The Lone Star Cinderella - Page 25

“Yeah,” Dave countered, “but when the gossip’s about you, it’s a damn sight less fun.”


Dave frowned. “Think I’ll be spending as much time as I can out here with the cattle.” He couldn’t see a woman from the city hopping a horse to chase him down for an interview.

“Can’t say it’s a bad idea,” Chance admitted. “Let’s face it, Dave. You and I were the top suspects when Alex took off, and they haven’t found anyone else to take our places, have they?”

“No,” Dave said thoughtfully.

Nodding, Chance continued. “Y’know, when Alex does get back, he’s got a lot to answer for.”

“Damn straight, he does.” Dave kneed his horse into a hard run and Chance was right behind him. A couple hours of hard work should be enough to clear their heads for a while.

* * *

Amanda didn’t waste time once she’d made up her mind. Before Mia even knew what was happening, she and Amanda were at Saint Tropez being pampered.

Just walking into the day spa, you could feel tension slide from your body on a sigh. There was soft, ethereal music piped in from discreetly hidden speakers high on the pale pastel walls. There were fresh flowers scenting the air and frosty pitchers of lemon water sitting on silver trays alongside crystal goblets. The colors in the place were designed to soothe tattered nerves. Soft blue, sea-foam green and varying shades of cream covered every surface. Chairs were plush and overstuffed, lamps were dim and the aestheticians were warm and welcoming.

Since Mia had never done anything like this before, she was completely out of her element and grateful to have Amanda as her guide to the world of “girlie.”

She should probably feel guilty for spending this kind of money, Mia told herself. But somehow, she just couldn’t seem to drum up the guilt. She was way too busy feeling…relaxed. For the first time in months, her mind was blissfully blank and her body was free of tension.

“You’re sighing,” Amanda said.

Mia did it again, then smiled. “I’m lucky I’m not just a puddle of goo on the floor. You know, I’ve never had a massage before and—”

“You poor, deprived girl,” Amanda interrupted.

“I know, right?” Mia looked over at her friend with a smile. “It was amazing. Every muscle in my body is taking a nap.”

“Oh, mine, too. Of course, since I’ve been pregnant, I can take a nap anywhere.” She laughed a little. “Nathan swears I fell asleep standing up in the kitchen the other night.”

Mia smiled to herself as Amanda continued talking about Nathan and the coming baby and their plans for the future. She was happy for her friend. Really. Amanda and Nathan had had to get past a lot of old hurts and mistrust to find their happiness now. But at least silently, Mia could admit to feeling more than a twinge of envy.

After growing up as a wanderer, she’d finally found the place that was home. But she was still looking for the family she wanted to be a part of so badly. For the love that had eluded her all of her life.

“Mia?” Amanda’s voice cut into her thoughts. “You okay?”

“What?” She jolted in her chair. “Sure. Why?”

“Because Natalie’s asked you three times if you like the shade of nail polish on your fingers and toes.”

“Oh!” She winced, looked at the woman sitting at her feet and said, “I’m sorry. I zoned out.”

“Happens all the time here, believe me,” the woman said with a knowing smile. “So, the dark rose works for you?”

Mia checked out her fingers and toes, wiggled them for effect and said, “Yes, thanks, it’s great.”

Another first, she thought. Mia had never treated herself to a mani-pedi before. But she wouldn’t confess that to Amanda.

“Good. Now I’ll get you some wine while you dry and then we’ll escort you into the salon for your color and trim.”

She winced at the thought of facing a haircut and highlights. A small thread of fear slid through the relaxation that held her in its grip. Before she could think about it too much, though, Natalie was back, handing Mia a glass of white wine. She’d also brought a glass of ice-cold lemon water for Amanda.

“Wine,” Amanda said wistfully as she looked at her own goblet of water. “I miss wine. And caffeine.”

“Yes, but when nine months are up, you’ll have a baby in exchange for your sacrifice. That seems fair.”

Tags: Maureen Child Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025