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Good Pet

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“As for their relationship,” says Kane calmly, “I already knew about it.” Saying this, he whips out some forms. I recognize them immediately. The consensual relationship disclosure forms and agreements that I signed earlier today. He’s now producing them for Tommy to sign as well, explaining the situation. “I knew about it long before Melissa ever came in to sign the papers. And now I’m having Tommy sign them, just to cover our bases.”

Tommy grabs them and quickly signs them, looking like he wants to throw me across this conference table and fuck me right here, right now. Not that I wouldn’t mind. Just… Without Vanacore and everyone else here to watch.

I put my hand on his leg under the table and squeeze it. I hope that it says all that I want to say to him. “I love you. You’re amazing, and I’m sorry I ever doubted you.” Something like that.

Around us, Vanacore goes ballistic. She actually starts to go for some of the partners physically, until Reese phones for security through an office phone, telling them she’s requesting removal of an uppity, former employee.

Chapter Sixty-Six


Karma’s the best. Watching it come after someone in its full glory, who’s been skirting paying that karmic debt for decades, is just glorious. It’s almost better than sex, not quite, but almost.

It definitely makes what I’ve been going through with her for almost a month totally and completely worth it. The only thing that makes it more worth it is to watch Vanacore rage and freak out as the security guards are hauling her away, and the other partners have come out of their offices to watch and listen to her insult damn-near anyone within range.

But the best part, the best bit of karma I get to witness, comes when Kane steps out into the hall, looks at Vanacore directly and announces, “Let the record show, and from these witnesses, that, due to Vanacore being unfit and unworthy of running her part of the merger agreement between our two companies, I hereby promote her assistant lawyer, Tommy Radner, to head of the legal department. He is now going to be the boss over all of your previous clients, Vanacore. I’ve heard nothing but good things from them all. Though he wasn’t directly involved and their cases, the little bit he did talk to them on the phone, left a great impression.”

Vanacore goes nuts, hurling insults at Kane. She threatens to get him back. She says that bigger companies have her back and will help her take this godforsaken company for all its worth, reputation included.

Many of the witnesses start to murmur that she is out of her mind and crazy to insult the founder like that, but Vanacore’s oblivious and careless to it all. She’s out for blood now, that much is clear. I don’t care anymore. If Vanacore keeps any more of this up, they won’t just throw her out of the building. They might just throw her in jail for the day to cool off.

But, it’s only as Vanacore’s screams fade, and she dragged truly out of sight, that Kane’s words strike me. That what he said about me being promoted to head of Vanacore’s old portion of the company, hits me like a ton of gold bars.

I look over at Kane as if I just now heard him say those things. “Mr. McKenzie, what did you say?”

“You’re promoted, Mr. Radner,” says Kane with a wink. “Head of what was formerly Vanacore’s portion of the merger.”

Hearing this bit of news again, the assembled witnesses begin to clap and cheer. They murmur their congratulations to me. And this is when it finally hits me, I’ve just gotten my dream job. Not just a job within the company that’s out of the legal aid hell, but an actual job as a lawyer. I’m not just an associate or assistant; I’m the head of legal. This means I actually get to practice law, after passing my bar exam two years ago. I was going to be happy with Vanacore being gone, and taking over as an associate or assistant for some other lawyer. I didn’t think I would actually become the head of legal.

“Thank you, Mr. McKenzie,” I blubber, “thank you, everyone, for your help in all this business, for believing that I had your best interest in mind! Thank you for entrusting me with bigger responsibilities!” My eyes are back on Kane as I say this, and Kane just looks doting at me, like a father.

“You deserve it, Tommy,” he says. “You really do. After doing such exemplary work as an associate, and then taking it upon yourself to protect our reputation like that, to take on that burden all by yourself, that deserves a reward. I’m happy to give that promotion to you. We all are.” As he says this, the rest of the partners nod and pat me on the back.

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