"That, I'm not particularly fond of, after this adventure."

"Aw, my outstanding offer does not even move you," Alec said.

"That's right, Sir Beggar, there's nothing you can offer me in exchange for my voluntary imprisonment."

"What about this?" he asked.

Ruby widened her eyes at him in question. "What?"

"This," he said, touching his lips to hers.

Alec kissed her deeply and passionately, sending Ruby's body straight to heaven. When he moved his head back, he said, "Kiss number two."

Then he proceeded to give her little kisses on her cheeks down to the nape of her neck. Ruby closed her eyes at the sensuous pleasure.

Alec stopped the kissing and said, "Will you at least give it time and reconsider?"

Ruby opened her eyes. She didn't know what he was talking about.

"My offer?"

"Oh," she replied.

"Very good," Alec said as he arranged himself comfortably on the large bed.

"You're not sleeping on the sofa?" she asked.

He pulled her to him and wrapped his a

rm around her. "If you want another kiss, I'm willing to sleep on the sofa."

"No, that's okay," she said, closing her eyes, liking the feel of his large, warm body now very close to her.

Alec reached out and switched off the bedside lamp. He turned back, rested his chin on the top of her head, and closed his eyes. Holding onto Ruby's hands as he slept, Alec had a smile on his face.

Alec got up before Ruby the next morning. After showering and changing, he gave her a kiss on her forehead before going down for breakfast. He saw Susan there, waiting for him, and looking very anxious.

"Alec!" She jumped up from her seat once she saw him.

"Sue, what's wrong?" he asked with concern, eyeing her pale complexion.

"Alec," she began, her hands trembling. "She told him."

"What?" he asked, frowning with confusion.

"Ruby, she told him. Oh, Alec, Brian told me yesterday when we were riding. He said Ruby told him everything."

"Hold on, Sue, what exactly did Brian say to you?"

"He said Ruby told him everything."

"Nothing more than that?" he asked.

"Well, that's all he said. But, Alec, I talked to her. I... I was confused and scared. I told her that it's okay to tell Brian everything."

"Shit!" Alec hissed.

"Alec, I'm sorry," Susan said.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's not your fault. It can't be helped if it already happened."

Susan sighed and said, "I don't think we can do anything. They love each other, Alec."

Alec shook his head. Suddenly, he was lost and confused. What the hell was going on? If Ruby loved Brian, then why the hell was she behaving like a lovesick kitten around him? Was she just playing with him because he hurt her? Shit!

After eating her breakfast alone, Ruby went out for a stroll, hoping to see Alec. Her hope, however, died a slow, painful death. She couldn't find him anywhere. Not even in the stables where she greeted the friendly Bernard. She made polite conversation with him for a while before she mustered the courage to ask him if he knew where Alec was.

The stable master shook his head. Ruby, with slumped shoulders, waved goodbye to him and walked back to the castle. That was when she spotted Alec.

He ran up to her and dragged her by the hand to his car.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"Out for a ride."

Both were quiet as the car drove along the verdant countryside. A while later, they reached a small village.

"Come on," he said, leading her into an antique shop.

An elderly man greeted them as they entered the tiny, cluttered room.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"I'm buying you a present."

Ruby could only look at him in surprise.

"Come on, look around. See what appeals to you. You do like antique stuff, don't you, my lady?" he teased.

"Yes, but--"

"Nay, no buts," he interrupted as he steered her toward the jewelry section.

"Whoa," Ruby gasped, staring at the array of beautiful, though badly arranged, antique necklaces. One caught her eye. The locket was made of a dark, blue ivory in the shape of an oval, enclosed with beautifully designed flowers etched into the silver round edge. "That one's nice."

"Then, that one it is," Alec said as he picked it up.

Ruby suddenly realized he was serious when he walked to the counter. As the elderly man punched some numbers into the antique cash register, Alec glanced back at her and gave her a wink. Then he gave the man some notes, thanked him, and walked back to her. Without saying anything, he grabbed her wrist and led her outside.

"You are serious," she said once they left the shop.

"I am serious," he replied. He placed the delicate necklace about her neck and locked it in. Gazing at the two necklaces now on her neck, he automatically moved his fingers down and touched the elephant pendant.

"You never take this off?"

Ruby shook her head. "Never."

Then he touched the dark blue, ivory locket. "Then you're never to take this one off either, madame," he said, his lips at the nape of her neck.

"Is that a command, my good sir?" she asked, giggling.

"It is," he replied, before leading her back to the car.

He drove her about the country for an hour and took her to lunch in one of the cafes in the village. Ruby thoroughly enjoyed her time with him, and found him to be a very pleasant companion.

When they returned to his manor, it was dinnertime. Ruby couldn't eat much because she was still full from lunch. After dinner, she decided to take a walk outside and watch the sun setting. She was enjoying the view when Brian appeared beside her. She turned and gave him a fleeting smile.

"You and Alec seemed to be getting along well," he said. "What are your plans? If you don't mind me asking."

"About what?" she asked, looking at him.

"You and Alec."


"You're going back to New Zealand," he explained. "Is he going back with you?"

"Oh, that," Ruby murmured. "We haven't discussed anything yet."

"Long distance relationships can be hard," he commented.

"I know."

Brian glanced at the necklace about her slender neck and said, "Did he buy that for you?"

Ruby touched the locket, nodding.

"Looks nice."

"Thanks," she replied.

Lapsing into silence, they both stared off into the distance.

"Ruby," Brian began after a moment. "I don't want you to get hurt."

She closed her eyes and sighed, replying, "I'm not getting hurt, Brian. What about you and Susan?"

"We're getting there."

Ruby turned to look at him with interest. "What do you mean?"

"Getting there, but she doesn't know it yet."

Because she couldn't help herself, Ruby asked, "What are your plans?"

"Ruby, I have to be honest with you now. I'm sorry I made you cry the other day."

"Brian, it wasn't your fault."

"No, Ruby, I have to be honest with you here. I was a brute. I'm sorry. I know now you and Alec really love each other; and who am I to come between you and him? Look, I know now why you didn't call me when you left the motel. Alec surprised you by showing up, didn't he? The receptionist told me a man who looked like Alec came to get you that day. I put two and two together."

"I'm sorry, Brian. I rang you that day, but didn't want to worry you," she said. She didn't have the heart to tell him that all his assumptions were wrong.

"So you see, Ruby, you have my blessing," he said cheerfully.

"What?" Ruby looked at him in bewilderment.

"It won't be long now before you and Alec get married. When is the date?"

"Oh, that, I--we haven't--"

"I also want to tell you something, Ruby."

"What is it?"

"I think I am still in love with Susan."

Ruby blinked. "Really?" she asked. She was so happy for him that fresh tears began to brew in her eyes.

"Now, now, I said that I think. I'll have to give it time. I'm pretty slow at things like that."

"Oh, Brian, I'm so happy for you," she said as she threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at him, her eyes full of happy tears.

"You're crying, Ruby, what for?" he teased.

"For you, Brian. I'm happy for you. Are you going to ask her to marry you?"

"Maybe," he replied. "For the second time."

"Brian, you are," she shouted. Then she stood on tiptoes and kissed him right on his lips. When she moved back, she said, "Does she know yet?"

"No," he replied.

"It's a surprise, then?"

He nodded and Ruby laughed.

At that precise moment, Alec, standing on the balcony of the first floor, saw them. He watched as they talked, and Ruby threw herself into Brian's arms, before she kissed him on the lips.

A powerful emotion

erupted from inside him. He wanted to leap out and tear the hugging couple apart. It took all of his willpower to stay put. What were they talking about? Were they confessing their love for each other? Was Ruby telling Brian what happened here in the last three weeks? That he kidnapped her?

He gritted his teeth and fisted his hands. He hurt, and felt it deep inside his heart.

Ruby, sweetheart, please don't go back to Brian. Please don't tell him you love him. Please tell him you love me. Ruby, sweetheart, I want you. I love you.

He growled low and walked away, feeling disgusted with himself. He could never deserve the love of a woman as special as Ruby. Never! She was too good for him. All he did was hurt her. She deserved someone better than he. He knew he was no saint, and Ruby deserved a saint like Brian.



Ruby's heart swelled with happiness for Brian. She did it, she told herself. She managed to make Brian see that he was really in love with Susan after all. Actually, she hadn't really done that much, to be honest.

She strolled into the bedroom as she hummed to herself.

"'Allo, Westies," she greeted Captain Snow, who was sleeping on the settee near the window. She went to pat the dog on his head before walking into the bathroom to shower.

Feeling fresh and clean, she dressed in her pyjamas, and strolled out again. She halted when she saw Alec with his back to her as she realized that Captain Snow was gone.

"'Allo," she said, her voice light. "Where's Westies?"

Alec tensed at the mere sound of her voice. He commanded himself to stay calm and not storm at her. He took a deep breath and turned--his eyes unreadable.

"Gone," he replied.

Ruby glanced at him. She could sense that there was something different about him. He seemed darker and more dangerous. Silly, it must have been her imagination.

Alec stepped closer toward her, his gaze on her beautiful face. God, how he loved her beautiful scent. He wanted her.

He cupped her face in his hands gently as he stared into her eyes. Then he gave her a little kiss on her lips.

God, he needed to know. He needed to know if her feelings for him were real.

He moved his head back and whispered, "I want you, Ruby. I love you."

He watched her; and she looked astonished to hear his confession.

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