Rock 'n' Roll Baby - Page 19

“I should be embarrassed with how fast I came but who can blame me?” His hands drift up and down my back. His cock is still hard inside of me. It doesn’t matter how fast he comes; he’s always ready to go again. We have a few hours. We’ll be using them all. I sit up. He groans again, his cock jerking inside of me.

“We’re just getting started.” I smile. He grabs me, taking my mouth in a kiss. I kiss him with everything I have, knowing it will have to be enough for now.

Chapter Fifteen


The car is cramped and I stopped having feeling in my legs about an hour ago, but Cherry’s sitting between my thighs, her back against my torso, her sweet ass snugged up against my finally quiescent cock, so this is the best I’ve felt in weeks. A pleasant exhaustion has set in. I got into Shindale by morning, had sex with Cherry twice before lunch, ate a gas station egg salad sandwich which was better than it sounds, swallowed a cup full of mouthwash, made love to Cherry again, and finally passed out. When I woke up, the sun was setting and Cherry had fallen asleep on my chest. She woke up because her stomach was rumbling.

We still had some convenience store food—a couple slices of pizza that had gotten cold, two water bottles, the mouthwash, a pack of gum, and a bag of Doritos. I’m really showing my girl the high life.

“You’ve got to come to LA,” I tell her, rubbing my chin across the top of her head. “You should have seen me last night. I went out to get your teddy bear, but someone had stolen it. I nearly attacked the bartender who was supposed to keep an eye on it. Two security guards dragged me out. Not to be dramatic, but it’s pretty obvious I’m not going to make it without you.”

“You’re going to have to make it sound a lot nicer if you want me to leave Shindale,” she teases.

At least I think she’s teasing, but then I think back to how all our conversations have gone and is it just me complaining about how shit the life is in LA? Have I made it sound so bad that she doesn’t want to come? I never even thought about that. Damn. What an idiot I am.

“Maybe I’ve exaggerated a tiny bit,” I admit.

“I do want to be there with you, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, but I also know you want to finish with school, which is smart because one of us has to have a college degree or what will we tell our kids? Stay in school unlike your pops who made millions after dropping out?”

“Millions is it?”

“Nothing less. I’m going to buy you a big house in Malibu. You should see Treat’s place, baby. It’s incredible. Three stories of windows overlooking the ocean and it’s so fucking blue. I couldn’t believe it. But also cold as hell.”

“Really? I never would’ve guessed that.”

“I know! I was shocked. He threw us this big dinner at his place and then afterwards, we went down to the beach. Benjy and I stripped down to our undies and ran into the water. All the while, Treat is yelling something at us but we’re screaming our heads off in excitement so we can’t hear a word. We race into the waves and it’s not until we’re in the ocean waist high that we register how fucking arctic the water is. We crawl out, our balls shriveled into tiny raisins, and find Treat nearly asphyxiating from laughing so hard. He has pictures and says it’s going into our first album photo book.”

She giggles and the sound is so pretty that all I want to do is tell her stories that will make her laugh. I bury my face in her hair. “Do you have any idea how much I love you? It’s probably unhealthy, but I wake up thinking about you and when I see something new and cool, my first thought is to share that with you.”

“I love you, too.” She ducks her head to kiss my arm that’s wrapped around her chest.

“Tell me everything I’ve missed back home.”

There’s a prolonged silence and then, “It’s Shindale. I don’t think there’s anything here to miss.”

There’s a note in her voice that I can’t quite make out. Suddenly there’s an uncertainty that I’ve never experienced with Cherry before. It strikes me that all I’ve done is talk about what I want—Cherry in LA, but I’m not giving enough consideration to her needs and wants. I mentally slap myself across the forehead. What an ass I’ve been.

“Have you considered going to some other college than the local one?”

“Not really. I can’t afford it and”—she holds up her hand like a stop sign—“no, I’m not taking your money to pay for school.”

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024