Rich Rancher's Redemption - Page 4

“That’s not what I said,” Jesse interrupted, cutting his brother off. “And I think you know it. So don’t go looking to be offended when there’s no intent.”

Will fired a hard look at him that Jesse ignored. He never took his gaze off Jillian, so he recognized when she accepted his words.

She nodded briefly. “Okay, you’re right. I was doing that.”

“I’m also right about you letting Will off the hook—”

“He’s not on a hook,” Jillian snapped. “I just said so.”

“I never thought I was—”

Jesse cut Will off again. “There you go. Offense where none’s meant. I’m trying to tell you that if you don’t let Will do what he thinks is fair and right here, you’re going to punish him for something that wasn’t his fault.”

“Jesse, why don’t you let me—”

“I told him it’s not his fault,” Jillian argued, and this time she cut Will off.

“He won’t believe you,” Jesse said.

“Yes, I would.”

“Well, he should,” Jillian said.

“He won’t.” Jesse waved one hand at his brother. “He’ll wallow in guilt or some other nonsense if you don’t let him help.”

“I don’t wallow,” Will pointed out.

“And if I let him help,” Jillian countered, “then I feel guilty for taking advantage of a man who owes me nothing.”

“No, you won’t,” Jesse said, shaking his head. “You’re too smart for that. You’re a mother. You have your kid to think of. So you’ll do the smart thing and take a helping hand when it’s offered.”

She tipped her head to study him. “Oh, will I?”

Her long, blond ponytail swung forward to lie over her shoulder and across her breast. His hands itched to do the same. Hell. He was jealous of her hair. How sad was that?

“Yeah,” Jesse said, his gaze locked with hers. “You will.”

“You two just let me know when it’s my turn to talk,” Will muttered.

“He’s not going to let this go until you let him help,” Jesse said.

“He’s right about that anyway,” Will broke in, grabbing his chance to get a few words in.

“Why do you care what I do or don’t?” Jillian asked, but the question was for Jesse, not Will.

Truthfully, he wasn’t entirely sure why her welfare mattered to him one way or the other. He shrugged. “Maybe it’s because my mom was a single mother when she married Will’s daddy. Because I remember how hard it was for her before we came to live here at the ranch.”

Her gaze lowered briefly before she looked at him again. In her eyes, he saw acceptance. She gave him an almost imperceptible nod before looking at Will. “Okay, then. I’ll take your help and thank you for it.”

Will smiled. “You don’t have to thank me. Like my brother said, you’re helping me out of a sea of guilt just by saying yes.”

Jesse watched her and knew she was still a little uneasy with her decision, but for her daughter’s sake, she was clearly willing to swallow a bit of her pride.

“You were living and working in Vegas,” Will said. “Is that right?”

Jillian’s shoulders squared and her spine snapped straight as a plank. As if just the word Vegas invited judgment that she was prepared to defend herself against. “That’s right.”

“I can send you back there,” Will was saying, “You probably gave up your apartment when you came to Texas, so I could help you get a new one, if you like. Or if you prefer, I’ll find you a nice place here in Royal.”

She chewed at her bottom lip and Jesse’s groin went rock-hard in a flash of heat. Damn.

“I’d rather stay here in Royal,” Jillian finally said, then added, “if you don’t mind any gossip that might spring up. People will know why I came here—thinking you were Mackenzie’s father and all.”

“Doesn’t bother me,” Will assured her. “There’s always gossip about one thing or another and it’ll fade. But this is up to you. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go home?”

Now a sad smile briefly curved her wide, fantastic mouth. “Vegas was never home. Just a place to live and work. I came here for a fresh start. For Mac and for me. I’d still like that.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Will said, and walked back around to the chair behind the desk. “We own a lot of property in Royal. I’m sure we’ve got an apartment—”

“It doesn’t have to be anything big. Or fancy,” Jillian added quickly. “Just clean and safe. Somewhere we can be until I find a job and get a place of my own.”

Tags: Maureen Child Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025