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Mated Enemies

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We ended up at the bathing pool where we lost another hour before hurrying back to get dressed. My worries came back as I stood in front of the mirror looking at the stranger I saw there. I’ve changed so much in just a few days but I can’t name any one thing that had brought about this change.

Was it the pregnancy? This place? Or falling in love? Whatever it was there was a light in my eyes that hadn’t been there before and I looked… mature, even to my own eyes.

As I stared at my reflection I reminded myself that I had nothing to fear as long as he was by my side. I turned to find him watching me wordlessly and smiled. “Ready!” I reached my hand out for his and he didn’t even warn me before hurtling us through space.


I admit that I’ve been stalling. Our marriage ceremony will be in just a few days and although by rights she should’ve met the sky monarch upon arrival I’d been able to hold him off for much longer than I’d expected. But once word got back to him that my parents had been invited to dinner, he wouldn’t hear of waiting just a few more days.

Now to the reason I’ve been stalling. As the ruling monarch of the immortal world, my grandfather is known far and wide as a stoic no nonsense ruler who some sees as lacking in compassion and anything approaching emotion. He doesn’t have much give in his dealings with the people he rules over and is known to be a hard taskmaster who does not suffer fools easily.

I did not see things going well with a meet between him and the unconventional nymph, so I’ve been waiting for the fairy to make an appearance. I still have no idea how to call her forward at will, and it doesn’t seem like she’s about to return anytime soon so all I can do now is hope for the best.

“So this is them!” We’d just landed in his private rooms where he’d decided it was more appropriate to put her at ease It’s the first time I’ve ever known him to give way. In fact, I’m a bit surprised that he hadn’t ordered her here since our first day in the kingdom.

He came forward with his eyes focused solely on her as she tried to disappear into my side. “Don’t be afraid, do I look that formidable?” They took each other’s measure I guess you can call what the two of them did as they sized each other up.

She remembered her manners and kowtowed. “Your majesty!” I looked at her sharply as I felt the shift in the air. This was neither my nymph or the fairy; she was…elf. She’d greeted him without speaking which is one of their distinctive traits and might explain how she’d so easily read my mind when no one else can.

Even as I watched, her skin began to glow and became translucent and her hair, which had been down around her shoulders weaved itself into the elaborate braid that kind is known for, complete with a crown of brightly colored flowers.

The little telltale points appeared at the tips of her ears and I wasn’t surprised when the tattoo that appeared on her shoulder was that of a dragon. Even her form appeared to have changed ever so slightly, making her appear more slender, her back straighter. It was her most majestic form.

Not subdued and graceful like her fairy self, not flirty with a hint of naughty like her seductive nymph, this side of her was regal. Even as she stood before her ruler, there was no mistaking the power that emanated from her. I’d almost forgotten that her grandfather is the elf king.

This ought to be fun. Why did she choose now to manifest? Before I’d had the chance to meet her and get a feel for this side of her character? He responded in kind answering her psychically, and then the two of them started up a conversation in the ancient tongue. A language not many can understand.

As the crown prince I understood every word and released my pent up breath when it became clear that they were discussing our son. He wanted to know everything, fascinated as he was, and she didn’t lose patience, didn’t resort back to her facetious ways. Then again the shit she likes to say does not exist in the druidic language.

I held my breath once again when the subject of why we’d been paired came up, broached by her of course and I stepped in before he could take offense, but I was in for another surprise. “I think I can answer that.” I gave her a look, which she ignored. Probably thinks she’s more royal than me in her present state. Then again all elven wears that look of slight disdain no matter who they’re dealing with.

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