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Mated Enemies

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And then there was a slight burn followed by a feeling of fullness and next thing I knew he was in my mind and I was above us looking down at the two of us on the bed and oh merciful heavens this was too much.

I felt my heart like it was ready to burst, so full of emotion, most of it sexual, all of it love. It was the double whammy of having him in my mind while his cock moved in and out of my ass. If he’d moved faster, pounded into me harder, then I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much.

But the way he moved in me, the way he held my eyes with his, and the feel of our minds linked together in that moment was pure bliss. He kept bringing me close to the edge and then pulling me back, each time making me crave more until I was digging my nails into his hips to keep him close.

There was no more pain, just heat and a feverish need to cum. But as soon as my body reached that precipice as soon as I was right there, he pulled out my ass and slammed his cock into my heated snatch and I was off and gone.

My eyes rolled back into my head and this time I couldn’t keep them open even if I tried. I felt movement, a shift in the air and opened my eyes to see us both off the bed, floating in the air above it until he slammed me back down hard with our bodies so closely entwined there was no way to tell where one ended and the other began.

That nice calm loving of a few moments ago became fierce, heated, passion filled, as we moved our hands over each other, my nails once again scoring the flesh of his ass as I pulled him into me harder. His teeth found his favorite place, the mark on my neck and seconds later I felt his hot seed explode inside me, deep inside.

It was the smirk that told me, once I came down that he’d just played me. “Asshole!” I gut punched him but he just laughed and pulled me in close, wrapping his arms around me in that way I like. “Sleep princess, my parents will be here later!”


Dru did a very good job of bringing me back around after our little talk. After I’d ran away from eavesdropping at my foster parents’ door I’d been too despondent to think and it was she who’d cleared things up for me considerably.

She was right too, maybe I’d taken everything out of context, and since I hadn’t hung around long enough to hear much more of what was said after mom dismissed me so cruelly, it could be that I’d misunderstood the whole thing.

And yes, I should focus on the more positive things, like the fact that Lucien had indeed asked for me. Her idea that maybe I was overthinking things because of my upset over the last few days had merit as well, and by the time she was through convincing me of my worth I had a whole new outlook on things once again.

I headed back to my foster parents’ with a new plan in mind. No matter what, I must find a way to get close to Lucien. There isn’t much I can do about the mating, that’s already been done. But there must be a way to make his fairy wife lose face among our people before she becomes accepted.

Most will do that because of the crown prince, but aren’t they even more who detests the other clans because of the rift? By the time I reached their door I was feeling ten times better than I had when I walked away before.

Once again I came up short just outside the door and listened. It was easier for me to do this now with the special help from the hag. With that help I can now cloak myself so as not even to appear. That won’t work with everyone of course, and can only last a few minutes with the most discerning of my kind, but it gets the job done.

I listened in long enough to learn about their plans to have dinner with Lucien and the fairy; perfect! I called out before I entered making my voice sound as pitiful as I could make it, something I know has always made my foster mother give into whatever it was I was after.

“Sabrina? Whatever’s the matter?” I’ve long admired my ability to switch moods at will, to turn anything, any situation my way. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember, and though I know that most of it is guilt over my orphaned state, it’s never bothered me as long as it gets me what I want. Like now!

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