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Seven Groomsmen from Hell (Love by Numbers 6)

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In the end David had 90 points, Cody had 70, Bram had 60, Christian had 30, Brett also had 30, and Mason, the poor guy, only had 20. I grinned with pride as I looked at my total. I demolished them with an impressive 135 points. I laid the scorecard out on the desk and took a picture with my camera phone. We were probably all past caring about getting points with Khloe, we actually had feelings for her, but a little light jabbing never hurt anyone, especially when I was technically the victor.

A knock at the door seized my attention. I slipped my phone into my pocket and walked over to the door and peeked through the peephole. My heart started to race as I laid eyes on Khloe, dressed in a simple jeans and t-shirt ensemble, with her hair up, and cheeks still looking as though she was turned up from her last round with Bram and Cody.

I opened the door and she smiled wide at me. “Hello,” she greeted.

I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into me, dropping my head to hers to kiss her. “Hello,” I responded after taking a sweet taste of her lips. “What? Are you after the world record for most orgasms in a period of time?”

Khloe giggled and it may as well have been birds singing in a romance movie. It set me on fire. I was definitely in love with her. “No, I’m just here to get to know you better. I want to know the real Luke, not the asshole who tortured me in high school, or the sex god who gave me more orgasms in one go than I have ever had, probably combined.”

I liked that title. Luke, the sex god. I put that out of my mind for the moment and bring Khloe the rest of the way inside. I wanted to get to know her more too. I wanted to know everything about the woman I loved. I led her to the couch in my suite’s living room area, and then ordered some ice cream and wine from room service. When it arrived, we got comfortable under a blanket on the couch, I put on some music, and we just sat and talked. I’d never experienced just talking with a woman before. If it was possible, I was even more attracted to Khloe than I had been at first.

“So, your dad seriously kicked you out just because you decided not to go into the army?” Khloe asked in the wake of something I’d never told anyone before.

I nodded. “My dad, my grandpa, and my great-grandpa were all military men. High ranking ones too. My dad said that it was my civic duty to serve my country, but being a military brat nearly ruined my life as a kid. I’m sure it’s why I was such a dick. I didn’t want that life for myself as an adult, or for my future children, so I told him I wasn’t doing it. He kicked me out at 15 and I had to go and live with my aunt, his sister. She took care of me like her own though, and now I get to take care of her with the money I make playing.”

“My aunt was huge in my life too,” Khloe said. “My mom was a single parent to me and my brother, and it was hard on her. She couldn’t afford childcare, so my aunt would take care of us because she owned her own business, a bakery. When she was at home, we’d get to hang out at home with her, and as we got older, we got to spend more time with her in the bakery. I would see all the couples come in to get their wedding cakes, and then she let me help her with my brother’s wedding, and that’s what inspired me to become a wedding planner.”

“Wow, that’s awesome,” Luke said. “My aunt is a lawyer. She’s a little stuffy, but she loves hard. I’m so grateful for her.”

Khloe rested her head against my shoulder and carefully stroked the palm of my hand. It was so small, but somehow otherworldly intimate. I had never experienced anything like it before..

“So, now that we’ve gotten to know each other better, has your lust for me died out?” she asked.

I blew out a raspberry. “Are you kidding? With this body. If I ever stop lusting after you, assume I’ve been replaced by a body snatcher.”

Khloe laughed, but it turned into a yawn. She’d had a long 24 hours pleasing all of us, it was only fair that she was tired. I stood up from the couch and took her into my arms and carried her into the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and settled behind her, kissing her cheek and stroking her hair until I finally heard her snoozing softly, then I rested my head against hers and drifted off myself.

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