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Good Pet

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I take another bite of my burger, working to keep the filling in the bun, not on my belly or on the sheets. I’m going to have to be careful, that’s the end of it. Absolutely sure in all of my movements. Whatever happens, I have to make sure I’m in control of it the whole time. I can’t let Vanacore get one over me. Not before I’ve gotten all the dirt I can on her.

As these tense, stressed thoughts dog me, Melissa’s hand, the one not holding her big burger wrapped in foil, comes over mine. That motion is so well-timed, it’s as if she can read my thoughts and the tenseness in my body and mind. “Everything all right, darling?”

I turn to her, taking another bite of my burger, though my mind is still chewing over how exactly I’m going to keep everything “in control” around Vanacore. Especially when she seems to take control of the situation, no matter what I’ve tried to do.

“Fine, pet,” I say. “I just started thinking about going back to work on Monday. How soon that’s going to come.”

“Being around Ms. Vanacore again,” applies Melissa, as if she too has been worrying about that. Oddly, it frees me. Her admittance absorbs me from the guilt I felt creeping and nipping at my heels.

“Yeah,” I say, setting my burger down back in the wrapper. “I’m going to have to escalate things with her, Melissa. I’m going to have to start recording her as I’m doing things with her. And I’m just trying to figure out how to do it in a way that keeps me from being drawn too far into her game and put in too much of a risk.” I pause, swallowing down the guilt that’s rising anyway. “And I’m also trying to remind myself that what I do with her isn’t cheating on you. It isn’t breaking your trust in me.”

Melissa sets down her burger, pulling up the wrapper a bit, to keep sauce and pickles from getting anywhere they shouldn’t be. “I don’t like that you have to do this kind of thing with her, Tommy. I don’t like it at all. I wish you didn’t have to use your body with her at all, to be honest,” she says, avoiding my eyes. “But I know the reason. I admire you for your courage and strength in deciding that you are going to be the man that finally puts that monster out of business.” She looks up at me, squeezing my hand. “And I still stand by what I said: that anything you don’t do with your whole heart, that doesn’t count as cheating. Your openness about it also makes it that way, my love.”

Melissa pauses, and I can tell that, even though she wants to truly believe that and stand by that, there’s part of it that she can’t. There’s one part she won’t accept, no matter the circumstances.

I address it, without her having to. That’s what good boyfriends do. “I won’t let her fuck me. I won’t let her have my cock, even though she thinks she’s going to get it. I’m not going to take her.” As I speak, I criticize myself. I tell myself it’s stupid to draw these kinds of “lines” when I’m engaging in this kind of behavior with my boss sexually anyway, but it’s the only way I can do this mission I’ve set for myself and keep my girlfriend. “She’s just going to get a finger fuck or two, and then get a quick and merciless trip to HR, where hopefully, she’ll have her legal license stripped from her.”

I kiss Melissa on her plump lips, enjoying the faint taste of beef. Melissa returns my kiss with energy and softness. “Just be careful, Tommy. Whatever you do, just take care of yourself first and foremost. Don’t let yourself go down with her.”

“I won’t, pet,” I say, though I’m worried about that myself. “But let’s not worry about that for right now. Let’s just try to enjoy what’s left of our weekend, hm?” Saying this, I take Melissa’s burger, unwrap it, and bring it in for her to take a bite of. She does so eagerly, sensually, letting some ketchup cling to the side of her mouth. I lick it off, humming with delight. “Tasty. I might just have to have you again in a few hours. Might have you get me ready with that tasty, hot mouth of yours.”

Melissa giggles, picking up my burger and feeding it to me in much the same way I just fed her. “It will be my pleasure, sir.” As I crunch down on the burger, I bring up a hand to catch the droppings of lettuce and cheese. “And we can enjoy the view out on my balcony at the same time.” She pauses, smiling. “Well, at least I will. You’ll have other views to enjoy.” As she says this, I understand immediately that one of those views will be her — her luscious ass. The other, the panoramic scenery I’ll get to enjoy while fucking that ass. Having my first taste of it.

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