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Secret Pet

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I want to believe her, but I can’t. If Christian had any real feelings for me, he would have stayed; he would have told his father that I was his date or girlfriend or something — not his accountant. I stare at my plate, feeling like I can’t move. So many emotions are rolling through me.

Bubby starts humming a happy tune as she finishes her meal. Somehow, I find it cheering and soothing. At least I’m not alone.

“Nothing gets you down much, does it, Bubby?” I ask with a sigh.

“You gotta roll with the punches, doll.” She stands up straight and nods as if she is talking to an invisible audience. “That’s the only way to get through life, and I should know. I have years of experience.”

As I watch her pick up the plates of half-eaten dinner, suddenly, she doesn’t seem as odd to me. My grandmother is a very cool woman. I will be lucky to turn out like her. Christian should have realized that. He shouldn’t have left.

Chapter Fifteen


The happy yips and barks of the pugs on Monday morning cannot seem to get me out of my stupor. I can’t stop thinking of the awkward weekend between Christian and me. I want to know what he thought then, what he is thinking now, and most importantly, if our relationship is over. Not that it ever was a relationship, to begin with.

“Earth to Mandy!”

I look up, all the way up into Eileen’s face and flinch a bit. Apparently, I was ignoring her, so she’s actually come over into my cubical and is sitting next to me on my desk. I had no idea that she was there. I really must have been spaced out.

“What?” I shake my head and blink my eyes at her.

“I’ve told you about a million times that Reese is on her way downstairs with the baby and she wants to know if we want to take a coffee break or get an early lunch.”

I glance at my computer screen. I want there to be a blinking message on the Watercooler app, something from Christian telling me to come to the basement. So far this morning, there has been nothing.

“Are you game?!” Eileen says this very loudly. Apparently, I was ignoring her again.

Suddenly nervous, I shrug my shoulders, get up — displacing Ms. Puggle from my lap —and look over to the elevator that I just heard opening. I want it to be Christian, but it’s not. It’s Reese with Kaylyn wrapped in her arms. She sees me looking and waves. Eileen waves back. My tall friend stands and makes kissy noises at the pugs, gathering them to get their leashes on.

My heart is pounding. I feel twitchy. Usually, going to get coffee with my friends would be a no-brainer, but I can’t stop hoping that Christian will show up or call me and tell me to get down to the basement. I’m too anxious to know how things stand between him and I. I can’t seem to concentrate on anything else. I keep glancing at my computer, hoping to see the Watercooler app flashing.

“Are you okay, Mandy?” Reese is behind me. She gives me a quick smile and then looks back to her cooing baby. “Ready to go?”

I can’t go yet; I just need a few more minutes to see what Christian is going to do. Glancing at my computer one more time, I think up a plan. “I need to finish an Excel sheet really quick. Why don’t the two of you walk up and see if Sloane wants to join us?”

Reese purses her lips like she is considering what I suggested. “She’s been really busy lately, but I’m sure it never hurts to ask. Do what you need. We’ll be right back.”

My breath starts to slow as they head to the CFA’s office. I’m not sure what to do, but at least I have a few minutes to think. I don’t want to pressure Christian, but I can’t stop myself from opening Watercooler and our private chat.

Are you there? I type. Nothing happens. No response. Christian? There is no answer and no indication that there will be. Maybe he didn’t come into work today. Maybe he is sick. Maybe he is really done with me and ignoring me. I’m just not sure, and it is tearing me up.

“You must be Mandy!”

The person speaking behind me makes me jump. I close Watercooler as quickly as I can, turn my chair and look up at a black man in a brightly colored suit, and tortoiseshell glasses. He gives me a warm, friendly grin.

I find myself smiling back despite my confusion. “Why, yes, I am. How can I help you?” I stand and offer my hand.

He takes my hand, pulls me into a quick hug, and then holds my shoulders so he can look me up and down. “My, my! Christian said you were little, but he did not say that you were cute as a button! Look at those big brown eyes!”

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