Inevitable (A Kingpin Love Affair 2) - Page 22

Hours had passed as I continued to sit in the chair across from her watching her sleep. Her body was worn and tired, her breaths were deep, and her chest rose and fell in rhythm with my own beating heart. This moment took me back to the very last time we had sex—when we were on good terms. How I had awoken her from a very similar position.

“Ride my hand, baby…” My own words echoed through my mind as I remembered every push and pull of our bodies. The way we became one, how I would’ve loved to do nothing but stay wrapped up in who she was for hours. Then I think I would’ve given everything up for her. Hell, I still would, but things were different now. Death changed people. It changed things. Technically, we’re still enemies, but for her to be one, Jared would have to be one, too. I could never turn my back on them.

A deep moan pulled me from my thoughts as I watched Bree roll over in bed. She was wearing one of my shirts and a pair of my boxers. Her shirt was riding up on her back, and her lower back and ass were showing.

My cock was stiff and ready to take her. Of course, it was always hard with her around, but there was something so much more important that needed to be handled. I needed to know what had happened to her while she was gone. Where she had been taken, all she had endured. God, I was a fucking douche bag for not asking these questions before doing anything with her.

Ringing my hands together, I clasped them in front of me. Did I really want to talk to her about all of this? I know I had said how sorry I was, but I needed to know she was okay. I needed to make this right.

Slipping from the chair, I tiptoed across the floor and to the bed. For a moment in time, I stood staring at her beautiful face. It was more than the face of an angel. It was the face of my savior. The woman I loved, who I had hurt, betrayed, and somehow, still managed to keep. Her nose scrunched together as if she was having a bad dream and her pink lips parted a sigh escaping.

Right then, my heart did a little pitter patter. Yes, the totally fucking girly kind where sighs fall from lips and eyelashes bat. I was pussy whipped and I didn’t even care. Not one fucking bit.

“Hey, Piccolo…” I whispered against her skin as I clasped the side of her cheek gently. She stirred only slightly and one eye opened.

“It’s still dark out, so if you’re waking me up, somebody better be dying. Wait—no, scratch that… somebody had better not be dead. Too much heartache going on around here.” I could tell by the humor lacking in her voice she wasn’t kidding.

“I just needed to talk to you. I needed to let you know your father, Jared’s dad, is coming to meet you. I know you said you needed some time to digest everything that had happened, but we don’t really have time. We need to devise a plan and…” I trailed off. I was the motherfucking king, but here I was bowing to her. Putting myself on the line. I had never had to ask someone if things were okay between us—simply because I never cared enough to ask.

“And?” she asked puzzled as I sat on the bed next to her. My dick was still hard, and the way she was looking at me was making it more difficult for me to focus on the task at hand. Fuck. Yeah, that’s what you needed to be doing…

“And…. I need to know….” Pause. “If everything between us….” Pause again. Would I ever be able to fucking man up? Fuck having a cock—if I looked down, I guarantee I would have found a pussy since I was acting like one.

Sighing, I looked her straight in the eyes as if I were looking straight down the barrel of a gun. “I need to know we’re okay. I know it sounds fucked up, but I need to know you’re all right. I need to know you aren’t lost somewhere in that pretty fucking head of yours.” She knew what I was asking because not even a second passed before she started giving me answers.

“Well, basically, I was held in a hole for three weeks. When I say hole, I do mean one in the ground, surrounded by dirt. I was talked down upon and treated like shit for hours upon hours. Then… someone who says he knows you baited me to get out of the hole. Technically, I baited him, but it doesn’t matter…” Closing my eyes for a moment, I took a deep breath to calm myself. If he touched her, there was a cement block with his name on it.

“Anyway, I got out of the hole with the intent of running or doing whatever I could to escape. Instead of having to fight him though, he just kind of let me go…” She sounded surprised, which in turn kind of surprised me. Why the hell would they let her go? There had to be a motive.

“Who was this man? What did he look like? Did he touch you?” The questions came out rushed, and I felt myself reaching out to touch her, simply in relief to remind myself she was here. I was a pussy. A total fucking pussy. Next thing you know, I would be watching The Notebook and talking about The Vampire Diaries.

Smiling, a sexy as all fucking hell grin, she said, “Relax, Mr. King. Nothing happened. He didn’t hurt me. He was wearing a mask and didn’t give me his name, but he did have super green eyes. Like the greenest eyes I have ever seen, and he told me something…” Seconds passed as I watched her work through her thoughts.

Tags: J.L. Beck A Kingpin Love Affair Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024