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Rock 'n' Roll Baby

Page 17

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Before Benjy can spit curse words in Jeff’sface, Nick and I step on his toes–literally. “We’re singers, sir. We’d look dumb as hell on a small screen. No offense,” I add.

Benjy’s audible sigh of relief actually ruffles the hair at the nape of my neck.

“I think album first. These guys have the capacity of building a rock fanbase which means they need to have an album.”

“But you’ll need a good single and while I like what I’m hearing, I think you need something poppier. Have you considered a rap feature?”

Jeff sounds like a nightmare. The three of us exchange a glance. Time for us to jet. “We need to pack up Nick’s kit. Nice to meet you, man. Treat, thanks for setting everything up tonight. We’ll be in the studio in the morning.”

“The morning?” interjects Jeff. He laughs. “You are green behind the ears if you’re still getting up early. The morning is for one thing only and that’s fucking the side piece you brought home the night before. Am I right, Treats?”

“Jeff, you’re going to get me in trouble. I’m married now.” Treat turns to us. “I’ll see you around lunch time. Why don’t you put together a couple of tracks for me to listen to?”

“No problem.” The sweat I’d wiped away before starts dripping down my back. We’ve been working in isolation, but now the label president wants to come and hear what we’re laying down. But I want to get the album pressed. The sooner we get the album done, the sooner we can get booked at festivals, which means real income besides these club gigs and that brings me one step closer to Cherry. I’m not sure how much I need to support two people, but it can’t be a ton more than what I’m pulling in now.

I miss her so fucking much. “Anyone grab Teddy?” I ask, looking around backstage.

Nick shakes his head. “Why don’t you get it while Benjy and I pack up?”

“Okay.” But when I get out front, the stool where Teddy sat during our songs is gone and so is the giant stuffed animal. I push my way through the crowd to the bar. A bartender holds up a finger to let me know he’ll be with me in a minute but one stretches into five. Anxiously, I scan the large venue but don’t see anything remotely resembling the bear. When the bartender finally comes over, I want to grab him by the neck. I settle for squeezing the edge of the wooden bar top so hard I’ll probably get splinters. “The stuffed animal that was on the stool? Where is it?”

He shrugs. “Some couple walked off with it. Didn’t realize it was yours, man. Sorry about that.”

“Why’d you let that happen? It wasn’t theirs. We set that up when we came on stage.” I’m heated and my voice is getting loud.

“Dude, it’s a bear. Buy another one.” He starts to walk away. I lunge over the bar top and grab him by the back of the collar.

“It wasn’t just a bear,” I seethe. “That bear represented my girl and I can’t fucking play without it.”

“Dude, I just pour booze here. Tell someone who cares.”

Two burly security guards come over and drag me away.

“I’m with the band,” I tell them. “I need to go back and get my crew.”

“Right.” The humorless men dump me on the curb and ban me from re-entering. My phone is in the back with the equipment because I don’t carry the thing on stage with me. A half an hour later, a furious Benjy and a resigned Nick come rolling around.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Benjy yells. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

“I got thrown out and no one would allow me back in.”

“For what?”

“Someone stole the bear.”

“Someone what?”

“Someone stole my fucking bear!” I yell. I thrust a hand through my hair and kick an empty beer can. I know I sound ridiculous, but I miss Cherry so fucking much. “I have to go,” I tell them.

Nick sighs. Benjy hasn’t caught on yet. “Go where?”

“To Cherry.”

“What? We have to play some tracks for Treats tomorrow.”

“Play what we have. I’ll be back in two days.” I hold out my hand and a cab rolls to a stop. Benjy jumps out of the truck but I’m inside the back of the cab and tapping the driver’s shoulder before he can reach me. “LAX,” I say.

I don’t have my phone or any luggage, but I have my credit card. I have to see my girl. I just do.

Chapter Fourteen


I lean up against the side of the car, my eyes on the airport exit. Benjy called me hours ago to tell me Linc was headed my way. He’d had a little panic in his voice but I assured him that I would send him back. The thought of seeing Linc excites me. Even if it’s only going to be for a few hours, I plan to enjoy each of them. I don’t care if it means getting no sleep tonight. I’ve missed him so damn much.

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