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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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He was a temporary fix, not a permanent repair. She couldn’t rely on him to be there in the future, not for her and certainly not for Ty.

He was about pleasure, and he did pleasure so well.

Jaeger quickly divested her of her underwear and, sitting on his heels, he looked at her, naked except for her boots. “As sexy as these are, I want to see you, all of you.”

He grabbed the heel of one boot, pulled it off and repeated the action for the other. There was something incredibly intimate about being naked when your lover was still fully dressed, Piper thought. She kept her eyes on his face, watching the emotions sliding in and out of his eyes. Lust, desire, crazy attraction, they were all there, but the romantic in her thought that under the crazy, she could see affection, a little fear, a lot of anticipation.

Romance had no part in this. Tonight was about sex and escapism.

Jaeger pulled away from her to stand between her legs and lifted his hand to grip the back of his shirt. He pulled it over his head in one easy, fluid movement. His wide chest was lightly touched with hair, hard with muscle. Long, lean hips disappeared beneath the low band of his pants, and Piper sucked in her breath when he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and pushed his jeans down long, muscled thighs. And there he was, utterly masculine, hard, proud—needing her.

Naked, Jaeger grabbed her around the waist and boosted her up the bed. When she was where he wanted her, he lay down on top of her, chest to chest, his erection finding its natural place between her thighs. He reached across her to yank on the bedside drawer. Ten seconds later he’d pulled a condom out of its packaging.

Oh, God, she didn’t have much faith in Jaeger’s condoms. Somehow—who knew how?—she’d managed to become pregnant despite him wearing one. It wouldn’t happen a second time, would it? That would be like winning the lottery twice, Piper thought.

Jaeger sheathed himself and skimmed his thumb over the spot between her eyes. “Second thoughts?” he asked.

Uh, no. Her ankles were already curved around his calves and she was lifting her hips, trying to push his tip further into her. She needed him now, immediately.

Pregnancy and condoms flew out of her mind as his chest brushed hers, her nipples teased by his chest hair.

“Quick question?” she asked.

His eyes bored into her. “Make it very damn quick.”

“I was just wondering how long you are going to tease me?”

“This long.” Jaeger entered her with one fluid stroke, burying himself to the hilt. Yeah, this was what she remembered, this feeling of being filled, completed. Then Jaeger kissed her, his mouth echoing his body’s movements and Piper forgot to think.

All she could concentrate on was the warm, sparkly sensation building, each spark igniting the rest until a million tiny fires danced under her skin. When Jaeger placed his hand under her back and yanked her up as he plunged inside, those fires joined and created an explosion burning her from the inside out. She thought Jaeger stepped into the fire with her, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was this heat and light and warmth.

She hadn’t thought sex could be better than what they’d shared in Milan. But it was—better, hotter, brighter. And that, Piper thought when she crashed back down to earth, was a big, huge, freakin’ enormous problem.


Version one of fantastic sex was pretty much immediately followed by version two—Jaeger hadn’t needed much time to recover. But as much as she wanted to, Piper knew she couldn’t hang around for version three. Ceri had agreed to watch Ty for a few more hours, but Piper had to get home; Ty was her first priority.

Piper slid out from under Jaeger’s arm and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor. She needed to call a taxi, dress and gather her scattered thoughts and belongings. Piper felt his hand on her back, his knuckles running down her spine.

“I’ll drive you home when you’re ready.”

Piper spun around and looked at him, long-limbed and naked, sleepy and satisfied. “That’s not necessary. I can take a cab.”

“You can, but you won’t.” Jaeger stretched, sat up, dropped a kiss on her shoulder blade and rolled out of bed. He reached for his jeans and tossed her panties and bra onto the bed beside her. Then he nodded to his en suite bathroom. “Would you like to take a shower before you go?”

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