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Secret Pet

Page 31

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“So, what now?” I keep my back to him. I want him to keep enjoying the view of my assets.

He reaches up and squeezes one of my butt cheeks. I lean into his touch, hoping that our real work is done before we even get started. But to my disappointment, with his free hand, he passes up a hammer and a metal loop.

“I have a bunch of these,” he tells me with his eyes still looking at my backside. “You hammer in the nail-looking part, run the cable through, and then close the loop. Got it.”

I love how mesmerized he seems to be. These overalls were a good buy. Taking the hammer and loop from his hands, I reach up to the ceiling — taking a pose that pushes my butt more into his face. As I glance back, he plants a quick kiss on my rump. The gesture makes me smile ridiculously.

“Are you sure this needs to be done right now?” I tease, shaking my hips.

“Mmmm-hmmm. If you get it done quickly, I will reward you, pet.”

I give him an exaggerated sigh and turn back to the ceiling. There is a problem. The panel that I need to attach the loop to is just out of my reach. I don’t want to make a big deal about it because I want to get this done and move on, so I stretch my arms out and go up onto the tips of my toes. My balance is off. I waver a little.

“Problem, pet?” Christian has both of my butt cheeks trapped in his hands now. His grip massages them in a way that makes me want to get my task done even quicker.

I stretch up further. “No, I got this.”

The stupid metal loop is almost against the panel. The point of the nail part slides back and forth a bit, but if I give it one hard hit with the hammer, it should go in fine. I line up the hammer, swing it back and then forward.

“What the hell!”

I glance over to Jered. He’s standing in the doorway to the basement, glaring at the two of us, but mostly at the fact that Christian has his hands on my ass.

The hammer crashes into my hand — my swing off from the interruption. Pain runs through all my fingers. “Oh, fuck!!” The pain in my hand throws off my delicate balance.

Jered rushes over. His eyes blaze with anger. His hands are balled into fists. Christian stares at him calmly.

“This is completely inappropriate!” Jered screams. “Climbing on desks is not allowed. It’s too dangerous. Ms. Burmmell could be hurt.”

Ms. Burmmell is hurt! My hand throbs making my eyes water, but I don’t want to cry, not with Jered around. I’ve already given him too many tears in my lifetime. Pressing my hand to my chest, I can’t think straight. I can’t get my balance. The room spins, but not in a good way. My feet slip out from under me.

Strong hands grab me and pull me into strong arms. Christian slips one arm under my legs, pulling me close into his chest.

“She is hurt,” he snaps at Jered, “and it was your interruption that caused her injury. Get out of my office, Mr. Coleman, and never come back.”

Jered eyes me, obviously hating that I am cuddled into another man’s arms. Not that I care what he thinks. He had his chance. Stupidly, he reaches out to try and take me from Christian. I wiggle away from his hands, wrapping my arms around Christian’s neck.

“I’m going to talk to Kane about this,” Jered snaps. “You two cannot be acting this way.”

“I don’t know what you think you saw, but we were doing exactly what I told you we were — setting up my office. Now please leave!” The demand in Christian’s voice is hard and cold. Jered stutters, starting to say something else, but Christian cuts him off. “Leave, or I will call security!”

“I’m going to talk to Kane about this,” Jered mutters, but he turns and leaves the annex.

As soon as he is gone, we both take a deep breath. My hand is still throbbing like crazy. I pull it into my chest and wrap it tightly in my other hand. I start rocking a bit, trying to deal with the stinging.

I expect Christian to set me down, but he doesn’t. He holds me closer, kissing the top of my head repeatedly. “Are you okay, baby?” he whispers as he carries me over to his desk chair, sits down, and starts rocking me back and forth.

His words startle me slightly. He’s always just called me pet. Never baby.

“Do you need to go to urgent care? I can have my car brought around for us right away.”

The fact that he’s planning to go with me startles me as well. It’s like he really cares. The thought makes my heart start to beat faster. I find myself blushing and setting my head in the curve of his neck so I can smell his cologne. Another smile pulls up my lips when I know that it shouldn’t or that now is not the time. However, all these other things I am feeling in my body make me forget about my hand, which has stopped throbbing.

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