Good Pet - Page 119

He’s agreed to help me “prepare my case” for pitching to Vanacore. This involves gathering details on my case, what I’m hoping to get out of it, who the accused is and what his relationship was with me, etc. While I’m not happy about being represented by Vanacore, I am happy that we have a legal and legitimate reason for possibly being seen together now, whether or not Kane knows we’re connected intimately or not.

As I hang up from this phone call, I find myself praying that all this is over soon. That Tommy takes out Vanacore before my case gets across her desk so that maybe he can represent me, in addition to being done with this quest of his to take down that predator.

As much as I admire his heroism, it’s beginning to stress me out. If this nonsense goes on past this week, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it out of bed come next Monday.

After that phone call, the rest of the day is really nothing to write home about. I also don’t regret not going to lunch for the rest of that day, either. I’m too busy answering phone calls and texting Tommy in between. I remind him that I drove him into work this morning, so we will need to try to coordinate getting home.

He replies that that shouldn’t be a problem, given that Vanacore just left the office, and is looking to go home. Right as I get this text, I see Vanacore breezing past me. She must not be moving fast enough or cares as little for me as she acts like she does because her eyes zero in on my cell phone.

She clicks her tongue at me and says, “Taking personal calls during work hours, I see. Some secretary you are. Everyone sings your praises around here, but I’m going to tell Kane I saw you on your mobile phone when you should’ve been busy handling calls.”

I look at her and put away my phone. As I do both actions, I plaster is sweet, I-don’t-give-a-fuck smile on my face, “Tell him what you want,” I say. “The phones aren’t ringing now, as it’s almost the end of business hours.” With that, I wave her off. I wave her goodbye. “Bye-bye, Ms. Vanacore. Have a great evening, won’t you?”

She returns my viciously, polite smile. “I will, seeing as I have a boyfriend, and you don’t anymore, by the looks of it.”

With that, she struts off, and I have to resist the urge to say something along the lines of, Well, at least I don’t force myself on my so-called boyfriends, threaten them with getting demoted. Instead, I let her walk out and get as far away from me as she can so that Tommy and I can leave without any interference from her.

When she’s gone, I’m surprised I’m not bleeding from the mouth, or spitting out bits and pieces of crushed teeth, with how hard I’m clenching my jaw.

Finally, after what feels like hours of waiting, Tommy’s by my office door, saying hello to me. I quickly shut off my computer, put away my headset, and prepare to get the hell out of here. In the ten years I’ve worked here, I’ve never been so happy to leave. And so dreading the rest of the week. “Let’s go home,” I say.

“To your place?” Tommy asks, stepping out the door with me, and toward the elevator. Despite his haggard, weathered look, he actually sounds happy and expectant with this possibility.

“Yes, to my place,” I say as if it already should have been a foregone conclusion. “I doubt your father is going to care whether you’re there or not. And anyway, I don’t want anything happening to your new clothes because he decides to fuck them up, so I thought I would keep you and them safe with me for a while.” At least for a few more days.

Tommy looks pleased about this, despite also looking burdened beyond someone his age. “Sounds great. Thanks, pet.” With that, he sneaks me a kiss on the mouth in the foyer before stepping out into the elevator.

As we ride down, he says, “I did it.”

I look at him.

“I gave her head, and I got it on audio,” he says, answering my look.

I sigh, saying what’s been on my mind all day. “And how long are you going to do this for? Gather this evidence on her before you call it quits and show Kane what you have?”

“The end of the week,” says Tommy, as if he’s given this the same obsessive thought as I have.

I sigh in relief, murmuring a thank you to God and all his angels.

“Friday,” says Tommy “that’s when I’m going to go to Kane and Charlotte with everything I have, and she’s going to be gone.”

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024