Marked - Page 3

I brought my beer up to my lips and finished it off, drinking the last half of it as I looked at the man who seemed just as out of place here as I did.

I was about to turn around and ask for another one, telling myself “what the hell” on getting tipsy, when I saw Mr. Dark and Sexy turn in my direction, his gaze raking around the club and dancers. And then he looked right at me. Our gazes locked, and I felt my heart stop. I told myself he wasn’t staring at me. A man who looked like him didn’t find interest in a woman who looked like me, always the Plain Jane of the bunch. But there was no denying his focus was on me.

He didn’t smile, didn’t show any expression at all. But I felt his stare as if he stood right in front of me, as if he had his hand on my cheek and stroked his thumb right under my eye.

Goose bumps popped out along my arms, and a shiver raced up my spine. I felt this flush rush over me, felt the music move through my veins in a purely sexual way. What I felt was desire, lust. Need.

I looked away quickly, feeling slightly embarrassed, a little uncomfortable, and a whole lot aroused.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I said to Nadine, and she brought her red straws to her mouth and took a drink while she nodded. “Stay right here.” She nodded again.

I stood and started moving through the thick crowd, bodies bumping into me as everyone grinned together to the music. The room was packed, the heat heavy. The music was fast but sensual. Maybe it was the alcohol; maybe it was the feeling of arousal the likes I’d never felt before after seeing that dark stranger, but whatever it was, I felt so sensitive, so in tune with everything that was going on, that I almost felt high from it.

What a night this was turning out to be.

Chapter Three


The lights were low, the air almost foggy, and the beats bumping. Lasers flashed across the space, slicing through the gyrating bodies that were all but having sex on the dance floor. This wasn’t my fucking scene, but here I was, agreeing to come out with Mike and his new piece of ass. I’d finished off two shots as soon as I’d gotten here, needing the liquor to get through the barely legal people bumping and grinding all around us.

I glanced over at Mike, not sure what he saw in his newest conquest. The guy got more ass than a toilet seat; that was for damn sure. It wasn’t my scene, but despite the fact that he fucked plenty of chicks, even if I found it fucking disgusting, he was a good guy with a good heart… for the most part.

He just needed to learn to keep his dick in his pants.

I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms over my chest. I was ready to get the hell out of here, go back to the hotel room, crack open a beer, and veg out in front of the television.

And then I saw her. I felt her stare as if she’d pressed her body right to mine. She sat at the bar beside presumably her friend. She wasn’t wearing the typical club clothes, not the pasted-on material that barely covered her body. She wore a pair of form-fitting jeans with a couple holes in the knees and a plain tee. Her breasts were round and high, and she was tiny, petite.

Her dark hair was loose, hanging over her shoulders, and fuck, her eyes… so blue and bright my cock instantly jerked in response.

Fuck, my reaction to her was instant, my body tightening, my cock hardening even further. I’d never felt this way for a woman, never had this type of experience with just one look.

The sight of her was like a fucking drug to my senses.

I had to find out more, had to know who she was.

“I need a fucking drink,” Mike shouted, and I gave him a chin lift in agreement. I wasn’t a big drinker, but when I was in this kind of atmosphere, I gratefully took one for the team.

He made his way to the bar, with his woman for the night in tow, and I followed, people moving out of my way. Maybe it was because of my size or the fact that I had a perpetual scowl on my face. Either way, I wasn’t complaining.

The scent of sweat and sex lingered in the air, a dirty aroma that was like drying paint in my nose. I felt my scowl deepen. There were two bartenders stationed behind the neon lined bar. Their movements were precise and accurate, but then again, I supposed they had to be to get shit done in this place.

Tags: Jenika Snow Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024