Rich Rancher's Redemption - Page 8

In a couple of quick seconds, her gaze swept him up and down and as she did, her heartbeat did a fluttery thing that she had zero business experiencing.

He just stood there, watching her. His eyes were like melted chocolate, his dark brown hair curled over the collar of his long-sleeved white shirt. The hem of faded black jeans stacked on the tops of his scuffed black boots and he held his black cowboy hat in one hand at his side. So still, she thought, and somehow powerful in that stillness. Enough that her heart did another wild series of beats that hammered in her ears and made her breathing just a little rough.

“Of course it’s necessary, Jesse.” Lucy spoke up. “It’s not like Jillian knows her way around town yet.”

He shifted his gaze briefly to his sister. “Lucy, you’ve got that meeting in the morning with the architect about your new breeding barn?”

Jillian tore her gaze from Jesse, because it was way safer to look at the other woman in the room. “Breeding barn?”

Lucy waved one hand. “Jesse likes to call it that. But I am building a new stable for the horses I’m—”

“Breeding?” Jesse asked.

“Fine. Yes. A breeding barn.” She blew out a breath. “And he’s right. I forgot about the meeting. Okay then, Jesse will take you to the apartment tomorrow and then I’ll take you over to the TCC so you can find out about the job.”

Jillian felt like she was being pushed downhill. She wanted to stop but she had the feeling the only way that was going to happen now was if she ran into a tree. Still, she had to try.

“Thank you,” she said to Jesse, “but I’ve got GPS on my phone, so you really don’t have to take me—”

“It’s decided,” he said, then gave both women a sharp nod. “I’ll pick you up at your motel about ten, that all right?”

“Pointless to argue with him,” Lucy gave a dramatic sigh. “He’s got a head like solid concrete.”

Jesse frowned at her, but there was no anger in the look, Jillian noted. Just brother-sister stuff, which was sort of entertaining to see. If she hadn’t been right in the middle of it.

“If you’ll just give me the address,” she tried again.

“I will. Once we get there,” Jesse told her. “See you then.”

When he left, Jillian took a deep breath and let it slowly out again. “Your brother is—”

“Pushy? Opinionated? Arrogant?” Lucy provided with a grin. “My answer is D. All of the above.”

And don’t forget dangerously sexy.

Jillian swallowed hard. “Does anyone ever say no to him?”

“Many have tried, few have succeeded,” Lucy admitted wryly. “You’re okay with him taking you tomorrow, aren’t you? I mean, he really is a good guy.” She paused, gave Jillian a sly smile. “And he’s single.”

Jillian blinked. She’d seen that gleam in the eyes of other friends over the years and she knew that Lucy was trying her hand at a little matchmaking. Which just was not going to happen.

The whole setup thing always turned into a nightmare. Besides, she wasn’t looking for a man. The last one she’d found had been the impostor who had swept her off her feet then left her pregnant and wondering who the heck her baby’s father really was. No, she’d had enough of men. What she wanted now was to build a home for her baby girl. She wanted to make a future for the two of them and a man was a distraction she didn’t want or need.

“No thanks,” Jillian finally said, pushing up from the floor. Outside, the afternoon was slipping away and soon, a spectacular sunset would be staining the sky. “I’m not looking for a man. And I’m really not looking for one who likes to tell people what to do.”

“Oh, he’s not that bad. He’s not a bully or anything, he’s just…Jesse.” Lucy shrugged and stood up, too.

“Uh-huh. And was your husband bossy?” The instant the words were out, Jillian wanted to drag them back into her mouth and lock her lips closed. Since she couldn’t, she said, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned—”

“Relax,” Lucy soothed, reaching out to give Jillian a quick hug. “I’m the one who told you I’m a widow, remember? I don’t mind talking about Dane. I want Brody to hear about his daddy, so those of us who knew him have to talk about him.”

Didn’t make Jillian feel any better.

“But to answer your question, no, he wasn’t bossy. After hanging around with Jesse and Will for a while, he tried to be, but he just couldn’t pull it off.” Lucy laughed a little in memory. “Dane was nothing like Jesse, really. Or Will, for that matter. But to be fair to my oldest brother, he’s so used to taking charge I don’t think it ever occurs to him to not do it, you know?”

Tags: Maureen Child Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025