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Mated Enemies

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Then I noticed the hand she had clamped onto the side of her head and I remembered. She’s just found the love bite I’d given her last night. She looked startled and a bit panicked before she turned and walked wordlessly back into the bathroom.

Patrick woke up in a huff and started his shit. “Scamp, what did you do here last night?” I didn’t bother answering him since it was none of his business. “You haven’t been taking liberties have you? Shame on you, let’s have it, what tricks did you use this time?” He gave me a lecture on the correct etiquette for mating couples and I ignored him while worrying about what she was doing behind that closed door.

I took a brief look and she seemed fine if a bit dazed and confused. In her mind she was trying to figure it out and getting nowhere, which was only making her more flustered. He was still babbling on about some ancient shit that no one cared about when I tuned him back in.

“Do you ever get tired of hearing yourself speak? What I do with her is none of your business. You should be worrying about what you’re going to be doing after we get married and she no longer needs you around.”

That got him to screeching and giving me a running list of all his attributes and why ‘his’ princess couldn’t possibly do without him. Every word a nail in his coffin. I’ll be damned if my woman needs anyone else for anything ever again.

“I know what you’re thinking your highness, and you’d better get it out of your head right this minute. My mistress will never cast me aside.”

“Why is it that everyone else calls me your royal highness but you?”

“That…you…” He bowed his head in mock obeisance. “Begging your pardon your royal heinie.” He peeked from beneath his lowered lids probably expecting me to retaliate but I heard her coming and didn’t fall into his trap.

“Good morning princess, why did you bring that awful thing back here again? He looks a bit on the low side to me maybe he’s too hurt to hunt his own food. Why don’t you…eek.” He fluttered around flapping his wings in the close confines of the cage after I singed his ass.

“Patrick what has gotten into you? Settle down.” She had a towel wrapped around her and another drying her hair, in front of him. Get a grip Lucien, he’s a damn bird, and unlike you, a real one. Still he’s a male who thinks he has certain privileges and rights where she’s concerned. ‘You, turn around and face the wall.’

‘I will not…eek. Will you cut it out?’ He got another scolding before she headed into the closet to get dressed for the day. I guess the fairy was in attendance because she’d chosen a flowing dress that reached well below her knees. “Come on little birdie, let’s go find you something to eat.” Not this shit again!


What on earth happened to me in the night? I looked at the atrocity on my neck after running out of the bathroom upon seeing it the first time and returning again to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. That it wasn’t some trick of the early morning light that was now easing its way through the French windows that lined one whole wall of the bathroom.

I got a strange feeling in the pit of my tummy as I ran my fingertips gently over the mark. It felt like molten heat had travelled from the deepest part of me to that secret place between my thighs and I grew breathless-twitchy. To the point where I had to squeeze my thighs together to help ease the ache.

My mind drifted on its own until I got a quick flash of him, my tormentor, and pulled away from the mirror with a loud gasp. I looked around half expecting to find him standing there behind me, watching. My skin felt flushed, my nipples hardened and tingled in a way they never have before and for a split second I felt like I were drowning.

Why was the memory of him so strong this morning? Why can I feel him, as if he were here? The bruise on my neck throbbed in an odd way and I felt his presence even stronger when I ran my fingertip gingerly over it once more. I pulled my hand away with a hissing sound and stared at it in wonder.

It stuck out like a beacon that drew the eye against my otherwise unblemished skin, something I’ve never liked and have gone to great lengths to avoid. No sunspots for me.

So why am I so fascinated by it? Almost as if I can’t bear to look away. I looked at it one last time trying earnestly to recall what I might’ve done to bring it about. If I didn’t know better I’d swear it was a love mark, something a passionate lover might share with his beloved.

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