Good Pet - Page 28

Just yesterday, Tommy used to be counted among them. He used to be clocking in and out with the rest of them. But not today. Today he will come down from the top floors, along with the rest of the big shots. I sigh, remembering part of the conversation I overheard from Tommy and Ms. Vanacore’s table at the restaurant. The conversation about image, and making it as a fully-fledged lawyer.

I just hope that Ms. Vanacore doesn’t treat him like a chess piece or like a little office slave.

I’m particularly sour at this point since I heard her jabbing at me, about how “chummy” Tommy and I seem to be and how unprofessional she thought that was.

The types to criticize things like that are usually the type to indulge in them more than the rest of us, I think bitterly. Dennis was the king of doing that. The King of criticizing me for doing something, and then turning around and being the biggest abuser or partaker of said thing, and acting like he had every right to do so. I let out a sighing growl, realizing I’m feeling shitty again.

Isabella turns to me. She is on her way out of the office for the day. “Easy, girl. My goodness. The boyfriend must’ve really done you wrong for you to be growling like that, Melissa.”

I murmur an apology. “Long day. That’s all,” I say. “The boyfriend and I are fine.”

I don’t know that for sure. I’m not feeling that way now, but I did send Dennis a string of texts when I was out to lunch. Texts asking if we could connect before he goes off to work today or tomorrow, to make up for the rushed visit we had this morning.

Isabella shuffles out behind me. “Okay. Whatever you say, darling,” she says and bustles away. “Don’t hang around here too late, chewing over old bones.” With that oddly apt expression, Isabella is gone.

But I quickly see someone else I hate to admit I’ve been looking forward to having pass by me on his way out: Tommy. He looks exhausted and pale like Ms. Vanacore has been doing more than just inundating him with paperwork or new responsibilities. It’s almost like she sucked the life out of him. He’s so pale, I’m almost tempted to look for a bite on his neck.


At first, Tommy doesn’t act like he’s heard me, and then he suddenly stops, walks back toward me. “Hey,” he says, sounding just as exhausted as he looks.

“Rough first day?”

He leans against a planter in the foyer, pushing the fronds of the fern a bit with his big arm. It’s not on purpose, and I’m glad he stopped. After the thoughts I’ve been having for the last four or five hours, Dennis can stand to be put on the back burner just a bit.

“Yeah, but it’s good. It’s fine. It’s better than being down on the legal aid’s floor.” He sighs. “Though I will have to go down there tomorrow and clean out my desk and move my stuff.” He purses his lips. “Not really looking forward to it. They haven’t really been the friendliest toward me down there, you know?”

I do know. I know what they say about me down on that floor. That I’m just the girl with the accent and acts like she’s better than everyone else or something. “I’m aware of the swamp,” I say.

For the first time since he came back from lunch, Tommy laughs. He smiles. “Swamp. I like that!” He pauses, shaking his head. “What I wouldn’t give to drain it!”

Nothing passes between us for a few moments. Then I ask, “Would you want any help? With clearing out your desk on the legal aids floor, I mean?”

Tommy shakes his head. “Nah.” He pauses and then bugs out his eyes when I give him a look that says, “it’s because I’m a secretary, the secretary your boss doesn’t want you hanging out with.”

“And it’s not because, you know, I’m not appreciative of the offer. It’s just Ms. Vanacore…” I can see him playing with the words in his mouth. Moving his tongue anxiously across his teeth, across the roof of his mouth. “Ms. Vanacore offered to help me tomorrow, so…”

I try my best to give him a smile and a look that says I believe him, even though we both know what Ms. Vanacore really had to say about him and me. “Oh, well then. I guess she’s got you covered.”

“Yep.” He shifts awkwardly on his feet. “Thanks again for all your help today.”

“Sure,” I say, folding my arms in front of my chest and looking away for a moment. “Glad to do it.”

“I wouldn’t have reached that milestone,” he whispers.

“I know,” I whisper back, not sure why we’re whispering, and not stopping to care. “And I’m getting you back for that.” Tommy’s eyes widen in shock. “Paying you back,” I clarify. “For the meal, you so graciously covered for me.” Tommy goes to object. “You can’t fight me on this. I may be just the secretary, but I’m not going to be in debt to one of my bosses.” I hold him with my gaze. “I’m not going to let a favor be given without a favor returned.” I pause, locking him in my gaze further. “I will be paying you back, Tommy. And I don’t care what it makes us look like.”

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024