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Mated Enemies

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“And my grandson… I know-I know, we’re not supposed to tell anyone, but ever since the sky monarch mentioned it it’s all I can think about. First your mating, now this. I should’ve known though, you’ve never done anything half cocked.”

Now this is the mother I know and love. “Mom, dad, why don’t you come to dinner tonight? My Nat is dying to meet you, she’s been pestering me all day.”

“Really, you promise? I was beginning to think she didn’t want any part of us, which would’ve been your fault since you’re the only one of us she’s known.”

She went into full harridan mode while I stood there and let her lecture me to death, just happy that my mother wasn’t the coldhearted bitch I’d begun to fear she’d become.


I walked quietly away from the door with renewed hatred burning in my soul. He’d asked for me sure, but it wasn’t with the same longing as I felt for him, more like an afterthought. And why did I get the feeling that he knew? The thought sent a cold shiver down my spine.

The hag had sworn that no one could see through her disguise, not even the crown prince. And since they’re known for their heavy hand with magic and the dark crafts I had no reason not to believe her.

But the way he’d just dropped my name out of nowhere, something I know is very unlike him, is giving me pause. But it was his mother, my foster mother’s response that has me seething. That she could so easily dismiss me for this new daughter of hers. As if our years together meant nothing.

I’d been so excited when he first asked about me. But although I can’t read his mind, I know his voice almost as well as I know my own and his just then had been dispassionate, cold even. And it had dampened my mood considerably.

I’d rushed over here once the spy I had watching his palace alerted me to the fact that he’d left. There were only a handful of places he could be going and I’d chosen here as my first stop. I hadn’t known he was here though when I first arrived, but I’d eavesdropped on his parents talking about not being able to see him since he arrived.

I too was wondering about his strange behavior since no one other than the monarch had been granted an audience with him and as far as I know no one has met her as yet, something that goes against protocol.

And as if that weren’t bad enough, she’s still in his palace, in his bed. I’d meant to talk to my foster mother about that, knowing how much of a stickler she is for the rules, I knew if I made it seem like everyone was talking about how unconventional it was for her to be there that she’d step in and make the girl move to her own wing of the palace compound.

But the way she just dismissed me while fawning all over the fairy makes me think that that might be a lost cause. I didn’t stick around after she said who cares, I was too hurt to even feel let alone hear anything else. We’ve always been close, and though I always knew that I wasn’t of her blood she’s never once made me feel like I wasn’t hers. Until now!

I had more pressing issues to tend to now though. Like why did I get the sense that Lucien was suspicious of something? Why had he shielded himself to meet his parents? Had he somehow found out that the person he met that day wasn’t his mother?

That one question led to so much more. Like if he suspected that did that mean he suspected the truth? And if so would he follow that trail of thought back to me? My heart raced with new fear at the ramifications if such a thing were to happen.

No-no, I can’t panic now, not when we’d come so far. But it’s all so confusing. Was the hag lying to me? That day she’d said that he seemed interested, that he’d told her to wait until after the ceremony and he’d fulfilled his new wife’s seven days and then he’d come for me. He’d tell everyone that I was his.

I felt nauseous and lightheaded as my thoughts became jumbled and confused. A part of me knew that those words had been too good to be true. How could Lucien just change so suddenly? From cold indifference to sudden interest? But the fairy had explained that he’d seen things differently now, that he was dissatisfied with the fairy that had been chosen for him.

She even said that he regretted the way he’d treated me in the past, keeping me at arm’s length the way he had been. Had it all been a lie? No, she has no reason to lie to me; we have no grievances between us. Aren’t we working together to achieve the same goal? I didn’t look where I was going, as my mind remained locked in turmoil.

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