That Reckless Night - Page 83

Jeremiah nodded. “There’s more. We think he has someone working on the inside. Possibly at both of your operations. He’s probably paying them under the table to keep their mouths shut or help them facilitate his runs. We don’t know who might be on Vee’s team but I have my suspicions on who it is on Rhett’s team.”

“Who is it?” Rhett demanded. “I won’t tolerate traitors on my team.”

Miranda looked to Rhett with compassion in her eyes. Jeremiah figured the news might come easier if it were delivered by a friend. “Rhett, I don’t know how to tell you this but I think your traitor is Ambra.”

Rhett stared. “My wife?” He shook his head. “Impossible.”

“When we were going through your financials, we found some strange purchases. And they were all made from Ambra’s account.”

“Strange how?”

“Rope, bear grease and tarp. Unless she’s working on a really weird home project, I think James was getting her to make some purchases for him so as not to raise suspicion.”

“No.” Rhett refused to believe it. “She wouldn’t do that to me.”

“She’s young and James is young. Likely they’ve been having an affair for quite a while. Because if it was just about money she can get that from you.” Miranda winced, hating the hurt she was causing her friend. Jeremiah gave her an encouraging look. Miranda took a deep breath and continued, “I’m not sure how it happened but somehow he convinced Ambra to betray you and the only way that I can think how that would’ve worked is if there were emotions involved. I’m sorry.”

Rhett’s bottom lip trembled and it was a hard sight to see. Surprisingly, Vee remained silent. Jeremiah would’ve half expected her to crow at Rhett’s misfortune but she seemed upset for her rival. “Are we finished here?” Rhett asked in a reserved tone.

Jeremiah nodded. “I know it will be hard to go home and pretend as if everything is fine. Don’t talk to Ambra. Don’t confront James. We need everything to be the same as it was. Understand?”

“Fine.” Rhett stood stiffly. “Let’s get this show on the road. I want to get it over with.”

“We’ll set the expeditions for next week. You need to both be ready.”

“We will be ready.” Vee stood next to Rhett and for a brief moment it seemed a spark of compassion blazed between them. “Let’s go, old man. We have work to do until then.”

Rhett and Vee left in their respective cars and Miranda said with mild surprise, “Was it just me or did they seem less reluctant to work with one another than before?”

Jeremiah said, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They’ve both been duped and there’s a brand of built-in camaraderie when that happens.”

“I think she really felt bad for him. Maybe they don’t actually hate one another.”

“I wouldn’t start playing matchmaker just yet,” Jeremiah warned. “Rhett is going to be bitter and angry for a while and he’ll probably start to take it out on Vee before this is all through.”

“Rhett’s not like that,” Miranda said. “He’s actually a real softie beneath that bluster. It’s why he never suspected Ambra was two-timing him right beneath his nose.” Miranda wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I never liked that woman. I bet her accent isn’t even real.”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Sheathe your claws. There’ll be plenty of time to give her a piece of your mind after we’ve managed to get the evidence we need.”

“I can’t wait.” Miranda offered a mean smile and then left the room to put the final touches into motion for the raid.


MIRANDA COULDN’T QUELL her excitement. For the first time in two years she had real movement on the poaching case and it felt as if it were finally going to be solved. And she had Jeremiah to thank for that. He pushed her to look at evidence that she had long since discounted. If it weren’t for the laser focus required for the operation, she might’ve been downright giddy.

“Are you in position?” Jeremiah’s voice sounded over her walkie-talkie.

“Ready and waiting,” Miranda answered in a low voice. “When he touches down I’ll have a clear view of all his movements.”

“Good. We’re all set here in the group. You’ll have all the backup you need.”

The plan was simple. James had no idea that they’d faked the expedition. Of the two, James had selected Rhett’s expedition, which gave Miranda a good idea of where his hunting grounds would be. There was a water source that snaked down from the mountain, which was an excellent place to spring a trap. All she had to do was wait and he would lead her to his spot.

Tags: Kimberly Van Meter Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024