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Double Love

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Hmmm, so my brothers weren’t just gorgeous, they had brains too. They were headed off into Hollywood, a notoriously competitive arena, but weren’t going to try and cash in on their good looks. Instead, it seemed they more interested in writing, producing, or directing, and had already begun to research the industry. Very interesting.

The rest of the lunch went well with typical boring chit chat getting-to-know-you type stuff, until the very end. We got up to go, my mom leaning over to give Dr. Jones a kiss goodbye, when Zander turned to me.

“By the way Melanie,” he murmured. “Your skirt’s tucked into your panties.”

I looked down. Oh my god! When I’d come back from the bathroom, I must not have pulled my skirt down all the way, and now the flimsy pink material was tucked into my little g-string, revealing my bare ass cheeks. The strip of lace covered absolutely zero. Even more embarrassing, that lace was darkened with moisture, testament to my heightened arousal around these gorgeous men. Flushed, I hurriedly pulled the material down, trying to cover as much skin as possible.

“Try to wear a longer skirt next time, hmm?” mused Zander, eyeing me suggestively.

And before I even realized what had happened, Zeke swiped a big palm across my ass, my skin burning as he touched me, that large hand warm and hard. Oh my god, WTF? Had my new acquaintance just copped a feel in the middle of a restaurant? Zeke’s face was calmly neutral, although there was a gleam in his eye. Was this really happening? How could one man stay so calm when he was palming my big bottom?

Just when I was about to believe it was my imagination, Zander reached between my legs, and lightly tapped the moistness at the crotch of my panties.

“Oh!” I gasped. I wanted to be outraged and scandalized at their bold moves. But it had felt so good, those warm fingers brushing against my secret space, niggling my clit for just a minute before touching my wetness.

Zander brought his hand to his lips for a second, tasting a bit and sniffing, before smiling at me.

“Aromatic and sweet, just the way we like it,” he murmured appreciatively.

I was now absolutely floored, but fortunately saved by my mom’s clucking.

“Boys, it was so nice meeting you. We’ll see you at the wedding okay?” chirped Noreen. “I’m glad we finally got to get together,” she smiled. Oh my god, what would my mom do if she knew that my stepbrothers had just fondled me intimately, testing my pussy and behind? Would the wedding still be on?

But I decided not to find out. I was headed to college on the East Coast and my soon to be stepbrothers would be on the West. So I smiled politely, my eyes large and my pussy wet, murmuring goodbye to my new relatives, relieved yet tantalized at the scandalous meeting.



Mom and Sam got married in a small ceremony at the hospital chapel. It was really sweet, just the four of us: my mom, my new dad, the pastor, and me as the witness. I have to admit – I was kind of relieved that Zander and Zeke hadn’t been able to make it. It was finals week at their high school, and their mom wouldn’t let them take any time off from studying. Guess there was no love lost between Sam and his ex-wife.

The wedding was sweet, simple and straightforward. My mom and stepdad hadn’t wanted a huge shindig because it was the second marriage for both, so they kept things low key and low profile. I was happy because my mom’s quality of life was about to improve. With me off to college, Noreen would be free to enjoy her golden years with her new husband.

But unexpectedly, I got a call from Mom while I was strolling around campus. Hmm, odd. I stared at my phone, about to enter my comparative lit class. It was the middle of the day, so why was Noreen calling? She usually works the eleven to eight shift at the hospital. Hopefully, everything was okay.

“Hi Mom,” I greeted her in a puzzled voice. “You okay?

My mom didn’t even hesitate.

“Melly, Sam’s been called to Afghanistan,” Noreen sobbed.

“What?” I gasped. How was this possible? Sam was a doctor, and sure, they needed doctors in Afghanistan, but he was at least fifty years old. Did they ship men in their golden years off to war zones? How had they gotten his name and number anyways?

My mom’s voice was ragged, like she could barely contain her tears.

“Sam’s been in the Army Reserves ever since he finished active duty,” she said. “Active duty was thirty years ago, but you know how he’s so patriotic. He always shows up for those weekend drills required by the Army Reserve. Well, I guess the government paid attention and now he’s been called up,” she said sadly.

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