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Good Pet

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Getting called “honey” by her feels extra special. It’s not just something that a woman like her says to everyone, even if she did in the past. It sounds like it’s meant just for me. That it’s warmer, with more tenderness.

And that’s when my mind moves to all the various things Vanacore might ask me to do or might take from me. More kisses. Oral, regular, or anal sex. Which I don’t want to give to her. Only to Melissa, but it might be necessary or unavoidable, given the kind of situation I’m going to evoke and put myself in.

“Let’s hope you still think that way when Vanacore gets done with me. When she finishes having her way with me. I don’t want to give certain things to her.” My temperature spikes. “I want only you to have them,” I say, feeling my heart rate increase and my breath quicken. “I want you to have me, but she might get to me first, you know? It might be unavoidable. What then?”

“You don’t really give what your heart is not behind,” answers Melissa. “My ex-boyfriend taught me that. He may have kissed me. He may have fucked me for all that I was worth, but he didn’t really give himself to me. His heart was never in it, so as long as you’re not in love with Vanacore truly, I won’t think any less of you.” She pauses, taking another sip of her wine. Something I suddenly wish I was there to share with her. “As for her trying to take things from you that you don’t want to give her, just give in to her a little bit. Make her think you’re obedient. Show her you’re trying so that that way she won’t feel the need to force the circumstances.”

I almost hit myself across the head with how obviously brilliant this is. I should’ve known this approach. It’s something I’ve implemented with my dad for years. Give him enough of what he wants, enough obedience to keep him happy, but not enough to lose sight of myself.

“I see what you mean,” I say when she asks me whether that makes sense.

“See if you can get her to be satisfied enough until the weekend —”

“And then you’ll have me before she does,” I say, finishing what I believe the end of her sentence is. “We’ll be together before she can do anymore, so it won’t matter how much she does or doesn’t get?”

“Or you’ll have me first,” answers Melissa with an electric purr to her voice. “But yes. That was my idea. Buy yourself some time so that we can have our time on the weekend, and then everything from there is, well, it’s what it will be until she’s gone and dealt with.”

My heart’s pounding so loud in my ears, I can barely hear her. Part of me wishes I hadn’t made a pledge to “save myself” for the rest of the week, otherwise I’d masturbate a bit right now, but I keep my hands out of my pants.

“Feel better now?”

“I do,” I whisper. “I wish I was there with you instead of here, though.”

Melissa chuckles sweetly at me. “I wish you had come home with me on Friday night, but we will see each other tomorrow at work. And if you want, you don’t have to go home at all next weekend. You can stay at my place since you’ll have lots of new, fresh clothes to change into.”

“Yeah,” I murmur, hearing Dad stomping around upstairs. I can hear him shouting about some sports game or whatever — how these players are losers and don’t deserve nearly the thousands and thousands of dollars they are getting in every game. “I can’t wait.” Saying this, I do my utmost to tune Dad out and erase his little rant from my head.

“Neither can I,” she says, “but it will be worth it.”

“It will,” I say, lying back on my bed. As I do, I yawn.

Melissa chuckles sweetly. “My goodness, it sounds like somebody’s sleepy,” she says. “So, I’ll let you go have some sweet dreams then.”

“Have some sweet dreams too,” I mumble, suddenly feeling very tired indeed. My eyes are heavy-lidded.

“I will, now that you called,” Melissa whispers. She hangs up after that, and I don’t bother to hang up or bring the phone away from my ear. I just fall asleep with it in my hand, my sweet dreams already made of thoughts of her — of Melissa’s body on mine.

Chapter Thirty-Three


The next morning comes too quickly. My dream about Melissa, the feeling of her body on mine, my cock sliding along her lower lips and finally into her pussy, evaporates the minute my alarm goes off. I’m so out of it that I think someone’s calling me. So, I say “hello” a few times before I realize it’s no call, and turn off the alarm on my phone.

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