Rich Rancher's Redemption - Page 39

When he tore his mouth from hers and looked down into her eyes, he blew out a breath. “I had to have that taste of you,” he admitted, voice rough and low.

“I’m glad,” she said, then stroked her fingertips along his jaw.

“Yeah. I hate to say it, but we’ve got to go to that damn party.” He ran one hand through her hair, letting the silky strands slide through his fingers. “And if we don’t go now…”

Jillian dropped her forehead to his chest and fought for air. Kissing him had opened up a whole new world of sensation for her and she was shaking in response. She wanted more. But she knew he was right.

“You’re right,” she said, lifting her gaze to his. “We should go. Besides, I think I need a drink.”

He grinned briefly. “You are not alone.”

* * *

The Texas Cattlemen’s Club was crowded, noisy and decorated with black and white balloons and hundreds of strings of tiny white lights. Waiters moved through the mob of people like ballet dancers, balancing silver trays loaded with either canapés or flutes of champagne. Music streamed from the far end of the great room where a local five-piece band played on a stage.

Jesse supposed it was a good party, and he knew this one night would raise thousands of dollars for the Royal Health Clinic. Still, he thought, as he looked at the beautiful woman on his arm, he wished the evening were over so they could be alone again. That kiss still burned through him. His body felt tight and if he didn’t keep his mind off the taste of Jillian, he wouldn’t be able to walk.

“It looks beautiful,” she said, looking up at him, eyes shining, wide, delicious mouth curved in a smile.

“No, it looks nice. You’re beautiful.” She just stared at him, her eyes warm and soft, and Jesse had to tear his gaze from hers before he gave in to that nagging urge to taste her again. “How about some champagne?”

“Sure. Thank you.”

He stopped a passing waiter, took two glasses from him and handed one to Jillian.

“It looks like half the town is here,” she said, leaning in to make sure he could hear her over the crush of conversations and swell of music.

“That sounds about right,” he said, letting his gaze slide over the gathered crowd. He nodded to old friends, then spotted someone he thought Jillian should meet. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to Will’s wife.”

“His wife? Oh, that’s right. She was at the service, too. Who’s the other woman?”

“Allison Cartwright.”

“Megan, Allison, good to see you both,” he said. “I wanted you to meet my new business partner, Jillian Norris.”

Beside him, Jillian jolted, clearly surprised at his introduction.

He looked at her and whispered, “The whole town will know soon enough.”

“You’re right.” She nodded and shook hands with both women.

“So what kind of business are you in?” Megan asked.

“I’m opening a pie shop.”

“Oh, lovely,” Allison said on a deep sigh. “I do love a good pie.”

“That’s a great accent,” Jillian said, focusing on the lovely redhead. “Ireland?”

Allison grinned. “You’ve a good ear. Most don’t guess right first off.”

“Well, I’m from Vegas and we got visitors from all over the world, so I recognize different accents.” She took a sip of champagne. “Have you moved here permanently, Allison?”

“I wish I could, but sadly, my visa is soon to expire.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“So am I,” Megan said and dropped one arm around Allison’s shoulders. “We’re going to try to get it extended, though, right?”

“Worth a try.” Allison flipped her long red hair back over her shoulder. “I’m having a lovely time in your country. There’s so much to see and do and I’m not nearly ready to go home yet.”

“Hopefully you won’t have to,” Jesse said.

He took hold of Jillian’s hand and she curled her fingers around his. That simple connection with her, the feel of her warm, soft hand was enough to awaken barely banked embers inside him.

Allison beamed at their joined hands and Jesse made a mental note to talk to Rand Gibson at some point about the woman’s visa. Rand was second in command to Will as CEO at Spark Energy Solutions. Will couldn’t do it since he was still in hiding. So as much as Jesse hated getting involved in the business end of the family empire, it would be up to him to check on this.

But tonight wasn’t about business. Tonight was to show Jillian around. He’d already noticed that every man in the room had watched her walking across the room. And he couldn’t blame them. Hell, he could hardly take his eyes off her himself. That dress was designed to break a man. Her hair, long and wavy, was a golden blond temptation. Those heels she wore made her long legs look even longer than usual, and every time she took a breath, her breasts lifted beneath the deeply cut bodice and the view about stopped his heart.

Tags: Maureen Child Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025