Mated Enemies - Page 105

This mark is pretty damn neat if you ask me. “Does the sky monarch know?” His dad asked.

“What, that she bears the mark? No, I thought we’d surprise him.” As the evening went on I almost forgot about my little vendetta so caught up was I in learning every little thing about my husband from the person who would know best, him mom.

There was light and laughter and nothing at all like I’d expected. Instead of fiendish ghouls his parents were more refined than any royal on earth, with a knowledge of almost everything throughout the kingdom.

Other than the baby the only other topic seemingly off limits was talk of what had happened between his ancestor and mine all those many years ago, but other than that, we had a wonderful time getting to know each other.

Sabrina on the other hand looked like she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. In my mind I’d built her up to be a worthy opponent, but for the rest of the evening she hardly said a word and only spoke when spoken to. I’d lost the will to annihilate her halfway through the meal and instead concentrated on getting to know my new in laws.


“Get out, all of you get out.” I sent my servants scrambling as soon as I got behind the closed doors of my rooms. I’ve never been filled with such seething rage before in my life, even Drusilla the one who usually calms me down was a bit fearful of getting too close.

I tore the gown from my shoulders leaving it in tatters on the floor. The gown that Lucien hadn’t even noticed all evening because he was too busy fawning all over the usurper. Making a spectacle of himself over someone as unworthy as her and in front of his parents and the servants.

I’d hated like hell having to kowtow before her, how humiliating, but my real anger stems from that mark on her neck. That mark, mine, it was all supposed to be mine. I’d felt my heart shrivel up and die when my eyes first saw it. I hadn’t noticed it that day because her hair had been down and her gown had hidden it from view.

Now everyone will know that I don’t stand a chance. That even if by some miracle I were to talk Lucien into my bed, his heart will never be mine. And she wears the proof for all to see. Until her it was just a legend, a myth, one that had been told from generation to generation.

It was known by all, that the crown prince’s true mate, the future empress of our people would bear that mark and no one else ever will. It was my last remaining hope and it had been dashed in one evening.

I felt the hag’s presence enter the room and turned to her with fury. “What is to be done now? She’s stolen everything.”

“All is not lost!” She came towards me with her haggard body bent almost double, her gnarly pointed fingers leading the way.

I stepped back before she got too close. As much as we’ve interacted with each other I can never forget what she truly is after all; enemy of my people, even more so than the fairy and elf kind.

She didn’t make an issue of it but not for the first time I noticed the subtle flash in her eyes at my distaste. “There’s something else you don’t know as yet, something I held off telling you until now.” I leaned in to listen as she whispered in my ear and my world shifted once again.

“Now I have even more reason to destroy her.” A slow smile began to grow on my face as my heart filled with dark vengeance even as my eyes filled with tears. “I won’t fail this time!”


“Oh you are bad, you are s0-so bad.” We had just returned to our rooms after dinner, which had gone rather well if I do say so myself. I was satisfied with the fact that my nemesis had left the table looking like a whipped puppy. Now I’m being accused of what I have not a clue.

He advanced I retreated, looking around for a way to put the bed between us before he caught me. I fought not to laugh, knowing that if I started he’d catch me for sure.

“Why whatever do you mean?” I was stripping as I spoke and so was he, and he had that special look in his eye which meant he want some. He pounced, wrapping his big strong arms around me and I broke out in gales of laughter, the laughter I’d been holding in all evening.

“I’ve got you!” He tackled me back onto the bed but even then I realized how careful he was being not to hurt me, or his child. That, coupled with the look in his eyes as he looked at me, not to mention the way he’d stuck close to me all evening even after we left the dinner table to just sit around in the formal living room with our guests, went a long way to making my heart that much fonder of him.

Tags: Jordan Silver Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024