Rock 'n' Roll Baby - Page 12

“I do.”

“And how hungry I’m going to be when I see you.” I lower my hand to my shorts to rub my dick. “I’m hard right now.”

“Is this what we’re doing now?” she teases.

“You know it. Roll over on your back and show me how pretty your pussy looks right now.”

“God, I can’t do that.”

I run my tongue inside my lower lip. Okay, we’ll work up to that. “How about your tits? Show me one of your gorgeous tits.”

She hesitates but then lowers the camera slowly like a digital striptease. She’s wearing one of my old T-shirts with the collar cut off. She pulls down the gray fabric. It catches for a minute on an erect nipple and then glides off the round flesh. I spit into my hand and reach for my cock again. “Pinch your nipple, baby. Pretend it’s my teeth.” She does as I tell her. I grip my shaft harder and start rubbing. “Roll it between your fingers. When I see you, I’m going to eat you up. Lick you from head to fucking toe. Shit. Can I at least hear you fingering yourself? Put the phone near your pussy and finger that sweet cunt for me.”

Her breath comes fast. The phone screen goes white again but that’s okay because soon I can hear her–the soft sucking noise as her fingers start moving in and out of her sex. “That’s it, baby. You sound so sexy. Those are my fingers down there. It’s my hand you’re riding. Fuck yourself on my hand. Come for me.”

She cries out, a muted sound as if she stuffed her fist into her mouth so she’s not so loud. I come in a long, milky jet across my fist and stomach. It’s not the same as being together, but it’s something. “I love you, baby.”

“Same, baby. Love you so much.”

Chapter Ten


“Hear your man dumped you.” I look up at June, who is standing over my desk with a smug look on her face. I roll my eyes at her before looking back down at the job application I’m currently filling out for a daycare center. I’ve been giving some thought to going into nursing. Pediatrics interests me the most. I’ve always loved babies. Being able to help them or care for them seems the best route to go.

Nursing feels like a safe bet. They are usually in high demand. I know I can make a really good living off of it. It might not be a career I’ve always dreamed of having, but maybe if there are babies in the mix I might end up loving it. I’m not worried about the academic part of it; I know that I’ll work hard. I’m more worried about the financial aspect.

“I’m talking to you.” June slams her hand down, shaking the whole lunch table. She wants nothing more than to get a reaction out of me and I’m not going to take the bait.

“And I’m not talking to you,” I mutter. I don’t have time for her stupid games. Linc has been gone for a few weeks. No, he didn’t break up with me, but there is still a hole in my chest. I thought with time it would get better. It hasn’t. With each day that passes it only seems to get deeper.

“We all knew he’d leave you when he made it big.” Smugness coats her words. They haven’t made it big yet but they will. The past few weeks have been filled with paperwork and lawyers. The boys have also been in and out of studios while getting showered with all sorts of things. Treat was showing them the life he could give them.

I know they are close to signing a deal. From there I have no idea what will happen. Linc’s calls have already slowed down. He still texts all the time, but I have to face reality. He is only going to get busier. How will he start to feel when I’m not around? Linc loves affection. I won’t be there to give it to him. Not to mention I super sucked at the phone sex thing. Last time we talked he didn’t even try to lead into it like he normally does. He’s become a little distant and distracted, but I’m sure that’s normal since he’s being pulled in a million different directions.

“Is there something you need, June, or are you just doing your normal bitch thing?” I won’t entertain her silly comments about Linc. At least not in front of her. His distance might hurt me, but I won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing it.

“It’s a shame that your meal ticket left you behind.”

“You’re pathetic, June.” So much for keeping my mouth shut. I’m so over her crap. This is stupid high school shit. Real life is starting.

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024