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Pregnant by the Rival CEO

Page 55

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“Anna, I never stopped loving you.”

“Never? Not even for a minute? What about the day I barged into your office?”

He shook his head. “I still loved you that day. It simply hurt more then. That’s all.”

She thought of the awful things that had come out of her mouth that day—yes, he had done the unimaginable, but she shouldn’t have been so determined to end things, no matter what. “I should have listened to you that day. I was hurt, but you were right about a few things. What you had done didn’t change what was between us.” She smiled when she noticed the way he was hanging on her every word. “In some ways, it was better that we fell in love in a vacuum, hiding our relationship from my family and the rest of the world. It was really the only way it could happen and be real. There was no outside influence.”

“Just you and me, Anna. That’s the way it should be. Just you and me.” The smile that rolled across his face was so pure and unguarded, it took her breath away. “I love you more than you’ll ever know. Forever.” He leaned closer and brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. “I started to fall in love with you from that very first kiss, and my feelings have only gotten stronger.”

His words floated around in her head—so beautiful, so lovely. She couldn’t help but be swept up in the moment. “I’m sorry that being with me has been such a test.”

He shrugged. “We tested each other. All couples do. We just got a lot of testing out of the way during those early days.”

“In some ways, it’s good. If we can survive all of that, we can definitely handle sleepless nights and diapers, the terrible twos and kindergarten.”

“You make it sound so glamorous.” He reached out and pressed his finger to the end of her nose.

“You know what I mean.”

“But that’s the baby, Anna. There’s more than that ahead of us. If you want it. Do you want more?”

She suddenly found it difficult to breathe. Even if he was merely asking for them to spend more time together, the answer was yes, although she hoped for more. Much, much more. Even these few moments in bed together were enough to remind her that she didn’t want anything other than him, at her side. “I do.”

“Good, because I can’t lose you again. You know that I’m a pragmatist. I deal with numbers all day long. I deal with absolutes. But the truth is that my love for you is an absolute.”

The tears came. There was no stopping them. They rolled right down her cheeks. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

“It’s true. All true.” Before she knew what was happening, he climbed out of bed and walked over to the dresser. When he turned, he held a blue Tiffany box in his hand.

Anna gasped. It was the most horrifically girly thing to do, but she couldn’t help it. “Jacob. Are you?” She sat up in bed, wiping the tears from her face.

His eyes grew very serious. “Shhh. I only get one chance to get this right.”

“I know. But I just want to make sure you’re thinking about what’s happening here. I might lose the baby. Will you still feel like this is the right thing to do if that happens?”

He perched on the edge of the bed. “Anna Langford, I love you with all of my heart and soul. If we lose the baby, that doesn’t change my love for you. We will get through it together and we’ll find a way to be stronger on the other side. In the end, all I want is you.” He presented the box, which was dwarfed by the size of his hand. “If you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife, I promise to love you and put up with your family until my very last breath.”

She smiled, staring down at everything he held in his hand—their future, happiness. This wasn’t at all the way she’d ever dreamed this moment would transpire, but she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. “I love you so much. I want nothing more than to have you as my husband.”

He opened the box and plucked a gorgeous round solitaire in a platinum setting from the box. He slipped it onto her finger. It was a little big—in both band size and heft—but it was perfect.

She clasped her other hand over her mouth as she admired the ring and the way it sparkled. “It’s absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t ask for anything more. Literally. I’m not sure I could carry around a bigger diamond without some help.”

He laughed quietly. “I swear it didn’t look that big in the store.”

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