Good Pet - Page 4

I need to be off to work soon.

Dennis looks like he doesn’t deserve my easily given forgiveness. He seems reluctant to accept it.

He pulls away slightly, but before I can read too much into it, he says, “Thank you, dear. Thank you for being so understanding. I really, really appreciate it.”

He blows a kiss at me, through the screen.

Believe it or not, I actually feel this on my lips, as if he actually kissed them instead. I immediately flush, and my pussy starts to ache for him.

He pulls away, giving me the most in-love look I’ve ever seen on him. It’s as if that kiss had more of a transformational effect on him than it did on me. It’s like it’s changed him into a completely different person. A person who doesn’t have a care in the world, or a job that might be sucking his soul out of him.

“You’ve always been a sweet one like that. Patient and kind,” he says, as if he’s just now realized what I’ve been giving him for over a year through our long-distance relationship, and even before then.

I lean forward and kiss my monitor. I kiss it more than once, actually. I always like to outdo him this way, when I can. So, he gets three separate kisses, and now it’s his turn to chuckle under them.

“Mmmm,” he moans, letting me hear much more than just “I miss you” in his moan. “Such a beautiful mouth and lips. I forgot how beautiful and plump those are. I wish you could do more with that mouth than just kiss me.”

My pussy wakes up a bit more at the tease in his words.

“I know. I wish so, too,” I say, pulling away from the monitor, and giving him a bit of a pouty face. The one I use to use on him a lot when he and I lived together, and I was role-playing as his maid in an apron. “We could if my Dennis would just come home.”

I put emphasis on come but I don’t stop what I’m saying. “If he would just—”

“Come to Paris like you promised me,” finishes Dennis, looking a little drunk on wine and love, but also looking frustrated with me at the same time.

He punctuates this with a hefty gulp from his wine glass.

“If you did that, then maybe my dick wouldn’t be so lonely.”

His tone is gruff and deep again, but this time, I’m caught between feeling horny and ashamed. I’m not sure which emotion I feel more. It’s enough to make me fidget in my seat.

“If you miss me so much, Melissa, and if your boss pays you as well as you constantly tell me every time I bring up the fact that you could do so much better for yourself than being a secretary, then you could fly yourself here. Come to Paris for a while.”

I nod, not sure if I have any right or reason to respond. Sure, I could say the same thing back to him. I could say so right now, but that wouldn’t do any good — not in the interest of keeping this conversation a good one.

I do decide to say one thing, however. I say it quietly, demurely.

“You could come back to New York. I would fly you here, Dennis.”


The suddenness and harshness of his response makes me sit up. I hold my breath.

“No,” he says again, trying this time to not sound so mean or frustrated. “I don’t want to come to America, Melissa. If I wanted to come there, I would have gotten a job there. But I have no interest in being there. Even on vacation. Even with my girlfriend.”

I take a shallow breath, nodding. “Fine.”

That’s really all I can say. It’s not fine. Not really, but what else can I say?

I clear my throat, though I really feel like crying. My desire is not completely gone, but it is waning. I feel so unsupported by Dennis, when that didn’t used to be the case.

Sure, I know some of it has got to be from how stressed he is at his work, how irritated he is with being buried with all these shows and all these demands, but that doesn’t excuse this, does it?

That doesn’t give him a free pass with this, does it?

I don’t think so.

But I’m not going to tell him so.

There’s no point.

It would just cause us to argue, first of all.

Second of all, I don’t have the time. I have to go to work. If I don’t leave now, I will be late.

“I’ve got to go, Dennis,” I say.

I try to keep my voice soft and free of pain or anything that he might take the wrong way.

I do my best to give him a smile, another little kiss, though I don’t lean forward to give it to him.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024