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Mated Enemies

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This time everything became static and even the trees seemed to come alive. The mirage I’d created disappeared and suddenly we were standing in the place where no one ever ventured unless they were coming here to die.

It’s the only place where an immortal can truly die. Some have fallen asleep for many years in whatever realm they may have come upon their fate, but it was only here that their very essence would cease to exist.

I looked around but saw nothing but the three of us, nothing to explain the strange phenomena. Once again I raised the sphere above my head ready to send her to certain death.

‘You will die a death worst than your parents.’ The voice came out of nowhere.

‘Who said that who’s here?’ I looked around frantically but saw no one. The vampyre dragon energy was strong in the air, other than Lucien no one presents that mix of energy, not even the sky monarch, and yet it was just her and I alone, with the hag now standing off to the side. And that voice, I’ve never heard it before, so commanding.

‘Did the princess consort not tell you to bow, who dares refuse an order from her royal highness?’ I felt an uncontrollable fear come over me, as the voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. I looked towards the hag as she called out to me, throwing something else my way.

A strong force like hands planted in my chest lifted me off my feet and threw me back, ripping the weapon out of my hand and smashing into the ground, breaking it into a thousand pieces.

I looked towards her and saw the radiant light surrounding her, as she stood elevated from the ground around her. That force now started pushing and tossing me through the air, taking me around her towards the platform as I called out for help.

And still the voice persisted, taunting. A voice that now seemed to come from within her. Before I was dragged to the platform, just as I was in line with her I was taken down to my knees and made to bow with my face to the ground as if someone held my head in place.

I fought against the hold but to no avail, and just as the hag came to my rescue a loud murderous growl rent the air and I felt my end draw near. Too late everything that I had done wrong played out in my mind and a moment of regret engulfed me as I mourned all that was lost.


I needed answers and since my elf was hiding from me again, I figured now was as good a time as any. I didn’t like leaving the palace when I didn’t even know where she was, but she’d talked me into leaving her without ‘spying’ on her as she calls it. Now I’m regretting that decision.

She was getting very good at getting her way, knowing just when to swindle me. That was usually when I was so deep in her I’d already lost my mind. But as the crown prince of my people I can never go back on my word, no matter how trivial the matter.

So I headed to my parents to ask the questions that I maybe should’ve asked long before now. For too long I’d seen Sabrina as nothing more than a mere nuisance. But if she has the temerity to invite the enemy here then she’s no mere orphan.

I could go to the hall of records to retrieve what I needed, but this way would take less time and there would be no talk of my visit to the hall should word get around.

It was early yet when I made my way to my parents. I’d chosen to walk in the off chance I happened to find my wife’s hiding place. Poor thing, she probably does need a break. I’ve spent the last two days buried inside her, only coming up long enough for air.

There was something about her elf scent, that sweet yet spicy aroma that kept me enthralled. Thank heaven for my vampyre strength that had made it possible for me to forego sleep and the need to feed, so I could exert all my time and energy on her.

“Mom, dad, where are you?” They both looked up from the settee where they were sitting going over what looked like plans for a crib. I raised my brow as mom tried to hide it and just shook my head. “Too late, I’ve already seen it, what’re you up to?”

“Oh nothing, we know we can’t mention the child just yet, but your father wanted to get started on his crib.” I’m surprised she’s been able to keep it in for so long. “What brings you here? And where’s our Natalia.”

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