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Lone Wolf (The Pack 5)

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I waited a second and then hit another number in my phone.

Trent picked up almost immediately, greeting me almost fondly. “To what do I owe the pleasure of a call from the proverbial lone wolf?”

“Tell me again about the Ghost Pack,” I answered, making myself comfortable on the hard ground.

Chapter Three


She hates intruders.

The blithe words barely registered as the wolf above me growled, the sound reverberating through my chest as the she wolf’s teeth tightened on my throat.

Good to know, I thought distantly and was rewarded with surprised laughter.

You, I like, the voice decided, sounding faintly disappointed as it added, too bad you’re going to die.

Thanks, I managed to reply as I decided to risk the shift, catching the female pinning me to the ground off guard as my shape suddenly changed and she was forced to rebalance.

Her scent surged through me the second I shifted into my wolf form and I staggered. She pounced instantly, going for my throat again, and I brought my head down, snarling. She paused, clearly assessing how much of a threat I was now that we were more evenly matched.

You’re a wolf? The astonished question echoed through my brain and I fought the urge to glance around to find whoever was blasting thoughts through my mind with the ease of a Pack mate.

You couldn’t tell? I grunted, keeping a wary eye on the female sizing me up.

Well, no. The voice suddenly sounded uncertain and young, distracting me just long enough for her to attack.

Her teeth snapped entirely too close to my throat and I rolled her, using my heavier weight to pin her to the ground, grateful she wasn’t in heat as she struggled to buck me off.

Stop, I roared in frustration as her scent threatened to take me down. It took a second to realize she’d stopped moving and suddenly I wondered if she was the voice I’d been hearing.

Nope, a now familiar voice piped up, and sensing my relief, quickly ruined it. She’s my sister.

The wolf under me snarled and I raised up slightly, taking some of my weight off her. She immediately tried to escape and I slammed back down, hearing her breath whoosh out of her.

Be still, I barked mentally and felt more than heard her growl at the command. She hadn’t spoken to me telepathically, but she seemed to understand me just fine.

Care to explain? I asked tiredly, certain I’d lost my mind somewhere in this unnatural forest. I was communicating telepathically with an unknown female, which should have been impossible since she wasn’t Pack, and the wolf I’d pinned seemed to understand me.

Explain what? The same voice chirped, confusion marring her voice.

Our strangeness, another voice snarled, snapping my attention back to the wolf under me as she pulled my trick and shifted. The white wolf disappeared and in her place was a striking woman.

“Now, get off, you foolish idiot,” she snapped, her fingers burying into my thick coat as she shoved at my chest, sharp nails digging as her eyes flashed a warning. I quickly rolled off of her, shifting back into my human form. I stood, hiding a grimace as my leg protested. The break hadn’t healed properly and I didn’t need to look down to know a scar had formed on my flesh.

She raked her gaze over me, not bothering to play at modesty and I stood silent, letting her look. The scar across my chest had faded over the last decade but there was no mistaking it had been a killing wound. An Alpha fight only had one outcome but thanks to Dom, I’d been the exception. Her eyebrow lifted as she came to my privates and I had a sudden urge to cup them protectively. Her gaze continued and I felt as much as heard her sigh when she saw my leg.

“Are you sure it’s a wolf?” She muttered under her breath and I snorted.

“Would you like another demonstration?” I retorted, catching the smallest twitch of her lip before she resumed her blank expression. “Or perhaps you’re the one who is unclear on the various animal forms?” I asked snidely.

Ballsy, I like it, a voice joined in, sounding practically gleeful.

“And who the hell is that?” I growled, glancing around like the ghost girl would suddenly appear.

“My sister,” they answered in unison, one echoing in my head as the other echoed in my ears.

“I got that,” I replied tersely, scanning the clearing warily. The second I’d shifted back to human form I’d lost the scent of the woman in front of me, a fact I was both grateful for and disturbed by – losing my normally acute sense of smell was practically like amputating a limb but her intoxicating scent was a distraction I didn’t need.

“Then why ask?” She snipped back, rolling her eyes – one a deep amber and the other a blue so light it might as well be white. She was distinctive, not beautiful, and I couldn’t help but stare. Those mesmerizing eyes cut toward me as she added mockingly, “Let me guess…you’ve never seen a woman’s bare breasts before.” I blinked, shaking off my stupor before it got me killed. She sighed, shaking her head and making the messy bob she sported catch the last rays of sun. I swore each strand was a different shade of blonde ranging from the darkest gold to pure white.

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