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Like Dragonflies

Page 29

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I trudge through my notes and assignments like I’m wading through mud. My mind becomes a swamp of random knowledge swimming around. The only thing I can concentrate on is Mars.

I’m dying to feel him on me again. I miss his touch like it’s my first time away from it.

I find myself in The Grind House after my assignments are done, even though I know I won’t see Mars there until tomorrow. “Sage, how are you?” Martina greets me. Her warm smile is in sharp contrast to the cold air outside.

“Hey, Martina.” I curl my finger inward and tap my bottom lip with my knuckle as I stare at the menu. I don’t need to look at it though, I’m going to order what I always do.

“Your usual?” Martina’s already making my cookies ‘n cream latte.

“Yes, please.” I smile at her. She hums a happy song as she pours half-and-half into the steamer pot.

“I hear you’ve taken a liking to Mars.” Martina isn’t much taller than the counter she’s peeping at me over. I can see the full apples of her cheeks as her eyes probe me for answers.

“We’re friends,” I say. There’s that word again. Friends. It turns my mouth sour after it’s in the air. “I like him though,” I add.

“Ah, I can see it all over your face. It looks good on you, Sage.” The bell on the front door jingles and I glance over my shoulder to see Sophia. She looks pretentious in a camel-colored Michael Kors coat and her thick hair falling around her face.

I tug at my ponytail and stiffen my posture. Her proximity restricts my breathing and I hate it. I want to leave as quickly as I can, but Martina isn’t done making my drink yet. I watch with anxious eyes as she steams the milk.

“Sage, hi.” Sophia’s voice slithers over and I shut my eyes for a brief moment to ready myself for this interaction. When I open my eyes, I turn with a phony smile plastered to my face.

“Sophia, hi.” I mirror her in hopes it’ll shorten the time I have to spend pretending to like her. Thankfully, Martina is done with my drink and calls my name. “Thanks, Martina,” I sigh, gripping the hot cup.

“No problem and tell Mars no dates for you two on the nights he works,” she jokes. I cringed inwardly because now Sophia is circling me like a shark. Her eyes are wide with wonder, but I see the catty streak lurking in the background.

“Wait, wait, wait.” She laughs softly but it grates on my nerves. “You’re dating Mars? The new hot guy in town?” She sneers at me as she folds her arms across her chest. “Well, he’s barely said two words to me. He must be trying to fuck you because no guy that hot would ever be really into you.”

My chest is crushed by the stone wall. I want to call her a jealous bitch, but the words lodge in my throat instead of coming out of my mouth.

I shoot Sophia a glare and shake my head before walking out of the door. One comeback after another reveals itself in my mind as I walk home.

I’m barely able to breathe by the time I get in the house. I move straight to my room and look at my easel. There’s a blank canvas waiting to be filled. Some of the weight lifts from me as I take purposeful steps toward the corner of my room.

I drop my bag and take a slow sip of the latte before putting it on a nearby stool. Tension drains from my body when I wrap my fingers around a slim paintbrush. I shut my eyes and breathe.

With my eyes closed, I see Mars. I see the sky above us as we lay on the ground beside each other. It’s full of stars and it makes me dizzy. I open my eyes and begin mixing navy blues and purples. The first few strokes of paint relax my spine and suddenly I don’t feel the need to strangle Sophia anymore.

After an hour of painting a night sky, I text Mars and ask if we can go somewhere later.

Mars: Where?

Me: Anywhere as long as I get to sit beside you while we’re in The Beast.

Mars: The Beast?

Me: Your truck. It’s officially been renamed Big Metal Beast. The Beast for short.

Mars: You’re the only one who likes this rust bucket.

Me: You will refer to him as The Beast from now on.

Mars: Okay. You’re the only one who likes The Beast.

Me: I usually like things other people can’t see the beauty in.

I smile for the first time since walking in the house. Without even being in front of me, Mars has knocked down the stone wall again like magic.

Mars—the magician.


“Jimmy is going to tan your hide if you keep screwing up orders,” Collette says, flashing me a knowing grin.

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