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Double Love

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It was hard to control, I admit. The dildo was deeply rooted in me while my pussy spasms were so hard and strong that they almost forced the toy out. I had to grip the base firmly to keep it in my snatch as my flesh pulsed with its own rhythm around the hard shaft.

Finally, the last of the spasms subsided, and I opened my eyes before blinking slowly, and letting my lips curve into a soft, sated smile. With the dildo still buried in my twat, I asked the camera, “Did I get the job?”



Shit, our stepsister was so fucking dirty. It was unbelievable how this turn of events had come to pass. It gave new meaning to the words “perversity” and “irony.” Plus, I’ve always told my brother that truth is stranger than fiction, and this only proved my words right.

Because last week, Ralph, our man on the ground in New York, had called, his voice rough and harsh.

“I got one for you,” he said with little introduction. “You’re going to want to see this one.”

I shrugged. Ralph is one of those dudes who talks a big game but never delivers. So I shrugged.

“Really?” I grunted. “Then send it over.”

Ralph cackled. “Will do, Boss!” he said. “The tape’ll be at your place by next week.”

I hung up, not expecting much. After all, my brother and I work in the adult entertainment industry, and it’s not exactly a business known for its stability and reliability. In fact, this business is the opposite. Performers come and go, and never seem to have their paperwork in order. But it’s not just the on-screen talent. Even the off-screen talent seems to have trouble. Take last week for an example. Our film editor Harvey showed up an hour late to our editing session.

“Where have you been?” I said as the door closed. Harvey slouched in looking worse for the wear. His cap was pulled low over a hang-dog expression, and his clothes were rumpled as if he’d slept in them.

“I swear Zeke, it was my dog,” he pleaded. “Norma’s been so uppity, and you know how it is with elderly poodles. If you don’t comb their fur just right, they get so uptight and upset. I had to stay with her until she fell asleep,” he pleaded. “I had to.”

I rolled my eyes in the darkened room as my fingers flickered over the keyboard. If Harvey hadn’t been the best editor money could buy, I would have fired him because of this whole dog business.

“Take her to the vet,” I said in an even voice. “And don’t ever be late again.”

“I will, I will!” he sniveled, sliding into his seat at the console. “Now what do we have today?”

“We’re editing Schoolgirl Smut Volume 4,” I ground out. “Here, I’m going out for a smoke. You take over.”

And with that, I left the editing room, banging the door behind me. Such is the life in the adult entertainment industry. I swear, wrangling my employees is harder than herding cats.

But I love it. Zan and I came upon this industry by chance, and it’s a good fit, not to mention being incredibly profitable. We haven’t given up school or anything like that. We’re still students at USC. But early on, we enrolled in a class called “A Brief History of Porn” and immediately knew that our future lay in the adult industry. It’s not that we’ve given up on mainstream film. It’s just that mainstream shit is so fucking expensive, requiring a million sign-offs, a million dollars, and a million permits, whereas with porn you can produce a film relatively cheaply.

So we dived into the trade with gusto, trying out new camera techniques and dialogue, while also making a shit ton of money. Sex sells, I’m telling you. It’s an old saying, but until you’ve been in the porn industry, it’s hard to wrap your mind around just how well sex sells. In fact, Zan and I are rolling in dough now, and it’s because of our production company.

Of course, we don’t do everything ourselves. Every great man stands on the shoulders of others, and one of the most important aspects of any film is casting. In porn, it’s even more crucial because no one’s really watching for dialogue or plot. They’re watching to see beautiful girls lose their innocence, and we don’t disappoint in our videos.

As a result, we source girls from all over and are always looking for new talent. It’s just the nature of the biz. Young, nubile women are highly sought by all the studios. For us, it’s especially important right now because we’re developing a naughty schoolgirl series preliminarily titled, “Dirty for Professor X.”

As a result, we’ve developed a network of scouts all around the country. They’re mostly club managers who keep their eyes open for girls with the right looks, body, and pizzazz. Ralph, for better or worse, is one of our best. It’s partly because he’s in New York City where there’s a deep pool of talent, but also because he’s experienced. He knows what we like and what we don’t. In: big boobs, curvy bodies, and slutty attitudes. Out: Drugs, dependencies, and daddy issues.

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