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The Billionaire's Kiss (Kiwi Bride 2)

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Alec closed his eyes at the amazing sensation. She was so tight around him, wrapping him in her hot, wet sheet. When he opened his eyes again, his heart glowed with pride. He watched his Ruby dancing on top of him, her skin glistening with sweat, her breasts bouncing about freely. He found her face amazingly beautiful as her desire built up and he could see she was on the verge of an orgasm. He tightened his hands about her small waist and pulled her down on him, seeking her lips for a kiss.

When he pulled her down, Ruby gasped in surprise. Then he kissed her hard and passionately. Before long, he flipped her underneath him as he continued sliding into her. He moved faster and wilder, his furious rhythm nearly about to break her. She groaned loudly, begging him not to stop, but to keep going, only harder and faster.

Alec obliged. Then he felt her coming although she screamed it out again and again. She didn't need to tell him! He watched her; squeezing her eyes closed, her small teeth biting her lower lip, her hands gripping his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin. She came, and it was long and beautiful as he watched her, fascinated and loving it. Then it was his turn. He came, and it was also long and satisfying as he released his seed inside her.

She was still panting when he pulled out. Taking her into his arms, he began kissing her repeatedly.

Exhausted, Ruby closed her eyes, a smile on her lips. Alec watched her as she slept peacefully in his arms, kissing her now and again. He couldn't believe how precious she was now to him. He closed his eyes too, smiling.



It was still dark when Ruby opened her eyes. She felt her throat tightening and her stomach roiling in dread as she watched Alec. In his sleep, he looked impassive and absolutely handsome. He had a slight smile on his lips as though he were having a wonderful dream. She wondered if she was in it.

After hastily getting out of bed, she showered and changed, hoping sincerely that Alec was in such a deep sleep, he wouldn't wake up before she left him. Once refreshed and all dressed up, she returned, looking at the man she was about to leave forever for the last time. She gently brushed her fingers across his strong jaw line, her heart burning with sadness. But how could she stay with him if they had no future together? She belonged in her own world back in New Zealand, and he belonged here, in Scotland. He was Master Alec Hasting, multimillionaire, and she was just Ruby from New Zealand.

Slowly, she withdrew her hand. "I'm sorry, Alec," she said, stepping back. "I love you." Then before she broke down, she spun on her heels and walked out the door.

Down at the main entrance, Brian was waiting for her. He gave her a fleeting smile, but she noticed he looked tired. She couldn't blame him. It was, after all, five in the morning.

"Are you ready?"

Ruby nodded, refusing to look back up the stairs, or wonder what Alec's reaction would be when he discovered she was gone.

Outside the manor, Brian put her suitcase into the boot. "You don't have anything else?"

Ruby shook her head.

"Okay." Brian opened the door for her. Ruby looked up once more at the manor, a sickening feeling building up in the pit of her stomach and tears burned in her eyes.

No, she had to go. She had to leave. This was no place for her. This was not her home.

She slid into the front seat, and Brian closed the door after her. He got into the driver's seat and started the engine. He noticed Ruby's hand shaking as she put on her seatbelt. He touched her shoulder.

"We don't have to do this," he said.

Ruby glanced at him. "I have to do this, Brian. I can't stay here. I... I don't belong here."

"What about Alec?"

"He'll survive. All too soon, he'll forget about me. He'll forget me completely."

"I thought you loved him."

"I do, but I can't stay here. I don't belong here, Brian."

"Ruby, I'm sorry."

"About what?"

He paused for a moment before saying, "Nothing."

He drove out as Ruby looked back, wondering if she would ever see Hasting Manor again.

Alec woke up with a start, his heart pumping loud, and so fast that his chest began to hurt. His skin was beading with sweat. He brought his hand up and touched his breastbone. He could feel it; his heart slamming against his chest. He gritted his teeth, wondering why he felt as if he just lost something very important to him, like his other half, or his soul.

He took a deep breath to calm down. After managing that, he looked over to his right. The other side of the bed was empty, and his stomach churned with acid. Dread built up inside his chest, and he stopped breathing for a split second before his heart started pumping again, fast and furious.

Leaping off the bed, he rushed to the bathroom.

"Ruby?" he called out, in a shaky voice. God, why did he have the feeling that she was gone? Why? No, Alec, Ruby is still here. She's somewhere in the manor.

"Ruby?" he called again as he opened the bathroom door. It was empty. He stood there for a moment, brooding in the dead silence that echoed in his ears.

He turned on his heels and rushed out the door, flying down the grand stairs, and into the dining room. He spotted Susan at the dining table, having her breakfast. She glanced up at him and gave him a small smile. He noted there was something in her eyes; was it pity? But Alec didn't have time to register that thought, and when Ruby was nowhere to be seen, he abruptly left and went into the library, which was also empty. He came back into the hallway, confused, and totally lost.

Captain Snow barked at him. The dog came up to him and wagged his little tail, begging to be picked up. Alec obliged and the dog started licking his face.

"Where is she?" Alec whispered to himself. Then something flashed into his mind. Last night, just before dinner, he saw Ruby and Brian talking. What were they talking about? Then, when he arrived, they stopped. What were they talking about? he asked himself.

He came into the dining room.

"Morning, Alec, is everything all right?" Susan asked.

Alec glanced up at his sister and asked, "Where's Brian?"

Susan put her cup of tea down, and Alec noticed that her hands were shaking. He looked up into her eyes.

"Shit!" he swore under his breath as he ran from the room, rushing into the master bedroom, and then into the walk-in wardrobe. He noticed immediately what was missing: Ruby's suitcase was no longer there. Stalking back, he got his cell phone. He dialed Brian's number and waited. The phone rang and rang and rang.

"Pick up, Brian, pick up," he muttered under his breath.

Ring, ring, ring, ring...

"Pick up, for fuck's sake!" he swore, raking his fingers through his thick hair.

Ring, ring, ring, ring...

"Shit!" He terminated the call and threw the phone onto the bed before running out of the room and down the stairs to find Susan.

"Where is he?" he shouted the moment he was in the dining room as he confronted his sister. "Where the hell is Brian?"

Susan nibbled her lower lip, her hands shaking from nerves. Her brother never shouted at her before, and she found the first time very intimidating. Ruby must have really meant a lot to him.

"Susan? Where the fucking hell is Brian? Where has he taken Ruby?"

Susan looked up at her brother, her eyes filled with tears. "Alec, please stop shouting at me. You've never shouted at me before. Brian hasn't done anything wrong."

Alec gritted his teeth. "Hasn't done anything wrong? He's bloody gone and taken Ruby with him! Tell me, Sue, tell me where he's taken her."

"Does she mean that much to you, Alec?"

Alec raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Yes. I love her, Sue. I... I... love her."

"I'm sorry, Alec, but I don't think she loves you. She doesn't want to be with you. She's gone. She asked Brian to take her back."

He looked up at his sister, and his face was so dark, Susan could see the torture there. A thousand questions rushed in his mind. "Back?"



Suddenly, Alec felt his body drained of energy. He felt like he lost the battle. Shoulders slumping, he turned on his heel and walked out the door.

In his room, he sat down on her side of the bed as he stared into space, his mind reeling with the images of her. She was everywhere, tormenting him, reminding him of her absence with her beautiful scent. Then, when he couldn't handle it any longer, he broke down. With his knees on the floor and his face in his hands, he wept. For the first time since his ex-wife left him five years ago, Master Alec Hasting, multibillionaire, and master of the Hasting Empire, wept.




"Are you all right?" Brian asked, watching her. "Not too tired?

Ruby turned her gaze on him and shook her head. It was a lie, of course. She was tired. She brought the cup of coffee to her lips and took a sip. The caffeine kicked in immediately, going straight to her head.


Ruby straightened when she heard her name. Looking around, she found her best friend coming toward her, and immediately stood up with her arms wide open.

Alexandra McCartney pulled her into a tight hug. "Hey, how are you? How's your big OE going?"

Once Ruby managed to free herself from her friend's arms, she said, "Okay. Oh, Lord! Your tummy is growing. It's so round." She touched Alex's swollen stomach, marveling at how incredible it was to know another life was gestating in there. "So how are you? Oh, hi, Jay."

"Hey, Ruby," gorgeous Jayden McCartney greeted her. He gave her a hug and then asked, "And who is this?" referring to Brian, who was standing next to Ruby.

"Oh, sorry." Ruby turned to Brian. "This is Brian. And, Brian, this is Jayden McCartney and his wife, Alexandra, my best friend."

Jay extended his hand for Brian to shake. Brian took it and shook it enthusiastically. With the formal introductions out of the way, they sat, and Jayden proceeded to order some drinks for his wife and him.

Jay and Brian started chatting, and Alex couldn't wait to move closer to Ruby. She whispered into her ear, "So, he's the English guy, huh?"

Ruby lightly shook her head, trying not to look at Brian so he wouldn't know they were talking about him. Alex raised her brows in surprise.

"Oh? But he's good looking," Alex whispered.

"And taken," Ruby replied quietly.

Alex sighed. "Damn, aye?"

Ruby grinned at her friend.

Their drinks arrived, and Alex gratefully sipped her hot chocolate. Lately, it seemed she could not drink enough hot chocolate.

"We're here on business," Jayden said to Brian.

"Where are you staying?" Brian asked.

"The Anna's Hotel," Jay replied.

"Ah." Brian nodded.

"We've already booked a room for Ruby. Deluxe suite," Alex added, turning to her friend. "I hope you don't mind. I couldn't book one next to ours. But yours is only a couple of doors down from ours."

"That's fine, Alex," Ruby chuckled. "I'm sure I'll survive."

"Why that particular hotel?" Brian asked with restrained interest.

"The owner is my business partner," Jay replied. "He insisted we stay there." Jay failed to mention that everything was all paid for by this new business partner of his, including Ruby's room.

"I see," Brian said under his breath.

"So you are coming, right?" Alex said to Ruby.

Ruby widened her eyes curiously at her friend.

"The ball. The charity ball."

"Oh, yeah." Ruby muttered. "Totally forgot about that."

"But you are coming, right?"

"Yeah. I already agreed, didn't I?"

"Yeah, of course you did," Alex said, turning to her husband. "Oh, that means we'll have to go shopping. I haven't got my dress. Jay, would you like to come along, darling?"

"Are we going this afternoon?" Ruby asked suddenly. "I'm rather tired. Mind if I stay in?"

"Of course, we'll do it tomorrow," Alex said.

"That means I can't come along, sweetheart," Jay said to his wife. "I have a business meeting."

"Well, yes, of course. We'll just go by ourselves."

"Remember to take your BlackBerry with you, sweetheart, as you do tend to get a bit lost."

Alex glared at her husband. It was so unkind of him to mention that in front of Brian. Of course, she was never good at getting her bearings in another country, but he just had to bring that up.

"Don't worry," she retorted in annoyance, her cheeks blushing a becoming pink. "I'll use Google maps if I have to. But I'm sure I'll find my way about."

"There's one more thing," Ruby interjected meekly, and all three looked at her expectantly. She cast her eyes down, focusing on the cup of her coffee as she said, "I've lost my wallet."

"Oh. When? Where?" Alex asked.

Ruby bit her lip. "I'm not sure," she lied.

"Don't worry, Ruby, I'll take care of it," Brian said. "How about I take you tomorrow to the embassy? I have a few friends there. I can pull some strings."

Ruby smiled at Brian gratefully. "Thanks, Brian."

"Should we get going then?" Jay said. "Ruby looks rather worse for the wear."

"Yes, please," Ruby replied eagerly.

"I won't detain you much longer then," Brian said. "Ruby, look after yourself, love?"

Ruby nodded, and Brian came over and hugged her tightly.

Ruby took the opportunity to ask him another favor. "Please don't tell him where I am, okay? I'll be leaving soon anyway."

Brian hesitated for a slight moment, a worried expression contorting his handsome face. If anything, he knew Alec would stop at nothing to find her--come hell or high water. Ruby just didn't know Alec well enough yet. But Alec was his friend since childhood, and Brian knew how stubborn and determined he could be. God, if only Ruby knew that she was actually staying in Alec's hotel. If only she knew she was going to his charity ball. Yes, the charity ball, where he and Susan would be. And yes, the same place Alec would be, hosting.

He nodded, reassuring her that he would not tell Alec where she was. He knew he didn't have to say anything because sooner or later, they'd meet again, and then what? All hell would break loose, probably.

They parted ways at the cafe, and Ruby followed Jayden and Alex to the hotel.

"There you go," Alex said, opening the door for her. "If you want anything, just call room service. It's all been paid for."

Ruby suddenly became extra-sensitive and wanted to cry. Maybe everything was too much to handle right now; perhaps that was why.

"Thanks, Alex," she managed to get out.

Alex took her friend into her arms and hugged her. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Ruby wiped tears from her eyes and nodded unconvincingly. "I'm fine. I think I just miss home very much, that's all."

"There, there," Alex chuckled. "You're usually the one who gives me therapy, not the other way around."

Ruby managed to laugh. That was usually true, but now--

"Everything will be all right, Ruby. It's only a couple more days. You'll be home soon," Alex said reassuringly.

"Thanks again," Ruby muttered, moving back. She looked up at Jayden and managed to give him a smile. "Thanks so much, Jay. I don't know how--" She broke off.

"You should go and get some rest. That journey from Edinburgh must have really tired you out."

"Yeah, thanks again, guys," Ruby said before she went in, closing the door.

Alex turned to her husband. He gave her a handsome smile that always made her heart flutter. She cleared her throat and said, "Something is not right."

"What's not right, sweetheart?" Jay asked.

They strolled the short distance to their own room, and Jayden inserted the key-card into the lock. He opened the door, and they entered.

"Ruby isn't right," Alex said, throwing her purse onto the seat near the entrance.

"How is Ruby not right?"

"She seems sad or something. It's like something is missing.

She's not herself."

"Maybe she's just tired and really does miss home."

"I guess," Alex said, but she was not convinced of it.

"Come here," Jay called. "How's my wife and baby girl doing?"

Alex came over, and Jayden wrapped his arms around her waist before kissing her slightly swollen tummy.

"How's my sweet girl doing? You're not tired today, right?" he said to the tummy.

"Why are you asking an unborn child that question? You should be asking me," Alex remarked teasingly.

Jay looked up at his wife and chuckled. "I need to know before I do something."

Alex frowned. "What something do you plan to do?"

He pulled her down to him. Before Alex understood what he meant, he kissed her gently, but passionately.



"What do you think?" Alex asked.

Ruby turned and saw Alex holding up a lovely, white-laced, one-shouldered gown. It was really beautiful, and Ruby wondered how on earth she could afford that. It was the type of gown movie stars wear in Hollywood, to the Oscars.

"Do you think?" she asked, a sudden panic rising up in her chest. "I don't think I can afford it. In fact, I don't think I can afford anything in here, not even this glove." She held up one white glove and peeked at the tag again, nearly freezing in place just seeing the price.

Alex chuckled. "Oh come on. Don't be a wuss. I don't think; I know. Now, come on, let's try it on." Alex pulled her friend by the arm and led her into the changing room.

Hanging the gown on the hook, Alex looked at her friend seriously. "You don't seem yourself lately, Ruby. I mean, it's like you're sad. Surely, you don't miss your wallet that much."

Ruby wanted to laugh. Her wallet? She hadn't seen the damn thing since that day in Edinburgh when Alec picked her up. A rush of overwhelming sadness coursed through her, and she wanted to cry. She cleared her throat, avoiding Alex's eyes. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all."

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