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Fool Me Once

Page 70

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A few minutes later, we arrive back at my apartment complex. I don’t say anything, but I’m kind of disappointed he doesn’t have anything planned. It’s not that I was expecting some crazy grand gesture, but it is our first Valentine’s Day together, so I guess I was hoping he would put a little more thought into it to make it memorable. Then again, I didn’t plan anything either, so…

Keegan unlocks the door with the key I gave him a few weeks ago and swings the door open. And I stop in my place in shock at the sight in front of me. Candles—clearly battery operated—are all over the shelves and counters. Pink and red and white rose petals are spread across the floor leading down the hallway. There is a large bouquet of roses on the table and a bag of takeout next to it from my favorite Japanese restaurant.

“How did you do all this?” I ask in awe.

“Your sister helped me before she left.” He grins. “I considered taking you out to dinner, but you’ve been so tired lately, working yourself to death between studying and being a mom. I thought it would be nice to have a relaxing evening at home.” He gestures to the pillows surrounding the coffee table. “So I thought I would bring dinner to you.” The pillows look just like the ones at the Japanese restaurant where you have to take your shoes off before sitting down on the floor.

As if he can read my mind, Keegan says, “Shoes off,” as he grabs the bag of food and sets it on the coffee table. I laugh, kicking my flip-flops off and sitting down on the comfy pillows. Keegan sits next to me and pulls several boxes out. After handing me a pair of chopsticks, he stands back up and goes into the kitchen. A minute later he returns with a bottle of Sake and two small glasses.

“This all looks delicious.” I give him a quick kiss on his cheek and then dig in. I assumed, since we’re sitting out here where the TV is, he would put it on, but he doesn’t.

“I was thinking for spring break we could take Zane to Disney,” he says, taking a bite of his sushi roll.

“That would be fun. We haven’t been. I was afraid he was too young before.”

“We can spend the night and go to all the parks.” He leans over and feeds me a bite of his noodles. I moan over how delicious they are.

“That would be a little expensive,” I admit. “By the middle of the semester, my financial aid money has usually run out and I’m counting down the weeks until the next semester. Only this one is my last, and unfortunately they don’t offer financial help to get your master’s, which means I’ll be taking out loans.”

Keegan stares at me for a moment. “Your college isn’t paid for?”

“Yeah, my tuition and part of housing is, but not Zane’s daycare, my books, and food. Plus, Zane’s clothes and such. Sierra already pays the difference in the rent the school doesn’t cover, along with the household bills. I use my financial aid to pay for Zane and me, and when I can, I try to help with the bills—when Sierra lets me.” I shrug. “Next semester we’re going to lose all the school’s help.” I take a bite of my sushi.

“We’ll get it all figured out,” Keegan says with a small smile. “I don’t want to talk about money on Valentine’s Day, but the trip is happening. We’ll figure everything out soon.”

I’m not sure what he means by figuring everything out soon, but I agree about not wanting to talk money tonight.

“What’s your favorite color?”

Keegan gives me a confused look. “Is that a thing?”

“Yes!” I laugh. “Mine are black and pink.”

“Quite the opposites,” he says. “How did you determine what your favorite colors are?”

“I don’t know. Pink is pretty and black complements it.”

“Hmm… not sure I get that logic, but okay. My favorite color is…” He looks at me for a moment. “Brown.”

“Eww! Brown is the color of dirt and poop.”

“It’s also the color of your eyes.”

“Stop!” I smack his arm playfully. “You’re going to make me blush.”

“You asked.” He takes another bite of his food.

“What’s your favorite song?” I ask next.

Keegan’s brows furrow together. “What’s with you and favorites? You expect me to pick one song out of thousands? And who’s to say a new song won’t pop up and become the one I like the most next week?”

I snort out a laugh. “You’re making it hard to get to know you.” I glare at him.

“Fine…” He groans. “This week my favorite song is ‘Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob Square Pants.’” His head tilts from side to side as he sings the lyrics, and I bark out a laugh at his silliness.

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