Fool Me Once - Page 40

“Hey,” I say, “I didn’t say you had to do that. If you want to date him, go for it.” I shrug.

“You sure?” she asks with a grin that tells me she really wants to go for it.

“I mean, if you guys don’t work out, it’ll make for awkward Thanksgivings…”

Sierra laughs. “Only you would worry about us not working out before we even go on our first date.”

“It’s called being responsible.”

“It’s called being a worrywart.” She sticks her tongue out. “Life’s too short to worry over what-ifs,” she says, standing. “If you decide to give Keegan a chance, I can watch Zane for you.” She winks saucily. “Maybe if you finally get laid again, you will be less uptight.”

“Oh, yeah, because the last time I got laid worked out really well for me,” I joke.

“Actually it did,” she says seriously. “It gave us Zane, and we both know you wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.”

Damn my sister for being right.


“And to what do I owe this pleasure?” Sierra leans against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest and a smirk on her lips. She’s dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top, her hair pulled on top of her head. This is the first time I’m seeing her since the day I found out I was a dad, and that day I was too preoccupied by Blakely to pay any real attention to her sister. But looking at her now, it’s obvious they’re sisters. Their features are similar, except where Sierra has a look to her that screams I’m trouble with a capital T, Blakely has a more innocent look to her. I wouldn’t doubt that, even though Sierra was the younger of the two, she was the leader when they were growing up.

“I’m here to see Blakely and—”

Before I can get his name out, Zane shrieks, “Daddy!” as he runs around his aunt and straight into my lower body. He collides with my crotch, and I stifle a groan. “Daddy, you’re here!” He grins up at me, and his tiny dimples, which match mine, pop out.

I’ve only hung out with him a few times now, but since the first day he found out I’m his dad, he’s called me Daddy, as if it’s the most natural thing, and fuck if it isn’t the best feeling in the world. I knew one day I’d get married and have kids, but because I hadn’t reached that point in my life yet, I never thought about what it would feel like to have a kid. No thoughts could even do it justice. The way he smiles at me like I’m his whole world is indescribable. I’ve only known about him for less than a week, but it’s safe to say this kid is my entire universe.

“What’d you bring me?” Zane asks, when he spots the bag in my hand. Every time I’ve come over, I’ve brought him something. Blakely says I’m forming a bad habit, but I don’t care. I plan to do everything in my power to make up for the years lost and to show him every day, month, and year to come how much I love him. Sure, gifts aren’t how you show a kid you love him, but I can’t help myself. My son loves Legos and reading. I view it as helping to educate him.

I laugh at Zane’s question, but Sierra frowns, chiding him. “Don’t be rude.”

“Sorry,” he grumbles.

“It’s all right, bud. Here ya go.” I hand him the bag and he opens it, pulling out a new book. Like I said, my kid enjoys Legos and reading. I hardly consider bringing him books spoiling him.

“Wow! An animal book! Thank you!” He flies back into my body to give me a hug, and this time I lift him into my arms.

“You’re welcome.”

“Blakely’s not here,” Sierra says. I go to set Zane down, but he grips his hand that’s not holding his book tightly around my neck.

“I must’ve gotten the days confused,” I tell her. “Hey, bud, I didn’t realize your mom wasn’t home,” I tell Zane, who frowns.

“I want to watch SpongeBob and play with my Legos and read my new book with Daddy,” he says to his aunt.

She smiles at the two of us. “You’re more than welcome to hang out with him. Blakely is with her study group. I think it was last minute.” She waves her hand, indicating for me to go inside.

“Thanks. If I’m cramping your style, just let me know.”

“No style to cramp,” she jokes. “I’m as boring as they come. Just painting my nails and getting caught up on SpongeBob with this little man.” If it weren’t for her sincere smile, I would think she resents her life being boring, but the way she glances at Zane tells me she’s okay with her life the way it is because he’s her nephew.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024