Good Pet - Page 48

“Thanks for the warning,” I say. In these words, I also channel a silent, and thank you for helping me out earlier in the week. Thank you for defending me and protecting me, whatever you did. Melissa seems to pick up on this extra bit of warmth I sent her, because she giggles.

“Any time, Tommy,” she says. “I’ll patch her through for you.” A small pause. “When you’re done with her, got any plans to show your face in the cafeteria today?”

Immediately, my body temperature spikes. My cheeks flush, but I force it to stay out of my voice. “No, not particularly.”

“Do you have any plans to eat lunch at all, or do you only eat on Wednesdays?”

I bite back a laugh. I haven’t had a break for lunch since Wednesday, and it’s now Friday.

“I could have plans,” I say, hoping I don’t sound as silly and obvious as I feel.

“Could, if someone made them for you? Asked you politely to meet them down there?”

I smile, but keep this from my voice. “Sure. I suppose if someone were to ask me politely, make those plans for me, then I might make it happen.”

I blush a deeper red. Oh, Christ! I need to stop flirting with her like that! I’m being way, way too obvious. Way to forward, and with a woman who already has a boyfriend! I shake my head, cursing my masturbation session the night before. It must’ve done more than loosen up my tensions below the belt. It must’ve loosened up my tongue as well.

“Well then.” I hear the phone moving on the other end. A body moving as well. “Please, Tommy,” Melissa whispers. I don’t know how she gets to sound so cute and demanding at the same time. “Please come to the cafeteria for lunch in twenty minutes, so you don’t pass out from eating nothing but that pop tart.” A small, consuming pause. “I’m begging you, Tommy. Come down for lunch today, please.”

I clear my throat, shifting in my office chair. Even with just that, she’s given me a quickly-growing erection. I press it down, telling myself to cool down. Sure, she’s using a lot of charm on me. She’s talking to me in a voice that would drive any guy crazy or melt him on the spot, but I need to maintain control of myself. And of this situation. I am her boss, after all.

“Fine,” I say, clearing my throat again, and trying to take on the commanding, in-control voice I imagine she might like. It’s gentle but edged in firmness. “Since you asked so nicely, so politely, I’ll come down to the cafeteria. I’ll get some lunch, but I better not see you working through lunch if I don’t get to, Melissa.” Now my voice is making me hard.

For some reason, I just imagined walking her away from her desk in a collar and leash. Pink, studded with diamonds.

“Of course, Tommy,” she murmurs. I like the sound of it. It’s obedient but mischievous. I can tell she’s smiling and flushing all over, though she’s trying so hard not to show it.

“Now patch me through that call,” I say, bringing out my commanding energy again. “Wouldn’t want you getting me in trouble with my boss.”

“Of course not, sir,” she answers and quickly drops off the line. Though her response is quick and clipped, it’s got heat reaching behind it. Thick, deep energy.

“Sir?” Oh my God! She called me “sir”! And not because she should, or because it is some form of etiquette. There’s way too much sexy behind that to be just manners! My mind is blitzed out on this, as is my cock, but before it can get any further than it already is, the caller addresses me. “Vanacore?”

It takes me a hot moment to get collected. When I do, all I can make out is a quivering “no,” to the caller.

Immediately, he sounds miffed. He’s gotten a heavy southern accent. Boyish tone, though. Sounds a lot younger then he probably is. Like sixteen years old or something. “Why do I have to keep talking to other people besides the one I want?” he demands. “First, it was Mary Poppins, and now it’s you, whoever you are.”

I take immediate insult to “Mary Poppins” and say, “Hey! If you’re going to call here and be like that, I’m not under any obligation to forward any of your complaints to my boss, little boy, so you better shape up, or prepare to get shipped off the line.”

My strength and power surprises me. But then again, maybe it’s not so surprising. I did just use a strong, commanding voice with Melissa. I must still be in that “mode.” Not just from doing it with her, but feeling protective over her against this young guy, whoever he is. Whatever his relationship is with Vanacore.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024